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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 2 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 1796 / Live: 467 / Archived: 1329
From: Warszawa

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15 Jul 2015
Food / Why Poles not like rice? [87]

Rice is eaten more South of Europe. In Poland and most of Europe, people eat potatoes and that's it. Personally it fits me as I LOVE potatoes and cannot put rice into my mouth without vomitting it right away. If I had to travel to Asia, I would be very uncomfortable (probably eating in international hôtels and at McDo ;)).
14 Jul 2015
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

@Dougpol: Witam! As to your "many young people", do consider all those who have voted for Kukiz and those who regularly vote for Korwin-Mikke and consorts = quite a bunch! ;).

Contrary to what you seem to claim 'Polish youth is not a "homogeneous block".

the "problem" is not catholicism, or any other religion, the problem is extremism. People may believe anything they want as long as they don't impose their views to others and tell them how to breathe, how to get dressed, what to think, what to eat, what to read, how to f..........
13 Jul 2015
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

@Jon: I don't know what they chew.... but when I happen to be in such areas, I feel like on another planet ;).

On Friday I was in Kce and had to go to Saint-Steven (in English) parish. I have counted 8 masses on Sundays (+ a few each of the other days). In one of how many churches in Katowice, they need 8 masses every Sunday. I believe it's the same everywhere in Poland.
13 Jul 2015
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

@Dougpol; unfortunately the people you are referring to are tiny minorities in Poland. When going to not only Poland B but also outside of Poland A cities, most (including younger) Poles are unfortunately like Polonius says they are....
9 Jul 2015
Love / Polish women and fertility [28]

@Jestes: If you try to "quote" me, I used the word 'niania" when talking about afford (read messages before answering ;)).

Like I said, in countries like Switzerland, situation is different but as I know Switzerland, I can say that they are all not rich (when making less than 5,000/month extremely hard to raise family) and also I seriously doubt that there is welfare over there...
9 Jul 2015
Love / Polish women and fertility [28]

@Polsyr: 100% ok :)

@Levi; since obviously you don't know any of these countries and not only Poland, you once more say anything. In countries like Switzerland and Germany, for instance, with very low birth rate, the situation is completely diffrent from Poland. As Polsyr has pointed out, a lot of people in Poland (including of course women) work under what is called in Poland "garbage contracts", under which they have absolutely no social rights whatsoever so how can they think about having kids? When working otherwise, they have low salaries, big risk of being unemployed (benefits are purely symbolic and very limited in time). Most Poles are badly accommodated (how to raise a family in ... 35sqm???). There are no public care facilities and no financial help for families. On top of that, Poles are very pessimistic about their future so NO kids.

The Polish government whoever are in office have no family politics. I remember when Tusk was PM, they were talking about issuing cards to families of min. 3 kids entitling them to reductions at the cinema and the zoo ;);). Sorry, this is total bs and there is much mure more to consider when raising kids than cinema and zoo entrance tickets ;).

Since obviously you don't know anything about Poland, you compare apples and oranges ;(
9 Jul 2015
Love / Polish women and fertility [28]

I assume that Irish State helps families financially whereas the Polish State does not.
9 Jul 2015
Love / Polish women and fertility [28]

@English: matter is not to have 6, 8, 10 kids but at least to have a birthrate that prevents population decline (the case in Poland). The reason why Polish women don't have many kids is related to poverty (low salaries, small apartments, no help from State). The lack of State's nursery schools doesn't enable women to have kids and a carreer at same time. Not everybody has babcia around or money to pay for a niania.

Polish population's decline ought to be a concern among politicians...
3 Jul 2015
Genealogy / Do I have any Polish physical traits? [48]

Most Poles look like they could be from anywhere in Europe. Nevertheless I have noticed too that some men have very flat heads. Those I have seen were in remote areas and in very poor circles if in towns so probably the result of alcoholism and reproducing oneself within the family....
29 Jun 2015
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Jon: not to mention all the nuns and the women who got pregnant by priests!!!

All those bigots are pure hypocrits.
29 Jun 2015
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Jon: I remember. Her name is Alicja Tysiac (= thousand, I no longer have Polish in my language bar). She is now with SLD and was running in the municipal election.

And as a woman, I "love" when law (not only in Poland but in a lot of places) says that abortion can be possible in case of ... rape. It would be some kind of a joke if topic was not so serious. How the h... can a woman prove she got raped? In most places, it is very difficult to prove rape and also a lot of women do not bother reporting because of police's and justice's attitude.

Once again, example of hypocrit bigotry!

In countries like Poland, women with no money and no connection shall continue risking their lives on their kitchen tables....
29 Jun 2015
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Jon: no, when they cannot get it done in Poland (or don't want to do on their kitchen table), Polish girls go to the Czech Republic (close and "cheap"). There a lot of private clinics in the Czech Republic near the border with Poland and Polish girls go there for a few hours....

A lot of girls in Poland have had abortions. Pure hypocrisy!
29 Jun 2015
Work / Job prospects in Warsaw, Poland with top-10 MBA [25]

@Dominic: You also refer to "savings potential" but you know, in Europe, we don't see things the way you do in the US. In Europe (at least in most countries thereof), people receive free education, free health care, and can expect some kind of protection from the State and therefore are not so anxious about their savings. In Europe (even in Poland), people do not need to take mortgage to finance surgery or save at children's birth to finance their college education. Of course, in Europe the average person means to have some savings for rainy days but it is not as crucial as in the US.

I personally save a little bit every month (for rainy days). I have a private medical insurance (Luxmed 760zl/year) and in case of an operation or big health problem requesting hospitalization, I do it in the public sector, for which I do not pay anything....

Also, like just written above, in Europe, people have paid holidays (usually between 5 and 7 weeks), maternity leaves and other benefits Americans would never dream of (they believe that such social benefits are ... "communist" ;) so let the Americans struggle! ).

I agree though that Poland is not among the best place to be in terms of work and other things...
28 Jun 2015
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Pol: of course, having an abortion is no "fun" and not like having a hair cut ;). However, when abortion is legal, women aborting are better taken care of, whether physically and psycholically whereas when it's not legal and done on the kitchen table by a NON doctor, the consequences are of course dramatic and can lead to death. This is common sense.

Since abortion has always existed and shall always exist, best it to do it in medical environment rather than on a kitchen table by a butcher.
25 Jun 2015
News / Poland is being robbed - Kukiz [37]

@Jon: "lol"! This guy (Kukiz, not Jon ;)) is really sick in his head. I cannot believe some people are going to "buy that". Fortunately this guy is going down very quickly and after this summer, he'll be forgotten...
23 Jun 2015
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Rozu: "black street butcher", that's the idea of abortion for the Church ;).

When a woman wants (because of a lot of reasons) to have an abortion, she shall HAVE an abortion and best to have it in a safe medical environment.
22 Jun 2015
Travel / Why do you visit Poland? [222]

@Devang: not only in Poland but also in whole area (the Czech are much worse), people are not overwhelming smiling and "merry" (I don't want to say "gay" ;)). At first. I was very shocked but now am used to it and whenever I go to the West, especially to Southern countries, I am shocked to see people so full of life...

I suppose the climate and also the life conditions have big impact...