The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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Posts: 580

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26 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Again another Jewish myth, if you knew how Polish society works you wouldn't write such ignorant statements!

Western societies are heavily indoctrinated, coherent and group minded. Polish society is far more individualistic and one isn't supposed to but in another peoples business (especially in their private homes) usually people pass each other with a high level of indifference (due to it not being their business).

Western societies are highly organised and sees itself as organised. Past ww1, Polish society was quite chaotic due to three post-partition types of organisations, multicultural groups (in three types of organisation, so every minority could be tripled in terms of organisational nightmares).

It's fairly easily to just throw out: "Local helped!" Without knowing crap!
25 Aug 2022
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [631]

I have sold solar panels in Polish villages and made Barkings aggressive dogs hide in their small doghouses simply by looking at em mate. You see a bear, call me. I'm up for the challenge
25 Aug 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

If I have a choice between ex-solidarity members who fought commies and actual commies, I'll support the ex solidarity members every time! Sue me!

I am not in a situation to afford lofty ideals and judiciary principles from a thinker from over 200 years ago.

They play dirty cause their opponents play dirty. Which is something the west is very naive about or very one-sided.
25 Aug 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Your nuts if you think the judiciary isn't corrupt from before. It's connections and ties aren't excactly well looked upon.

Imagine the judiciary class in Germany still being filled with Ex-NSDAP members to this very day and their kids and closest kin and friends.

Reading a dude defending them with every means necessary.

That's the impression I am having right now
25 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Now wouldn't you agree that anti-khazakstanism is a bit larger then antiuzbekism? I mean Borat movies has had it's influence
24 Aug 2022
News / North Koreans working in Poland and in Denmark [36]

No their not, North Korean government owns their slave bodies. It's government offering it. They got no say in it, no need to twist it around just so it fits your narrative.
24 Aug 2022
News / North Koreans working in Poland and in Denmark [36]

If a worker received full fruits for his labour he would be the owner, not the labourer.

If somebody is tasked with doing a job for somebody else, he is performing a service. What's so hard to grasp about that
24 Aug 2022
News / North Koreans working in Poland and in Denmark [36]

No, for a worker to be paid a decent wage in a freely convertible currency, it is a right.

Blatant lie, most workers in the world have only right to wages that are bare minimum.

Reducing amount of workers that could gain experience by working for free for a short period of time and contracting workers permanently or long enough to lose it in the long run by being stuck with low wages.

It ain't a right to work, it's something one needs to fight for, educate and improve.

Otherwise it would been handed out to everyone without need for any skills and nothing being done. Lunacy!
24 Aug 2022
News / North Koreans working in Poland and in Denmark [36]

Depending on a humans intelligence and goals, some people prefer a very easy, strict framed life as to know what to expect and having it stable.

Having a 8 hour job that pays for his and partners needs beats having to plough the field, not knowing if crops will fail or not.

One isn't therefore limited to locally produced tools and necessities and having only farmed food/trade goods to barter with but uses earned coin (which was the driving force to become a factory worker in the first place. Possibility to earn money, which wasn't the standard but, rather the exception)

Having a currency paying job is a luxuary...
23 Aug 2022
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Of course, not much could be done about disaster part, only fools and ignorants would think Nazi Germans wouldn't round up every grown up male and "shipped" them to concentration camps after building defensive structures for them in Warsaw (which wasn't an option). Cowards escaped Warsaw, rest stayed. Heroes fought, there was no other option. At least a little bit of freedom was tasted in those hellish times
22 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I concur, I had almost tear in my eyes reading about a Jew (can't remember if traditional or rabbi) that was so overjoyed to see a Polish army officer when a delagation was to meet with the political leadership in Moscow to discuss terms of Co-operation and release of PoW from the Soviet Union after 1941 when operation Barbarossa had begun.
22 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

You're welcome. Others don't.

I know that certainly well, I know that other people also drink gasoline... Your point?
22 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]


As you know, most weren't.

My family disagrees with you

With regard to Kielce you know perfectly know it was started by a stupid kid avoiding responsibility (guess what happends to anyone trying anything towards kids in Poland. Nowadays too btw)
22 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I can personally disagree about the Soviet Union winning with Nazi Germany on it's own.

But claiming that Poles were out there hunting Jews out of antisemitism post-1945 is not only pure fantasy but, also very much slander! Just for sake of publicity and filling his own pockets!

Every possible person was robbed, stabbed or attacked post ww2 due to civil war in Poland, post war scenario without any order in place and just chaos.

It's like saying that robbers clothing themselves as uniformed soldiers "confiscating" goods during the London blitz were fighting the oppressive monarchy! No! They were just thieves!
22 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Then get some evidence from a credible professor instead of fantasy thesis from a failed wannabe historian
21 Aug 2022
Language / WISŁA or VISTULA?? [46]

Vistula is the latin name for Wisła
20 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

As I stated, your having a very anglocentric approach to this. Polish hereditary elite group (happy?) was more inspired by ancient Roman elite traditions then English laws and customs. Hope it makes more sense for you now

Difference was formally and informally, while in England all the differences were very formalised and ruled by rules to a higher degree.

I disagree, what you are writing is what needs to be told today for Jews to continue to keep together as not to join other societies.
20 Aug 2022
News / Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning? [41]

acknowledging the fact of differences in mentality, cultural norms, political needs and so on doesn't make a person bad. Just more accurate and understanding that there are different human being with different experiences.

I stand by my conviction that Russians are our lost cousins of old, blinded by lies, hatred, mischief and generally in need of salvation which only Jesus Christ can provide.

Condolences for this tragedy, they will have my prayers tonight.

If you truly are Russian, understand that even if we are to be enemies it doesn't change the fact what is required from us. We can only wish you required more from yourselves.

Good luck on the other side of the barricade
20 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Czy jest warto odwiedzić Szczecin? [34]

Nie mogę tego ani powiedzieć ani napisać, w dzieciństwie raz byłem w Kiel promem.

Stettin to po Niemiecku Szczecin. Tak jak pawian potem napisał, było to wystarczająco długo zgermanizowane że nadal było uważane za Niemieckie.

Niekontrolowana nienawiść nie należy do domeny prawaków a prędzej lewaków którzy są bardziej impulsywni i brakuje im dyscypliny.
20 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Szlachta is the Polish word for Polish nobility. Compared to English nobility which was hierarchical depending on size of owned land. Polish nobility rights and status was closer to that of a city citizen, just that it was considered in all the realm, not just within 1 city
20 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

What you expect, Jews in general are taught to read from a young age for religious reasons in the past. So naturally it leads it easier to professions in need of writing, like book keeping.

Can't excactly expect most of them to be hand picked for coal mining