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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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14 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

@Bratwurst Boy
Of course they ignored any of those things they cite. First and foremost the crime would have to been comitted in the first place!

That newspaper behaves as if Poland is responsible for the holocaust writing like that.

It's fairly evident!

Either way the German government has stated they won't give a penny. So it's a waste of time and taking attention from more important issues at hand.

That Sholz fella is trying to bolster his position in Germany, while holding his cards close to his chest.

It remains to be seen what type of SPD politician he will prove himself as. Idealist, pragmatist or trade unionist looking after most basic needs of workers in Germany.

If trade unionist he might find common ground with PiS-PO cabal, as long as he isn't focused on ideals

Cause it seems Austria was to be neutral ground of some sort, Norway and Austria were the few countries Stalin withdrew his troops from
14 Sep 2022
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Korwin-Mikke isn't a populist LOL
He a cotradiction to a populist, he doesn't give a damn what people think of. As long he gets publicity, he supports useally things and behaves in a manner that is unpopular!

Populists support things that most people want, despite it being bad for the country in the long run while being fully aware of it! As long as they become the government with enough voters! PiS sure are such a party! But Mikke?! LOL

Regarding alternative, it sure was and still is an alternative to all the BS spewed by mainstream media just to make people feel better about themselves. I feel just fine already, thank you very much.

I prefer reliable information, not skewed narratives, hate or combat focused rhetoric.
14 Sep 2022
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

It's what most people think watching that stuff, then people are surprised that populists gains control of the government
14 Sep 2022
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Not so sure about that, I remember all major media stations covering president Komorowski being at a buildingsite to announce the start of building the project.

A YouTube video showed the following aftermath that was cut out of footage from ALL media that it was just for show and the vehicles from building construction was driving away after the "photo" session was completed.

So I wouldn't dismiss it so fast if I were you. Regardless of it being TVP, TVN, Republika or any media really
14 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Pushing for that kind of narration, you do know that it will cause further harm towards Germany? All Poles will know that performing shady lawful deals with Germans will be perfectly acceptable, which could lead to others thinking: "Why aren't we doing it aswell?"

Basically a fictional company after another would sign contract with German firms, get paid. Then declare bankruptcy, and no Polish lawyer/judge is going to bat an eye about it. (Well it's what they do to us anyways)

While fighting a PiS government who is in a failing way trying to fix it rather amateurishly.

Can't get more paradoxical then that!
13 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

@Bratwurst Boy
Which is why any secular "king" doesn't make any sense in Poland. Would been unlawfull at first to say the least.

Larger chance for a elite to be formed that has Poland's interest at heart that would be outside the legal framework, much like Prussian army as a faction in Germany.

Just instead of army, something else.
11 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

You must forgive him, his time span of legitimate borders and ownership around at 100-200 years. Which makes people more eager for conquest sadly due to thinking: Ey we just keep it hundred years and everyone be thinking it's ours! Yey!
10 Sep 2022
News / Is Poland restoring its influence from Baltic to Balkan, with consent of Russia and USA ? [18]

That's because people who have that part of the brain that is conscious and aware of one's own behaviour tend to be smaller among women and some men. Which is why they rely on other people to speak the truth to them about their own behaviour and even provoke others to gain information about themselves to some degree.

Which is also true for them when a group of people describes them about something. Which also explains such peoples fascination about peoples characteristics based on: "star signs or other stupidities"

Those kind of people tend to rely on group thinking more then their own cause they shut down their more logical/thinking part of their brain. Most people tend to focus on one's own best parts of one's self, not on the worst parts. (Which is why very often, somebody who is very beautiful is dumb like a brick think [bimbo's], somebody who is intelligent disregards other parts of himself except his brain and so on think [nerds])

So the right wingers more often then not, are conscious about being divisive to their own frustration but, has to react to the stupidity of the left which cannot be ignored. Otherwise the left thinks it's ok as they are unchallenged. While the left thinks it's inclusive and cannot be divisive
9 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

So theoretically, if China invaded Korea together with Japan, ruled each part together for a few years during a major conflict. Japan set up camps for unwanted minorities, elites and brutally opressed the population with goal of enslaving them and keep them for low wage-slave labour for eternity. Then Japan invades China (which has liquidated as many leaders, officers or anyone of high rank in it's own part of Korea. Given Korean minorities more original Korean surnames, forced Chinese with Korean heritage to create a foreign concept of a "peoples party of Korea")

China loses at the start but is eventually able to win with Japan with horrible losses.

Keeps it's own part of Korea, but then takes a bit of western Japan and gives it to Korea.

Installs it own "Koreans" in Korea and forces to sign a truce between a Puppet Japan and Puppet Korea (illegitimate) and waver all claims and reperations.

70 years later Korea starts talking with a free and sovereign Japan that says legally they don't own Korea ****. Cause a treaty was signed.

Korea goes: Excuse... What?
8 Sep 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]

The Polish expansion with took place in the East in previous centuries was chaotically accidental.

Mostly on request and exchange of services, most likely as a form of securing own investments and pushing for a more agricultural society (especially Ukraine) to increase wheat exports to western europe).

Nowadays Poland has enough internal problems from the need to develop and invest it's eastern regions.

Occasional raiding and plundering reduced to a threat of illegal immigration that doesn't respect the rule of Poland's laws.

Otherwise foreign motor gangs and states like Belarus have not much influence or possibility to threaten Poland.

Lithuania, Germany, Czech rep, Slovakia are on relatively friendly terms and Sweden has no reason or wish to interfere in Poland.

So only possible threat is from Russia in a military/special operations forms.

And while Russia is stuck in Ukraine, it delays any possible invasion of Poland.
7 Sep 2022
Life / Is it possible to earn honestly some greater fortune in the present day Poland? [40]

Currency is merely a tool, having tons of shining metals in bars at your disposal or locked gives you a false sense fortune due to many other people wants of possessing it mainly due to it's esthetical, hard to obtain and social status giving nature.

(Which is why many new rich people like to wear gold chains and overdo it as to show they have a lot of it and obtained it)

Truly, a rich man is very poor. As he knows not of love. Otherwise his need for material riches would been truly gone and not accumulated to insane proportions.

The world has it's rules, being chained to it, and following it. Is not freedom, it's slavery.

For many money is freedom, but truly it is not. It's just a tool that people idolise too much.
6 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Being more aggressive and combative is a male trait (men with high amounts of testosterone show it). It's when it comes out of control that it becomes dangerous, healthy competition is good in sports

Congrats to him I guess, winning the moneyball
6 Sep 2022
Life / Free online Polish Television (TVN). [15]

@johnny reb
It's state television, what you expect? One of the main reasons PiS was obsessed about media was that they wanted their own media outlet that sided with them, until a certain point in time TVP employees were unwillingly doing what they were told by PiS. Until PO threatened with taking down TVP for being pro-PiS.

That endangered TVP payrolls which motivated TVP to launch a anti-PO "media crusade" basically and became staunchly pro-PiS for real
6 Sep 2022
Love / Do women like strong men in Poland ? [39]

andy, you should work on yourself to leave prison one day, can start with giving the jailguard his phone back.
6 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Remember that to a cynical person being tricked or fooled was so hurtful that they basically lost faith, hope and trust in the positive aspects of humanity and found out that they can get what they want and seek from playing on the darkest parts of human nature, thinking that the good side of a person is only a mask used in social settings so as to appear better then they are.

Due to meeting mostly such people they fall in to the trap of cynicism.

A human person has a might and Darek side to himself. Question is: which does he norture the most?

Communists as an example nurture their worst sides with the aim to perform good.

Problem is they Lost already at the beginning, by falling prey to darkness as the tool. Meaning failing within the realm of faith, due to lack of "proof". As they cling to security
5 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Is the morality of the one who set you free really the most important thing???

Morality is everything, you can lose all material gains, you can lose your country, you can lose your family, you can lose most.

Morality is of your own to keep and uphold and cannot be bought or Lost. Unless you choose it yourself. It's freedom, it's you, it's your character, your being.

You lose that, you become a grey mass.

When I compare myself with others it's mainly based on morality, I presume Paulina does it aswell since she wrote what she did.

Basing it off anything else is a waste of time according to me.
5 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Most holocaust survivors are either long dead or had more then enough time to recieve money. Besides, it was meant for Polish citizens that survived the holocaust as a form of support.

Why would anyone outside of Poland, not having Polish citizenship. Not even seeking one, most likely for that reason also spits on Poland even recieve a penny?

Explain that to me
4 Sep 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [381]

Nonsense, last week I saw a cat owner walking a cat on a leash. (When I passed the cat with my dog)

My former fiancé had her cat in a backpack while walking sometimes.