The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 Mar 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

unfortyunately, i have bad news people. Bad news for all who value Polish apples

i just heard on TV that Russian inspection gave order for additional control of apples and other fruits that Russia importing from Serbia. They said how they noticed that from Serbia arriving abnormally great quanties of apples. It was just the matter of time before Russians react to the Serbian re-export of Polish apples. Well, they can`t blame Poles and Serbs for they tried. It is in our nature that we try.

Now we can only pray and rely on Russian slavophilic emotions.
20 Mar 2015
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

Poles should emulate Jews?

Why? What for should Poles emulate Jews, for the sake of dear Christ and even dearest Svetovid?
13 Mar 2015
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

When Jews and Slavs finally start to respect each others, new opportunities for the business projects would be opened. i look forward to it.
11 Mar 2015
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

i suggests Slavic-Jewish discussion over the round table, with TV cameras present. Discussion that would include scientists, historians, priests,... Our civilizations should reconcile. We should both apologize to each others, if that proves to be expected from the other side. In that sense, i make public what i expect. i expect Jewish apology for the crimes of their ancestors to my ancestors. So, apology from Jews to all the Slavs. For me, its religious question (i want to share satisfaction and joy for the received apology with my ancestors, at the SLAVA day). We should then continue business in mutual respect, on behalf of Jewish and Slavic civilization.
11 Mar 2015
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

"You think people should apologise for issues that happened over 1500 years ago"

If those who were and who are hostile on Slavs, sense that Slavs belong to serious and self-responsible civilization, they would already apologize. Obviously, they don`t taking Slavs seriously, neither culturally, neither politically, neither militarily. They don`t sense that Slavs taking their historical casualties seriously. But, this situation actually telling much about Slavs themselves. It not appears that Slavs expect any apologize, what is very shocking and even disturbing (from the angle of future prospects of Slavic civilization). Level of the medieval casualties of the Slavs, scale of crimes committed on them is above the levels of casualties and crimes that Black Africans suffered when were exposed to the era of slavery. Only holocaust crimes on Jews could be compared to the proportions of the crimes on early medieval Slavs and even then only in percents of the lost population to the number of the total population. But, if we talk about numbers in absolute sense, in the sense of the numbers of lost population and unborn children, Slavic casualties are far bigger and there is no any example in human history that can be used for comparison.

if you ask Jews same question- "You think people should apologise for issues that happened over 1500 years ago?"- no doubt, they would immediately conform. They have strong self respect and even above that, historical wisdom. What is also interesting, those strangers who correspond with Jews and belong to ethoses that hysterically harmed Jews, in most cases sense that Jews deserve to receive apologize. It again telling much about Jews themselves.

Sorry, my above quote was reply to jon357

Admin, please, see to correct it, if possible.

You think people should apologise for issues that happened over 1500 years ago?

10 Mar 2015
History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944 [111]

Of all the Slavs

in any case, one thing is clear. Hitler, same as German and Anglo magnates and elite in general, comprehend Slavs as one civilization. Such stance on Slavs they had 1000 years in past and today. And they still work against Slavs and when it comes to dealing with Slavs Germanics and Anglos are united. Plus, they regularly coordinate with Islamic and Jewish factors against Slavs. Isn`t it interesting. Seams that possibility to grab vast Slavic resources, still controlled by Slavic governments, uniting Slavic foes, no matter all their mutual antagonisms.
9 Mar 2015
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Before you spread any more nonsense, perhaps you could come to Warsaw and visit the Jewish Museum. It would enlighten you.

nonsense? i beg your pardon.

i giving respect to all innocent Jewish victims of all times throughout history. But, for sure, i won`t hesitate to remind of any innocent Slavic victims. We have to be transparent if want truly to understand historical events and prevent that history repeat itself.

Not only Jews but the complete west of Europe as well, needs to apologize to Slavs.

Jewish Merchants

Records of long-distance Jewish slave merchants date at least as far back as 492, ........

Jews were one of the few groups who could move and trade between the Christian and Islamic worlds. ....... He also notes Jews purchasing Slavic slaves in Prague. Letters of Agobard, archbishop of Lyons (816-840), acts of the emperor Louis the Pious, and the seventy-fifth canon of the Council of Meaux of 845 confirms the existence of a route used by Jewish traders with Slavic slaves through the Alps to Lyon, to Southern France, to Spain.

9 Mar 2015
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

what is interesting, in their beginnings in Poland, Jews prospered, among other things, on slave hunting of local Slaveno Polani. They profited in business with Danes and Teutons. Sure, they took best slave girls and boys for themselves.
9 Mar 2015
History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944 [111]

What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944

The real question is why was Hitler`s opinion about Poles important even back then in past, in Hitler`s time and, why is the Hitler`s opinion about Poles important today, now. Who need this now? Who are people who rising that question and why?

Poles slain during WWII, in any case, don`t care about Hitler`s opinion about Poles. Even less care millions of unborn Polish children (as the result of lost population, since committed crime till our time). i mean, if Hitler`s opinion about Poles reduced number of Poles back in past, today`s analyzes about supposedly `true` Hitler`s opinion about Poles probably needs to tell something to those Poles who are still alive. Reduced but alive, while contemplate about Hitler`s opinion about them.

What is the lesson here? What is the message of spin doctors?
5 Mar 2015
History / Dacians in Poland [18]

Thank you

and for all i said, one just needs to google. We have internet. Slavs can finally write its own history, without waiting foreigners to write for them. Data are available and most of those data was written exactly by non -Slavs. So, Slavic history isn't distorted due to the lack of data but, because of political impact on historical science, impact on those people who were responsible to explain data.
5 Mar 2015
History / Dacians in Poland [18]

have in mind that ancients (old Slavs) were people that from time immemorial lived stretched on intercontinental level. Ancients from one part of their realm to another part were exposed to various climatic and all kind of environmental specific influences. They lived in different ways of life. Some lived as nomads, some as hunter-gatherers, some as farmers, etc, etc. Then, in some circumstances, in peace or due to war, they were forced to migrate and intermix, influencing each others.

Take Dacians for example. We have clear historical data that state how Dacians and Thracians were Sarmatians.

Anyway, one can be sure that when Romans committed genocide in Dacia, many Dacians (being Sarmatians) founded permanent shelter among other Sarmatians (Polish history and legends remembered Polish Sarmatian origin).

Celtic presence in Poland

To be fair, Celts were not meant to be mountain people.

Old scholars (Romans and Greeks) recorded that Celts belonged to the Scythian family. From other sources we know that Scythians were nomadic branch of Sarmatians. By analogy, Celts were Sarmats, too. So, it is clear that ancestors of the Celts were horseman that later settled. What is interesting, actual name of Scythians in Slavic languages is SKITI (1. wanderers, 2. nomads). What is also interesting actual name of Celts is SELTI (1. nomads, 2. wanderers).

BDW, in Serbian language ethnic name of Scots means - 1. NAKOT, 2. NAROD = 1. offspring/spawn, 2. people. It is even more interesting if we know that Scots coming from the Picts who were considered Celts but also Sarmatians. Serbs (from Slavic south) consider (due to historical data and national memory) themselves to originate from both, Sarmatians and Celts. Greatest Celtic tribe ever (by Roman sources), Skordisci, was founder of the Serbian capital Belgrade, back then named as Sindidun. When you analyze word DRUID in Serbian language you realize deeper meaning of the word > DRU from DRUM = road; ID from IDEM, IĆI = walking > so one who is DRUID is the ONE WHO WALK ON THE ROAD what was main description of the ancient priest caste of the ancients.
4 Mar 2015
History / Dacians in Poland [18]

This image is about main direction of Thracian migrations, along the Danube basin (only possible way of expansion). So, it is their main dirrection but from where they migrated further on all other sides of Europe. Migration took place in slow process after last glacial maximum ended, around 25.000 BC. From all European ethoses, only ethnic Slavs were directly connected to the Thracians, by ancient authors. To say, Thracians were Slavs of ancient history. Under that Thracian name they were recorded. But, Thracian name represent foreign form of original native name of Rascian, after went thru Greek/Roman transcription and after pronounced by Greeks/Romans. Later, newer name of Thracians was Sarmatians. Then finally, in last 2000 years appeared name of Slavjani. For all i have sow and founded on internet, i have concluded that all these three ethnic Slavic designations: Thracians, Sarmatians and Slavs were self given, just distorted after pronounced by foreign scholars.

No doubt that Krakow coming from Racow > K-Racow.

It is said bu some aouthors that Thracians (ancient Slavs) actually didn`t populate Europe back in 25.000 BC. No, they in fact re-populated their old realm, thanks to the fact that ice started to retreated. See, Slavic history starting in time immemorial.

Celts, Dacians, Illyrians,... etc, all were ancient Slavs.
25 Jan 2015
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

It's hard to decipher your cryptic writing at times crow, only if you could express yourself to a greater audience my friend. You have a hidden intelligence most people here just don't see.

Listen then Szalawa,... one don`t need to be especially intelligent to notice obvious things,... since i first time entered on the internet forums, years ago, i sow how Slavs behave inferior and seam incompetent, compared to people from the west of Europe or USA, especially when it come to historical issues (that are often theme on the net; everything intersects with history; you even can`t talk about politics without knowing history). i sow that it was not incompetence or inferiority to the the lack of knowledge in the sense of formal education but, it was rather due to the distorted knowledge that generated complexes in Slavs so that they lack self-confidence.

On the other hand, it was shocking how are personalities from the west of Europe self confident when it comes to their position in history. They seams to feel to have deep roots in Europe. They felt true European, true masters of this land. They were and are truly self confident.

Then, answer came to me. i realized what is the Slavic problem. Problem was/is that Slavs didn `t write their own history. No, our societies, in our defeats and misery, accepted foreign version of the Slavic history. Of course, when foreigners who were traditionally hostile on Slavs, with ambition to control them in the future, wrote Slavic history, they wrote it as it was suitable to them. Deep in the root of the ruling historical school we can recognize genesis of the Slavic inferiority. Take just this example... how could Slavic man prove anything (that is related to history/politics) to the people from the west of Europe, when Slavic person received education which state that are Slavs newcomers to Europe and, at the same time, person from the west of Europe knows (!) of its European roots and knows (!) of Slavs as newcomers to Europe?

See, my friend Szalawa, to me who was grown up in Yugoslavia and received knowledge in that vast and, in its time powerful Slavic state, that situation of the inferior Slavic behavior on the net and, at the same time, self confident (even overconfident) western Europeans, ... that situation was blasphemous to me. Yes, Yugoslavia was also victim of the pro-Germanic historical school but still, parallel with formal teachings we got insights into the all kind of new questions and hypothesis that were initiated by numerous authors (Slavic and non-Slavic) who dared to ask how is possible to state that are Slavs newcomers to Europe when there are obvious proofs that are Slavs, if not first Europeans to Europe then at least equally old Europeans as people from the west of Europe.

I feel this thread is set up with the idea that being eastern European is more backward and less civilized compared to western European. This is not what I believe to be true

You see, you yourself noticed that tone of this thread.

So, respond to the any situation that question Slavic deep European roots, must go with full self-confidence in high Slavic place in European history. And, with the reason. For Slavs are last true native Europeans. No, not just in the physical sense. All ethnic Europeans who now inhabit Europe are physically of European roots but, only Slavs can dare to state that their Slavic culture have continuity with original Western world that gave birth to European culture.

Crow, I see, you see Slavs as the occident instead of "the west" or a separate entity that can function and support itself. Poland is the core of Europe, this no doubt I agree with.

Western world was born on the line Balkan-Baltic, in time immemorial. Old core was Balkan and last known core was in Poland. It died out with defeat of the medieval Commonwealth around Poland. So, modern Poland is natural inheritor of that last Western core.

That original ancient Western world influenced all other parts of Europe: Greeks, Romans, ... Romans in turn influenced Romano-Brits, Germanics, etc. Also, old Western world was in interaction with the Romans.

But, together with the influences from old original Western world, parts of Europe received other influences. One of those major influences that affected character of the culture as a whole was Egyptian influence. One simple can`t comprehend Roman culture without understanding Egyptian influences on it. On the other side, old Western world is still recognizable as the unique entity, attached solely to the its own continuity, even from before Neolithic to the our days. Yes, old original West was influenced by Romans (in mutual interdependence), by Persians, by Jews, by Mongols, by Turks, by Germanics, .... still, it preserved its own recognizable uniqueness, that clear Proto-Slavic and Slavic pattern.

So, answer would be positive. Today`s Europe consists of two entities, two major cultural patterns- west of Europe and Slavic Europe (ie Western world).
20 Jan 2015
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European?

let me here deal with some things.

When one speak about geographical difference its - ... eastern European or western European. First letter is small.

But, if one ask for the Eastern or Western in cultural sense, first letter in the words should be big.

Now, seams that author of this thread ask... in cultural sense. So, let me underline. Geographical west of Europe is only geographically western. West in them is only that what was influenced by Slavs (ie Sarmats) who are only real representatives of Western world. As for Poland, Poland (Poles) is core of the West.

i hope that is now everything clear. People should be careful and precise when initiate threads.
11 Jan 2015
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

It's probably understandable admiration, for the man seems to be a very clever scientist who, if rich, has studied endlessly to get where he is.

what i heard, he also studied endlessly to get Merkel where she is

As for him perhaps being a Jew, that info is not stated anywhere that I checked, not that it's any of our business what religion or race he belongs to.

i agree. Its his private thing

What is relevant to PF is that Mrs M is 1/4 Polish (Poznan).

Nothing new. what i know, most of the Germans are Slavic origin, while are Baltic Germans for sure of particularly Polish origin and Southern/Eastern are of Serbian origin.
11 Jan 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Silesians are Slavs. Totally. God know that even most of Germans aren`t of Germanic but of Slavic origin. That, if we speak truth. If we BS, then everything else could be said.
30 Dec 2014
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

you have no idea about linguistics it seems - no problem for me

why don`t you then show me where i mistaking?
29 Dec 2014
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

yes this is precisely the point - the names of the majority of Polish rivers don't mean a thing in Polish (or any Slavic language)

with all due respect Pane Moderatore but, you are wrong.

Take for example name of the Danube river. Its older original name was Ister. What we have here is that both, older and newer name of the same river sound Slavic and have its meaning in Slavic languages. In Serbian: `Dunav` > /verb. `Duvati`/ > Eng. `to blow` > refers to the wind > windy river, which is truth considering constant wind that follow Danube; `Ister` > /verb. `Isterati`/ > Eng. to chase, expel > refers to fast and strong water

Of course, one would say, but Danube isn`t Polish river. But it is. Just, those territories where flow (in the region) Danube, were by Germanics taken from Poles. Take from Poles cruelly and savagely
29 Dec 2014
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Origins of Polish Slavs

That question should be put in front of the Polish government, parliament and academic circles.

But, today, more then ever before, that is political question. Poland`s partners within EU, NATO and why not dare to say- within global Catholic Circles, don`t have interest to allow confirmations about Slavic, with it Polish too, aoutohtonicity in Europe. See, while for example, German, British or French governments speak of Germans, Britons and French as of native Europeans, Polish government can`t say that for Poles. That is forbidden to any Slavic government. Its because of enormous level of the assimilation of Slavs what magnates of the western Eirope and USA for sure consider as something necessary and inevitable.

One of the reasons for the restoration of the Commonwealth around Poland (as great Pilsudski suggested) is necessity for scientific truth about Slavic history. Only in strong Commonwealth, we Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Black see can found strength to defend our history, in order to secure our future. For we are enslaved true natives of Europe.
24 Dec 2014
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

Crow, you are nothing but a bigoted internet warrior.

Thank you.

I lived in Ukraine for 3 years. I live in Donetsk for 3 years.

are you one of those who is paid by hostile non-Slavic elements?

I am German and I can tell you one thing.

alright, tell me how you feel, being sane and educated man, aware that in some point of history your Slavic ancestors were germanized, what today makes you German? is it nice to be German? i myself sometimes contemplate on switching but, somehow still didn`t switch.

If you feel that you need to cancel your account on this forum in shame, I will understand.

i warning you. i`m not capable to feel the shame, neither the regret.

/that is exactly what one female told me/

Stop writing about things you clearly have no clue about unless you are ready and willing to man up when someone tells you otherwise.

i know a lot of. still, i seek

His lack of insight is well known, and his wild dreams of a Slavik commonwealth bear absolutely no relation to reality.


I just wish he'd come to Poland and talk to ordinary people about his obsessions.

as the matter of fact i am, these days, in correspondence with some Poles. People prepare protest `Kosovo is Serbia, Support from Poland 2015` and call me to come as guest.

Slavic Christian Center children's program in Tacoma WA 2003

Sunday Kids Christmas(Rozhdestvo) Slavic Church service 2012 ASHEVILLE
23 Dec 2014
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

It really humiliates every decent Slavic man and woman, how Germanic ideological constructions poisoning minds of young Slavs in Ukraine

Fascists Creating Child Soldiers in Ukraine | Ukraine War 2014
10 Dec 2014
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

We have farmers on here whining about their lot. We don't hear from them in good times though do we?

true. Farmers suffer because of Anglo-Germanic necessity to grab Russian resources, same way as back in past Polish peasants suffered due to Germanic greed (just think of role of the Polish peasants in Grunwald battle). Always that greed. Generally speaking, Polish rural population is greatly exploited. Still, i would say, not only Polish. Exploitation of rural people is general rule.

But, let me tell you, cries from Poland are heard and we Serbs eat apples like never before.

What a ridiculous thread.

Frankly, i found discussions here amusing and greatly relaxing.

I wish I could get a handout for my student's books or my hours spent assessing their work.

Good God knows that you have a lot of valuable materials in this thread. Topic is seen from different angle.

There's no barbed wire round the job.

Its also true.

Let us suggests to moderators opening of `AGRICULTURE BUSINESS` on this forum, as sub-forum of business section.

If no one wants their tasteless peppers or their frankly uneatable apples, then why don't they grow something else? Rape seed should fit the bill - every other damned farmer grows it:)

But apples are desired. EU is problem
9 Dec 2014
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Polish support for sanctions against Russia for its invasion and occupation of Ukraine: virtually universal.

Ukraine and Russia needs to talk about borders in situation when government in Ukraine ignore ethnic Russians in Ukraine. With rise of neo-Nazi movement in Ukraine i would say that Ukrainian government losing control to the extremists. That situation is dangerous for ethnic Ukrainians and Russians but also for ethnic Poles and Serbs there.

Ethic Russians are native population there and Russian nation was even born in Ukraine. If there was no Russians, there would be Crimean Khanate or Turkey there today. Let us just be honest. Thanks to Russians it is still Slavic land.

As for support to sanctions.,... official Poland serve ruling EU and NATO establishment. But, that same official Poland asks EU for the compensations over the sanctions to Russia. Tusk isn`t neither THAT crazy, neither he THAT obey

Poland wants compensation from the EU for Russian import ban

people in Poland suffer and protest against sanctions, while the western European magnates dictate.

Poland: Sanction-hit farmer hungry for trade with Russia



Serbs like YOU don't like Nato because they didnt allowed Milosevic to keep ethnical cleansing at Kosovo.

you are wrong. Investigation of the Polish parliamentconcluded that Shiftar (Albanian) ethnic moves on Kosovo occurred after NATO attacked Serbia, as result of chaos and numerous civilian causalities dealt by NATO. Then, there was also chaos resulted by the Shiftar (Albanian) terrorist organization UCK. USA collaborated with UCK in order to create Greater Shiftaria (Albania) with intention to give sh** to Serbian (Slavic) element in the region.

Poles VOTED for a candidate that was friendly to nato, that means that they APPROVE NATO.

Spot this... in the middle of Warsaw, Polish and Serbian patriots ... they say... f*** f*** NATO pact (video on 52:19)

What to tell you man, Poles don`t like NATO. Very simple... don`t like

But of course, a Serbian have no idea of what is a Vote and thinks that the oppinion of the people doesn't matter.

not truth. We vote. It matter to us. Serbs knows everything. Serbs were military elite of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They killed for Poland even when Poles were tired of killing for Poland. For Sarmatia Besmrtna! For the Golden Freedom!

We don`t serve to daily politics. My people have its own interests and those interests overlap with Polish best interests. On the long run, we demand NEW COMMONWEALTH, in between west of Europe and Russia, so that is voice of the people from the Baltic to the Balkan heard.

Crow, you are spot on.

Bless on you by the Christ and Svetovid!
9 Dec 2014
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Czech Republic's parl. rejects West's anti-Russia measures

Slovakia has threatened to veto sanctions against Russia

Germany: 'EU sanctions against Russia are wrong,' - ex-chancellor Schroeder

They must be OBLIGED to follow whatever kind of tyranny you defend and should not be allowed to express their opinion! And treated like cattle. Just like in Russia!

Russia isn`t perfect, no need to elaborate on that. But today, comparing to western European powers and USA, Russia have far greater moral standards.

Go, ask former Czech president Vaclav Klaus what he thinks about EU. Very negative, very negative

Polish patriots don`t like Polish NATO membership. Anybody ask them?

i actually have impression that most of the Poles don`t like NATO.
9 Dec 2014
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

If Poland isn't a vassal state of the west then why does it not stand up for its economic interest like Orban in Hungary for example?

That is very good reply. Behavior of Poland indicate strict control by Germany and, after all, in general by the interests circles from the west of Europe and USA. Again, i reminding myself of the tragic and bizarre death of the Polish president Lech Kaczyński (and many other officials), right in the moment when he wanted to have closer relations with Russia and shown intention to protect Serbia from the further molesting by EU and NATO leading powers. OK, its maybe just coincidence but, its interesting, isn`t it.

What is interesting, Hungary filling the gap what makes Poland. But, not only Hungary. When look from the Serbian angle (strategically very interesting angle because of overlapping of different interests), one gets impression that Poland`s politics does not deflect even from politics of other members of the Visegrad Group- Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. On the other side, when it comes to Russia, Poland is alone within Visegrad Group. All other members of Visegrad Group have closer ties with Russia.

Poland is what the Polish PEOPLE want Poland to be

just look how death of Kaczyński affected Poland`s politics.
8 Dec 2014
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Oh Yeah! Poland should show a middle finger for EU! Because EU just helps Western Countries! Look how Poland is much worse now than in communist days![/Irony]

Dear unknown friend. All what Poland back in past founded in some old Russian Empire, sooner then later would found within EU. Yes, look at Serbia, as example. If one just tries to oppose to the dictate of magnates of leading EU and NATO countries, one may get economic sanctions, trade embargo, war, partition, ethnocide, genocide, enormous propaganda machinery against itself, etc, etc many other nice things. Actually, its more then Russian Empires was able to give. Its modern era. Tools are more advanced.

So, in one hand, you are right. Poland shouldn`t give middle finger to the EU and NATO. What is problem is that it may become necessary. Resistance or slow death in global soup, turned into something not Slavic.

Poland should most definitely get out of the Russian hating circle. It does not help us. I hope in the future Poland finds its feet and leads its own foreign policy and politics rather than acting as a vassal state of the US-EU.

Correct. Poland needs Russia for the balance of power. Poland don`t need to unite with Russia (if don`t wish that), but simple, without Russia, its not Poland who would get Russian resources but exactly those who would later (i point at Anglos and Germanics), after finished with Russia, finish with Poland, too. With Slavic Poland, i mean.

and yes. Poland is vassal state today. Part of another Empire. Has new master.

i look forward when would Poland find scent and make something positive and not always choose among negative choices (ie replace one master with another). Pilsudski gave nice idea- new Commonwealth. i love that idea. But, are Poland capable....

In any case, scattered Serbia buys enormous quantities of Polish appeals, giving its best to re-export it to Russia and hope for the better tomorrow. Say that path of Serbia isn`t remarkably beautiful.

In the meanwhile...

Poland: Sanctions squeeze! Angry farmers protest EU minister visit