The BEST Guide to POLAND
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

pawiane, pane brate. Control yourself man. Believe me, i telling this to you as a crazy man to another crazy man. Be cool.

Paranoia is something that regularly goes with fear and, fear leads to uncontrollable wrath what again leads onto the dark side.

Back to the topic please
29 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

i contemplated on Polish strategic situation a lot of.

in my opinion, Russia isn`t direct threat. Its even unnatural for Russia to be threat to Poland. But, again, i founded a lot of historical examples of Russia conflicting with Poland. i won`t speak of all reasons but, here is the main reason for conflict.... Russia`s movements to West are deeply connected to the western European movements to the East. Since Poland lost its own ability to control its western borders and can`t do anything to stop deeper penetration of eventual attack from the western Europe (last great successful defense was at Grunwald), Russia due to strategic reasons initiate, to say that way, constant preemptive annexation of Poland in order to keep hostile western Europeans far from Russian land. Of course, its not kind gesture regarding brotherly Poles but, from the Russian point of view was always much better to sacrifice opposing brother (Poland) then to allow that Russian enemies use territories and even population of opposing brother (Poland) against Russia.

That is exactly the reason why Pilsudski didn`t sow Intermarium as just anti-Russian alliance. No, original creators of idea of Intermarium were pretty much aware that even greater threat to Poland coming from the western Europe. To keep Russia on distance, they knew that Poland must keep western Europe on distance. Violation of this principle leads to fall of Poland.

One may ask- is it Poland or future Intermarium destined to the eternal defensive behavior, just to hold to the balance of equilibrium between western Europe and Russia. Yes, as long as it needs that Serbians strengthen to their full potential (if ever). Only they, Serbs, can provide Poland with attacking capabilities. Nothing else. Only Serbs. They would when the right moment come rise their hand and make that world rotate around Intermarium. Then, would be peace.
29 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

If Poland don`t choose (or is forced by western Europe and USA) to be direct threat, Russia absolutely don`t have interest to attack Poland. Why would Russia do that, even if Poland isn`t member of NATO or EU? Really, why? just to conquer Poland? for sure not. How to explain that adventure to its own public, to other Slavs, to rest of the world? So, why? to conquer Poland and to hold it? No, again not. Reasons same as in previous example. Plus, Russia already tried that and learned that Russia can`t digest Poland. Simple, Poles decided that are they Poles and not Russians. So, again, why? just to commit genocide on Poles? No, Russia don`t have genocidal ideology against Poles. Plus, why would Russia destroy Poles when they, if alive, represent natural Russian shield on western Russian border, even if Poland isn`t part of Russia. Simple, all Slavs are natural shield to each others in case of attack of hostile foreigners, even if we mutually politically may differ.

But, Poland needs to keep itself on the equal distance from the Russia and from the west of Europe. Exactly that needs to provide Intermarium. Many of us have that in mind and so, Poland isn`t alone.
28 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Duda wouldn`t speak of Intermarium if he don`t consider that option as realistic, if he didn`t recognized signals. After all, its not his idea originally but, of numerous political analysts of past and our time.

Also, fact is that Intermarium don`t have alternative. If fails to form Intermarium, Poland and other countries from Baltic to Balkan would face inevitable assimilation into the more and more clearly Germanic EU, in not so distant future. So, `cube is thrown` and Poland now publicly announced that don`t have intention to die in silence. i would even say that Duda`s announcement for Inmtermarium represent kind of `Salto Mortale`. Meaning, Poland count on all Her friends and needs them now or never.

In my opinion, in next 10 years (but i give maximally 15 years! it is even possible that things accelerate to less then 5 years), maybe little more or little less, Poland would be out of EU and NATO. Visegrad Group would start to play role of military alliance (what is now NATO for Poland), while would Intermarium become more viable option. Then, constitution of Intermarium would happen, i believe, first around common economic goals and policy, kind of Economic Union. Country would get chance to become member of Intermarium, without joining to Visegrad Group. At one moment, Intermarium would turn into Confederation.

As for Serbians, i am absolutely sure that would they support Poland. They must. Its in their genetic and mental code. Not to mention that eventual Serbian contra to Poland may severely weaken Poland`s arguments and action, split centrifugal forces of Intermarium`s unifying force and deal catastrophic blow onto the very idea of Intermarium, which would on the long run bring disaster of both- Slavic west and Slavic south. No, my people isn`t that dirty and even less that stupid. Serbians would support Poland by all means, as always in history, serving themselves as example to others and when necessary help that others align with Poland, even if it means necessity to bring them democracy and show them way.

Poles, my sisters and brothers, we may have doubts, we may still have many questions but, we have hearts of our ancestors and we won`t die in silence, we shall refuse life in fear, we shall grab the historic chance to regain our golden freedom. So that nobody rule us, neither the east, neither the west and that we are sole masters of our realm, we people from the Baltic and Balkan, from Central to the South-Eastern and Eastern Europe.

Sarmacja - Psalm Rodowodowy

Gniew Husarii

Jacek Kaczmarski i Jacek Kowalski-"Pieśń konfederatów"

Think of this in the context of initiative for Intermarium and in environment of refugee crisis >>>

Hungary Backs Acceleration Of Turkey's Accession To The European Union

Hungary backs speeding up talks on Turkey's European Union accession and lifting its European visa requirements, the country's Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has said.

27 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

it won`t be coalition with Russia. Russia would have Eurasian Union, Poland would have Intermarium and, all would be happy. Plus, there would be plenty of other civilizations. Jews would have their own.
26 Sep 2015
Work / English teachers in Poland - why are they so unhappy? [89]

ah its far from that good but, i don`t care as long as people can understand me. Slavicized English is enough to me ;)

Anyway, i had perfect teacher of English language in my primary school. That lady finished the job. i cried but i was able to speak and write understandable English. Then comes the learning at secondary school and university. For all that time English in movies (before in Yugoslavia and now Serbia we uses solely subtitles for movies), for the practice. For some time already, books. Then English at work when travel to some trip, touristic necessities for English, PC, etc. One would actually expect that i`m expert but, well...
25 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Slavic commonwealth

we speak of Miedzymorze, in Eng. Intermarium. That would be official. If that is sometimes mentioned as the Slavic Commonwealth, at least among Slavs (while we drink, for example) why would that be a problem? Why would that insult anybody, as long as their right are respected and we Slavs would be guarantor of it. When i think of USA, Canada, Australia or Britain, those are all Anglo conglomerated in my perception. But its not problem to me. Those were Anglos who initiated that and made it in accordance with their cultural heritage (alright, maybe Jews helped a little). It was then enriched with other peoples heritage, too. Then, it was even polluted with cheep things. That is exactly the reason why Slavs sense that its not model suitable to them. With all due respect on model, of course.

They are Slavs undercover...

yes, that, too.

why was the Zastava car make scrapped?

after NATO (ie Anglo, Germanic and Islamic league) bombardment of Serbia and Montenegro in 1999, country suffered damage worth more then 100 mlrd USA dollars. We needed to gave it, in order to restart it.

The cars built in former Yugolsvia are now called Fiat.

Point is. If Italians wants to sell it in Russia, China or former Soviet Union market, they needs to produce it in Serbia. That makes many people happy. Even Pope, as you can see.

Don't think so, it would be rather like confederacy of states, some like EU, some like NATO, some like consensus what would be the best and what is needed.

yes, i agree to it. But its just so romantic to think of parliamentary monarchy.

Amazing Central & Eastern Europe - Praise to Intermarium

24 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Croatian PM Milanovic > Croatia belong to Germany

Commenting on Croatian measures on refugee issue, having also in mind recent Croatian provocations of Serbia, Croatian PM Milanovic admitted that he constantly have consultations with leaders of Austria and Germany. ``These are the most powerful countries in Europe and we work in their national interests....... that is the western Europe to which we belong....``. Milanovic also said that he have support of most important people within EU. At the same time, Milanovic labels Budapest (Hungary) and Belgrade (Serbia) as axis that together with opposition in Croatia works against him and his government.

Source: Milanović: Jedva èekam ponoć da vidim šta će biti

Premijer Hrvatske kaže da sve poteze preduzima uz konsultacije sa liderima Austrije i Nemaèke.

"To su najmoćnije zemlje u Evropi, a mi radimo i u njihovim nacionalnim interesima", rekao je on, dodajući da se oni "ne deru, ne galame, ne daju ultimatum i to je zapadna Evropa kojoj mi pripadamo, ovo ovde nije zapadna Evropa"

Milanović, međutim, nije direktno odgovorio na pitanje da li se o zatvaranju granice konsultovao sa nemaèkom kancelarkom Angelom Merkel, rekavši ponovo da je "razgovarao sa najvažnijim ljudima u EU",

23 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

One more positive signal

Serbian media are full of rapports about Pope`s visit to USA and how Pope Francis, right after his airplane landed, went out of plane and set in a Fiat 500L, a car that was produced in Serbia, in Zastava`s Kragujevac motor-plant.

Papa Franja stigao je u prvu posetu SAD, a za mnoge je predstavljalo iznenađenje to što je po izlasku iz aviona seo u, za amerièke uslove skromni, FIAT 500L koji se proizvodi u Kragujevcu.

What we know is that right now Serbia mediate between Fiat Company and Russian chamber of commerce, for the Russian import of 10.000 Fiat cars produced in Serbia, in Fiat`s plant in Kragujevac. Its about great profit for Italy and for Serbia.

It is also worth to know that official Vatican and Pope himself support Serbian sovereignty by the Serbian constitution, on entire Serbian territory, including Serbian province of Kosovo. Vatican don`t recognize separation of Kosovo from Serbia. Speaking of dispute between Croatian state and Catholic clergy, with Serbian state and Serbian Orthodox Church, Vatican accepted Serbian demand for investigation about Croatian beatification of Cardinal Stepinac that during WWII was involved with German Nazis and Croatian pro-German Nazi ustashe, at a time when genocide was committed on local Serbians. Pope intervened to stop process of promotion of Stepinac into saint, while combined Vatican`s and Serbian Orthodox Church commission have to analyze Stepinac`s past.

In order to secure belonging of the warm waters of Adriatic sea and Dalmatian coast, to the emerging Miedzymorze, Serbia already started to reinstate her influence and power in the region, among countries of former Yugoslavia. Local mafia centers and dictatorial regimes are to be put down. Islamic and Germanic influences are maximally reduced, while is established balance between USA, Russian, Vatican`s, Jewish and Chinese interests in the region. Britain and France are prevented to meddling. EU and NATO anti-Serbian propaganda are almost entirely defeated. Conditions for penetration of Poland`s influence are in process of consolidation.

a good article. Ave Poland! Ave Dragon!

Time for Intermarium (the Isthmus)

If we do not want to give up at the start and assume the position of a suppliant, we have to believe that the vision of Central European Union is achievable. Because there is no good alternative.

22 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

I hope so much you will leave the EU you are the second largest community in the UK after the Indians, there is even more Polish than Pakistanis now in the UK, go your own country and live in your own ***. Anyway we UK we will leave the EU and will kick you out hahaha.

why you English can`t imagine that Poland choose to go its own way?

you sincerely want good relations with Poland? Yes? Fine. As i see Poland want at least normal relations with England.

So, whats the problem? Poland don`t switch sides. Poland don`t want to enter in Eurasian Union. Poland just wants to form Intermarium. One nice little conglomerate of countries around Poland. Same as Anglos already created vast countries such are Britain, Australia, Canada, USA.

Tell me if i`m wrong but, i for sure don`t see reason for Anglos to be upset if Poles wants to go out of EU and finally wants to do something for themselves and, for those who think similar to them, among countries on Baltic-Balkan-Ukraine line
21 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Long time ago, for years already, i here warning Poles that would EU deliver disaster on Poles. It is disguising to me when see how deeply i am right.

In other words you have no idea what you are saying .

i am sure i would found few words

You speak of the richest areas of the world . What possible resources could Slavs have that could tempt them ?

What richest areas? you mean when Britain sunk in one great inevitable flood in next 50-100 years, ocean would be very fertilized? Is that it?

What Slavic resources? Take your map, look onto Slavic territories and contemplate.

i hope that my answers satisfied you. Yes? Please, confirm.
20 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

UK is part of problem. Its west of Europe. Now when they see that Slavs understand what is in the game, they would rather support EU or, if they see that EU collapsing, who knows for what are they ready. Remember, Britain is brain of the western Europe. Germany is fist. USA is reserve that always monitor situation in Europe. But, its all one club. It sometimes appears that they have misunderstandings. They do but, when it comes to Slavs, they are united. They just wants Slavic resources. Its so close to them. Hand always moves to grab
20 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

When i predicted that would in next 100 years, Polish and other Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Ukraine, if fails to form Intermarium (as Duda suggested), face extinction due to assimilation by the western Europe, i didn`t even take in consideration weakening of Slavic elements due to influx of new coming Arabs in Europe, welcomed by the governments of EU leading powers. So, i now clearly see that things accelerate. i am absolutely sure that west of Europe (EU leading powers) hurry to assimilate Slavs, not in 100 years but, to weaken them seriously in even 50 years. That is exactly one (!) of the reason why this in case with refugees around us happening.

Actually, i am now even more sure that tragically died Polish president Lech Kaczyński was assassinated by EU and NATO leading powers, at a moment when wanted to reconcile with Russia.

We now all can see that Duda coming from within same patriotic circles in Poland, that gave Lech Kaczyński. Those are kind of politicians ready to dies for what they believe (i greatly respect that) and are quite aware what is in the stake.

In my opinion, political elite in Poland is aware what is in the game. Must be that Kaczyński himself tried to prepare ground for inevitable, for Poland`s abandoning of EU and formation of Intermarium. He traveled to Russia to assure them that Poland`s intention isn`t to form Intermarium as anti-Russian creation but, in agonizing attempt to save itself. For sure Kaczyński, being aware of odds, desired even Russian help. Then, Kacz was killed by EU and NATO.

Yes, Poland should go out of EU, as soon as possible. Its a deadly trap.
19 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Somebody said on this forum, few years ago, that one Polish thinker once said: ``Mixing with other Slavs is only mixing acceptable to Poles and, quite enough.``

Its a pity that i didn`t remember name of the thinker. Very good thinking
18 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

if you look deeper, you would actually see that Serbia right now pressuring EU.

then, your next thought would be- how is that possible? how are Serbians capable for that? i explained long time ago on this forum. Its not just Serbians. Its not simple. Many interests intersects Serbian lands and cultural realm, interests of most of world powers, few civilizations. So, if one upsets Serbs, one upsets interests of many. Right now, western Europe understands that don`t have control. Imagine, during his visit to USA, Serbian PM gave lesson to western European leaders. Imagine, from USA soil, while USA congrats him for being capable to say NO, to both- to Russians and to USA. Plus, all that coincide with moment when Duda announced intention to move for Intermarium. You know what this all mean? USA is ready (no matter west of Europe is against), to support Serbia and Poland if they want Intermarium.

One word. Serbians.
17 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Representatives of armed force of Miedzymorze marching in China on a grand military parade, that marked the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

Spot how marching Serbian army`s unit Blue Guard of Slavia. Back in Jagiellonian Poland Serbians played role of military elite of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. What is also interesting, Serbian army thanks to the influence of Lusatian Serbs (who served in Serbian royal army) using old Prussian marching step.

CNTV news comment

So Crow ... it is a romantic idea ... but it seems that this idea may make things worse in the long run between people who still have some place of each others hearts still.

you mistaking here. We must do it. In 100 years, if we fails to do it, both- Poles and Serbs and rest of us, would be just another spice in Germanic soup that is EU. Without Miedzymorze we would be absolutely assimilated. With Miedzymorze, we have our local differences and we have something in common.

So, we shall manage to do it.

Initially at least, Miedzymorze would be Confederate state. Exactly because of local differences.

This is the Western plan, to keep the East/Russia fractured.

say it openly, Poland fragmented, too.

See Crow .. "nothanks" is exactly the element I'd punch a hole through without hesitation if he were present in the Slavic Union. So how do you suppose we can have peace in it?

i would suggests defense of every right on specific difference within Miedzymorze.

The revival of Intermarium?

23.08.2015 | By Mariola Śmietana

One of the visions of the Polish foreign policy assumes consolidation of the Central and Eastern European countries alliance.

This idea, defined as Jagiellonian Politics (Polityka Jagiellońska), had been realized by Lech Kaczyński, the president of Poland in years 2005-2010.

My suggestion is that military parade unit of Miedzymorze bears the name - Guard of Sarmatia.

This is what needs to stay in pretext of constitutional act > Miedzymorze as the political, ethnic and cultural formation stays in direct continuity with its predecessors (chronologically): Sarmatia Europae, Great Moravia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Little Entente and Visegrad Group.

Sarmatia Europae

Great Moravia

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth




Little Entente


Visegrad Group

It would be possible to go deeper in the past but, that`s enough for now.

For this morning, Warsaw Voice. Seams that Poland trust to Duda

President Duda Poland's most trusted politician

Poland's recently elected president Andrzej Duda remains country's most trusted politician with net trust index at positive 40 pts, a poll by CBOS pollster showed.

and what about Miedzymorze as parliamentary monarchy?

If comes to it, in my opinion, here is one candidate with great chance to come to throne

Petar II Karadjordjevic, Prince of Yugoslavia and Serbia, oldest son of Aleksandar II Karadjordjevic and Princess Maria Da Gloria of Orlean and Breganca

His Royal Highness, Alexandar II Karadjordjevic, Crown prince of Yugoslavia and Serbia

Her Royal Highness, Princess Maria Da Gloria of Orlean and Breganca

photo from the marriage, 1972

Poland and Visegrad Group are behind recent positive boost in Hungarian-Serbian relations, i don`t have any doubts about it. Relations between these two countries were in best possible level at moment when refugee crisis occurred. Then, problems started and then were resolved after Duda announced initiative for Intermarium. Since then, relations continue to develop in positive direction

Serbian PM, Hungarian FM open plant in northern Serbia

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Wednesday opened a production plant of Tisza Automotive.

17 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Yep I agree.

much better is to form Intermarium then to live in eternal fear. Poles want to live forever???!!! We Serbians are with Poland. Isn`t that nice from us? ;)
16 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

i am not politician but i think that i know how things functioning. i think. Global civilizations are necessary for global economy to function, capitalism to survive, new limits of profit to be established in new ways of mass production and massive markets. All that in combination with new technologies is to allow that humans become solar civilization. Then would be created conditions for new era of constant growth of profit rates, all in environment of constant competition between struggling human civilizations, Miedzymorze among them.

Now, how to create global civilization? In real centers of civilizations where test of time didn`t erase eons of collective memory. Old cores. See, one of those global human centers and civilization giving people are Serbians and Serbia. When their old civilization was started to spread (from Balkan as Ice age refugium) along the great rivers, in ancient immemorial times, it was spread to the North in what is today`s Poland, onto the land of Ledjani (people from the land of ice) as old Serbians used to call ancestors of Poles. That was old Sarmatian (ie Thracian) realm. Also, it happens that are Serbians still alive, they still kicking, they have imagination (oh, very deep), they are vital but they are also greatly scattered in biological sense. Poles are more numerous and they seams to be willing. That is why we Serbians, as unselfish old core (history would at least remember that old core was absolutely aware), understood that new era of our civilization requires Poland as the leader. So, we Serbs would play our role till the end. Our last strength for Poland! Our war-cry to all Sarmats to unite around Poland. What i want to tell you, you start forming great civilizations from within their centers, from within real staff, if you want that things keep running for long enough.

and at the end, that Serbian deed, all that on the behalf of humankind, as would great Nikola Tesla said.

Let me offer you citation of maybe greatest Serbian poet of all times, Laza Kostić. Quote is quite appropriate

Santa Maria Della Salute (English translation from Serbian original)

........... ``When the time of my doom comes round at last,
When I break my head 'gainst life's jagged stone,
My dream will be born with Death's rattling brass;
Then I'll hear ringing cry, "Come home!"
From nothingness into glorious grace,
From limbo to the Heaven's fult bloom,
To heaven and into her arms so warm.
Then that yearning will rise within my breast,
And my heart-strings will quiver without rest,
And the moving stars in the skies above,
Both the men there and gods will gaze aghast,
We'll alter the path on wich the stars move;........``

Long live Miedzymorze! We Sarmats coming back to home!
16 Sep 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

No, i don`t think that would Poland and Serbia allow to Hungary to destroy chance for Miedzymorze. Especially if we know that its not Hungary that is idiotic but rather regime in Hungary. Just too much is at stake. i think that Polish intelligentsia, political elite and people pretty well understand what is alternative if Poland fails to form Intermarium. Fall of Poland, that is alternative and, as we all know, Poland won`t fall.

Many would be surprised with events that would occur.

Long, long time ago i said on this forum that, when become really really hard, Poland can count only and only on Serbia and Serbians (its loyal Racowie). Then, others may follow. That`s how it is.