The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by aphrodisiac  

Joined: 15 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 11 / Live: 2 / Archived: 9
Posts: Total: 2427 / Live: 349 / Archived: 2078
From: Poland, Szczecin- the best city ever
Speaks Polish?: yes.
Interests: lots

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22 Mar 2010
Language / Nice Polish words to say to a girl [147]

"kot tune ya"

kotuniu - means kitty in vocative
kot- kotek- koteczek- kotunia

Can it be appropriately applied to a woman and a man?

more likely to women, but I can see it being applied to both. There are many endearment forms in Polish and I remember this particular shop clerk who used to say:

Kochaniutka - the beloved one, but within the context I knew that she was just being nice
22 Mar 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [267]

I never thought of Canadians that way. They seem open and communicative IMHO.

first impressions are not always the right impressions.
21 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

So, don't worry AT ALL!! I would welcome you, either if you were african, jewish or from Mars, if you came with good intentions, an open mind and a smile.

[b]what are you talking about, what are you a gate keeper in Norway? WHo gave you the permission to decide who can enter and who cannot. Sounds like wishful thinking.

The largest immigration % wise in Norway is a POLISH IMMIGRATION group, [/b]

Do you want to comment on THAT?

And I would also like you to comment on that please.


I don't see what you are basing your position on, since all you worries expressed in your posts are unfound.
21 Mar 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [267]

No, it is culture. Canadians are not very direct people in general, unlike Americans, or even Poles. If I have even been shunned, or even discriminated ( I refuse to believe it and have had good experience thus far) I have not noticed.

I spent some time with a friend who studied in the US and she cannot believe how passive Canadians are.

I just find it confusing at times and I think that Canadians are being too polite to say what they really think. Very little expression:)
21 Mar 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [267]

I just find a frustrating indifference to manners amongst quite a few but rather that than outright hostility which I found more in Scotland.

or being ignored which I often encounter in Canada.
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

omg , I just realized something. I call my friend in Poland and only say: hello, I can hear tension growing on the other side, because she expects me to introduce myself. Well, she is rather formal. lol. I, on the other hand, assume that she know who is calling.
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

In Poland - If you call someone, it is polite to introduce yourself first. In the CZ is more-or-less the same, but the person who receive the call shall introduce himself.

that is very interesting indeed.

Eye contact is a big thing in Canada, people would avoid it at any cost and even if they look at you, they look pass you in order not to be perceived as rude. That is just part of the culture. I, on the other hand still have the observing Eastern European eye and to this day I run into trouble at times by looking directly at people.

Culture and a good manners are funny thing sometimes :-)

sure enough. I have a story form Venezuela. A waiter served all but us after we decided not to be too friendly with him on his night off (well, according to his standards), so I had to apologize and we got served:).
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

According to Polish standards she shall be the one who speaks first with some greetings like "Dzień dobry Panu!". One is expected to say this every time when entering somewhere (like shop, taxi, cloak room etc)

I know that I grew up in Poland.

The famous "Polish blank starring" is not meant to be rude. On the contrary - it is natural reaction of Polish to the behavior that they see as impolite.

Fair enough, I am aware of it, but it comes across as passive - aggressive to other cultures.

By remain silent an pretend they can't see an entering person they are try to give "this rude foreigner" some more time, a second chance to behave well.

Yes, I agree, but how does one expect the foreigner to know this, it is not intentional on the foreigner's part. I see it as a mere cultural difference where one behavior is perceived and decoded according the the rules from their own country. That is ALL I was saying. I personally do not like the overly friendly shop assistant stuff in Canada because they speak to me as if they knew me for years and I resent it lol. But I also understand that it is part of the culture, so I play along and after a while it became my second nature, so when I go to Poland I somehow expect the same from the store clerks and then I have to remind myself that I am in a different country. I am sure many other people can relate to it.

If I complement somebody who I don't know in Canada, they get suspicious and think that I want something from them, yet I am just being friendly. All it is is due to cultural differences.
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

unfortunately I have to agree with Bzibzi's point. I think she made a good observation. That observation can apply to any other nationality, with a different distribution of being nice and rude in different places.
12 Mar 2010
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

I highly recommend you enroll in a debate class but first take some courses in logic. Some yoga classes would also help temper your angst. Good luck.

who said I was debating with you? I had no intention at all. I just assumed what you were trying to say;)
12 Mar 2010
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

translation: I hate women, I hate women, I hate women, I cannot control women, therefore I hate them, I fail to understand women, therefore I hate them. I am full of hate, but instead I will come across as a smart know it all, articulate patronizing male. If only they became my slaves and read my mind the way I want them to....grrrr...........

11 Mar 2010
Life / Polish (in comparison to English and Indian) have amazing culture [71]

thanks, I had a lot of fun with it;)

Nah your replies showed you are a moron.

translation: ............fill in the blanks, the more assumptions, the better......:)

Thanks to the contributers of this thread for providing the material:).
11 Mar 2010
Life / Polish (in comparison to English and Indian) have amazing culture [71]

Aphrodesiac you make so many assumptions.

I do? So does everybody else here.

Every man alive has been burnt and those who claim not to are liars. It was advice from experience. Only a moron would not learn from his experiences and I am quite sure you are a moron ;)

you are making assumptions;)
10 Mar 2010
Life / Polish (in comparison to English and Indian) have amazing culture [71]

hi i am 35 yr old settled in UK past 10 yrs, orginaly from India, had a arranged marriage but had a real hard time, got divorced, dated few english women, more tough time then finally came to know about polish women and culture, dated few again and then found the woman of my life.

I finally found somebody who I like and I get along with her, she happens to be Polish, so I will better go on Polish forums and spread the good news. I am so happy, so I will put in on the net.

hi, do you do louis vuitton?

TiT emerged from his basement, free association produced.

If you had gotten laid by a German or Brazilian girl you would be thinking they were the best. The fact you focused on sex and drinking in your comparisons show your priorities.

translation: well, at least he is getting laid on regular basis, I will try to ruin it for him, because I am NOT;(

I'm missing the column markers.

translation: I have not been able to read it (badly edited) therefore I am withholding my judgement.

no no no, i am not talking about sex.

its about love, to like a person in full and so on. well i am only saying polish women are balance between british and indian women- which is good

yes i reposted it , i didnt expect the column to disappear when i submited it

translation: I am happy.

I am simply saying Polish women are no different than any other women from developed "westernized" nations.

translation: well, I am gonna ruin it for you, since I was there once and I would love to be there again, but I am not. I let my trousers be the guide and I got burnt, well.......misguided I guess. I am not sure which, but why would he be happy while I am not.

translation: I am just living in a moment and I really don't care what you think. I am HAPPY.
[quote=beelzebub]Love is not what you feel when you are flying high in the beginning. That is lust. Love is what replaces lust after a longer term. Love is not a magical feeling it is trust built on experience.

If people would realize this more often there would be a lot less relationship troubles. Too many people make huge choices and have kids etc during the "flying high" period.

translation: he is not getting it, I'd better explain how he feels because he doesn't know any better. Luckily, I can advice him since I am more aware and experienced in the matters of love. (Well, the bastard is getting laid and I am not).

well i want to love her now and in 10 yrs and in 20 yrs and in 30 yrs and in....

I am committed. I made up my mind. I was looking for a long time and I finally found it. I am HAPPY.

Polish women are the best for third wordlers.
I don't know how they eat so much bullsh1t.Dumb by nature?Simply if you wanted to fek an indian woman who looked like sh1t you had to marry her,if you wanted to fek an English you had to be at least white while polish is the least common denominator.That's why you go polish.
Sorry man,we are not dumb polish girls to eat dumb grass.We are people of Balkans with penises like machine guns.No way dumb sh1t passes here.

translation: I have not been as lucky as he is with all the ATM money, the Grecian formula, the sleek walk I have, fok- what does he have that I don't have. I am gonna ruing it for him for sure. Bastard.

which you call third world, china and india?

lol mate you need to look at economic times

translation: who are those punks???? lol

India is the definition of third world.Like I said before we as realists know and what we know is the obvious that India is a place where the average GDP per person is 2000$ which puts it in third world.The salaries,the hygiene conditions and the infrastructure also puts it in the third world.You see we are not dumb like polish girls.

translation: I am going to pep talk him with the Economist Issue 2009 I found at the doctor's office/ariport/recycle bin.
quote=Filios1]Stupid, naiive, trying to get back at their family, Polish girls sleeping with some dirty pakis? Doesn't sound too out of the ordinary to me.[/quote]
translation: still cannot get a Polish girl. Damn. I am gonna pick this hair gel tomorrow. This should do it.

Yes,total degradation.Nice to see you again Filios.Lots of petso-boys here.

translation: yes, we need to defend our stand of PF, after all we scared most of people with a single comment. This is our space, where we rule - the Cyber Fronteer of Keeping it in the Pants for the lack of opportunities:)

10 Mar 2010
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

So is that mandatory or voluntary?

it is optional I think, but not 100%. My mother was sort of "forced" to retire during the communism time at 55 I believe.

If women are forced to retire early and thus suffer lower pensions/retirement benefits why isn't anyone suing for sexism and gender discrimination?

good point. Not only financially she did not but also socially - she really liked her work and once she retired, she deteriorated really quickly and was not the same person anymore. I am sure it is not the case with other women, but there is definately a change of a life style involved, although some might think that it only effects men.

Sexism and discrimination in Poland is part of the country make up and I am not sure if you noticed but just judging by the posters from Poland, women's rights are made fun of.

However, once Poland joined the EU in 2005, Poles, or Polish women can take their case to EU court in Strasburg, but I don't know off hand whether such cases have been processed. I am sure this could be googled.
10 Mar 2010
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Women retire earlier in Poland than men.

yes, but their pensions are lower because of that.

s that true? Even though women on average live 5-10 years longer than men?

at 55, but it results in financial disadvantage as far as I know.

Women in Poland can have a year of maternity leave vs. up to 6 weeks in the US.

Valentines Day is for both male and females but in Poland they think it's for women.

I doubt it:)

Polish women are spoiled.

In what sense ?
7 Mar 2010
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

Truth is not 'relative' and therefore does not change depending on the forum.

where did I say anything about it being relative I must ask?

Of course with liberals and feminists objective truth is indeed 'relative', and slippery.

Of course, after all it is YOU commenting on my post addressed to somebody else. You just cannot help yourself, can you? I think we already had a discussion about things and I have moved on, you, on the other hand are still stuck in the whole you have been digging under yourself.
4 Mar 2010
Life / BEFORE Poland.. what did you do then and what are your plans now? [29]

TIT- who are you trying to impress? If you are a mean bastard then the eduction will not help you;)
kindergarden: from age 3 to age 6 _ I hated the Polish milk soup on the sunny days.
primary school: I loved the basketball team, but hated my Polish teacher.
Secondary school: well, it was even more boring and I hardly made it through because my math skills were really not up to par, but I loved chemistry.

College: lost of fun

university: stuck up/ inflexible profs and really lousy TA - overall - great experience/my first paper was handwritten and I got some strange looks from my peers.

and on, and on and on and on......
12 Feb 2010
Language / Gospodarzu, dostanę u was trochę jaj? [14]

Dzień dobry. Gospodorzu, a dyć macie jajków na zbyciu?

a wiele wam potrzeba;)??? Jajkow ni mom, bo krancowatego koguta mnie sprzatneli.
23 Jan 2010
Life / Recycling and the barter system in Poland [5]

The can't run a landline so by law they have to pay me.

OK- I understand now.

In London they are very good at that, people make a living off collecting, tables sofas TVs etc...

well, you might want to know that I just recycled my old phone and tomorrow I am giving some clothes to charity:). Thanks for the suggestion.