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Posts by jonni  

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / Live: 2 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2475 / Live: 441 / Archived: 2034
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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5 Apr 2010
Food / Fermented Oatmeal Soup from Poland - Recipe? [67]

Fermented Oatmeal Soup is called Borscht

Barszcz. It's usually a beetroot soup, but there is a white barszcz (and a rarer green one).The recipe you gave (a good one) is for Żurek.
1 Apr 2010
Law / Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents [142]

love_sunil80: they never asked me to bring zmaldawania

They're getting a bit more flexible about this, at least in Warsaw. It is possible, if you really can't get a meldunek, to sign an oświadczenie that you can't - if the reason is credible (for example landlord abroad), they will accept that.

Other Voivodships may interpret the guidlines differently, but that is correct in Warsaw (I was speaking to the nice lady on ul. Długa last Thursday).
31 Mar 2010
Food / Traditional Polish Soups. [85]

czarnina soup

Delicious when cooked with dried fruit in it and not thickened.

In Poland it's traditionally served when King Polkagamon comes to lunch.
31 Mar 2010
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

Also no, homosexuality is very sparse in a country that's over 98% Catholic....surprise surprise.

Are you crazy? The gay population of Poland is no different in number than anywhere else - catholicism doesn't enter into it. Warsaw has one of the biggest and busiest lesbian bars in Europe.
27 Mar 2010
Real Estate / Neighbourhoods in Warsaw - how safe? [23]

ou were attacked by Sir Cecil Rhodes and the British Expeditionary Force?

What month and year was that post from? You must have found the search button.

armed with small arms and items of cutlery.

Forking hell!

I can walk in Warsaw without being attacked by Africans but I have found it is the opposite in London.

So why go to London if you don't like it there? If the racist and belligerent sentiments expressed in some of your posts are an accurate reflection of how you express yourself in real life no wonder you antagonise minorities!
26 Mar 2010
History / Polish Atlantis (pre-war Warsaw, Poland in pictures). [38]

how the stained glass windows in Bracia Jabłkowscy's Department Store

You mean the building that's mostly the Traffic bookshop.

Quite a few buildings round that part of the centre survived. By the time the German army got to dealing with that part of town, supplies of explosive materiel were beginning to run very low, and eventually they even stopped using petrol in order to conserve it for evacuations and retreat. Hence the number of Seccessionist buildings that survived in the southern part of the centre and the top end of Mokotów.
26 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

we can argue if he
was right or not, but to put him alongside Hitler and Stalin is pure idiocy.


If you listen to some Lithuanians
today it sounds as if we were occupying their country which is basically not true.

I have listened to Lithuanians go on about this ad infitum. Do you remember the fuss during Wałęsa's presidential visit?
26 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

He never, ever organized anything that could be called
a "genocide" of Lithuanian nation.


One the one hand he had a vision that had been informed by the great days of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

On the other hand, it was hardly ignoble of Lithuanians to want independence.

So if today some frustrated retardas, looking for some attentionis, is talking nonsensas
comparingas Pilsudskis to Stalinas for examplas then we can only pity such idiotismis.

To compare him to two of the century's worst mass-murderers is shocking. He wasn't a Chairman Mao or a Pol Pot by any means - he's probably the one Polish leader that history will remember in a good light.

In fact that envelope with the three of them is so bizarre that it can only have been meant as a provocation.
25 Mar 2010
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

In Polish there is no such thing as "PolakS" for the plural use of it.

You hear it sometimes in English but not often in the UK. Polaccy would sound unnatural in the English language.

In the US is the word Polak so very offensive? In Britain people generally say Pole - those who say Polak are either Polish themselves or have some specific connection with Poles.
24 Mar 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

dogshit is always covered up in PL... by snow

And when it melts, the pavements are awash with dog turds. Those snow piles in Warsaw always remind me of this:

bangers and zaspa
24 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I don't generally like stereotypes, but there's something in that. Part of obfuscating issues by concentrating on details while avoiding or ignoring the bigger picture. Don't know why.

About Poles being rude some certainly are. Only today I walked into a small shop and the old bat behind the counter turned and walked into the back room without acknowledging that I was there.

Also, the hostile expression on some people's faced can easily be interpreted as rudeness, whether it actually is or not.

But perhaps things are getting better...
20 Mar 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

Britain has so many accents and dialects, it's incredible. My students are shocked when I imitate a Liverpudlian or Mancunian.

Birmingham usually has them in stitches.

Poles just sound like Poles

Podlasie is quite distinctive, as is Poznań but regional accents are not well seen here.
20 Mar 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

I have a mid-Atlantic-almost AmE accent and I would never trade if for a British one ;-p

Mine's gone a bit mid-Atlantic since I've been here. No bad thing!

I think it's very convenient to speak AmE in the UK if you are a foreigner (that is, not Anglo-Saxon). People have no idea where you come from, and you don't get labelled automatically ;-)

The benefit is of course that it's classless. Plus it avoids the bigoted small-minded petty prejudice that some southerners have about lovely Northern accents and the justifiable disdain that some Northerners naturally have about horrid whining gorblimey southern accents.

BTW, I absolutely love southern US pronunciation. I once talked to a guy from (if I remember right) South Carolina, and I couldn't get enough! I could have listened to him for hours, even if he were just reading the telephone directory...

A lovely sound. Listening to a deep-south US accent is like sipping a mint julep on the porch of an anti-bellum house with the sage in bloom by the bayou.
20 Mar 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

Hmm... British sounds better, in my personal opinion :P But American pronunciation is easier for Poles, I think.
I usually pronounce words in a more British way, as I was taught this way. However, I often use American words - it's because there are a lot of American films and TV series on Polish TV and I've learned some English by watching them :)

This is happening to British people too. Neither bad nor good just a fact of life.

I've had Poles come to me wanting lessons to lose American accents. I always explain that there's nothing wrong with an American accent; that most forms of English are equally acceptable. Most disagree and see AmEng as very much less desirable.
20 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

two isolated incidents

Not so isolated for the victims. Though a pogrom is by definition an "isolated incident".

Unfortunately I am unable to track down these savage atrocities.
I am counting on you, guys.

You've had three very well known ones already - how any examples do you need? An exhaustive list?
19 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

I would be happy to read something about pogroms committed by Polish

So pop in to your local bookshop and by the latest publication about the 1948 Kielce pogrom.

Białystok in 1905 wasn't much fun either.
19 Mar 2010
Travel / Hard Candy - Krakow, Poland - reviews? [131]

I wonder if there's anything like that in Warsaw.

Patrick's Bar has a dreadful reputation (but reasonably normal prices) and there are a couple of very dodgy looking 'gogo bars' including in the Old Town.

And if anyone's daft enough to go to these places, they should read this from today's NPE:

Bouncer hacks off punter’s hand
A bouncer of a sex club in Krakow has been arrested for hacking off the wrist of a customer with a machete after he refused to pay for the club’s services.
Marcin Czarnecki was attempting to leave the Extaza nightclub, a notorious sex joint, on Sunday morning when he was approached by 33-year-old doorman.

16 Mar 2010
Life / Price of cigarettes in Poland? [192]

What is the cheapest brand of cigarettes?' is it 7 zloty?

About 8, sometimes 7.75

Do the polish people have cigarettes like Prince, LA or kings?

No. The big sellers are Marlboro, 10.50 or L&M, 9.50 and Red & White, 8.75. About 5 years ago, Fajrant were the biggest seller, at about the same price as Red & White, but better quality. They are shorter than King Size and in an old-fashioned packet.

Is it posible to get very cheap cigarretes from ukraine, or slovakia or something else on the blackmarket in poland?

Yes. 5.50 a packet from Ukraine, Belarus or Moldova. most people don't buy them

The Polish market has a lot of extra-slim cigarettes, often menthol. A lot of Polish women are heavy smokers.
14 Mar 2010
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

the majority of Polish-Americans simply have no idea what Poland is actually like.

I remember an American who used to work for me getting really upset by all the modern buildings and Italian restaurants in Warsaw - he expected PL to look the way his granny had described her village.
14 Mar 2010
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

polish people who were born in a nother country

They aren't Polish. They are of Polish descent.

The guy from Iraq who runs the takeaway at the end of y street is more Polish than they are - he speaks the language all day every day, works hard and pays his taxes here and his children were born here.