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Why are so many Polish People rude on the internet?

Dice 15 | 452
24 Sep 2009 #1
Why are so many Polish People rude on the Internet? I'm just wandering. Not just here, but all over the net. It maybe just me, but anywhere you go on the WWW, you can find some Polish person making incredibly rude comments, or at the very least complaining endlessly about something.

For instance: go on youtube and do a search for "Polish Cuisine". What you find is many extremely rude comments made by Poles. Now do the same with "Italian Cuisine", and the comments under the videos are totally different, most are friendly and courteous. Why is that?
TheOther 6 | 3712
24 Sep 2009 #2
Why are so many Polish People rude on the Internet?

Why are so many <insert your favourite nationality here> rude on the Internet? Because it's anonymous!
Nika 2 | 507
24 Sep 2009 #3
Most people who post on this forum happen to be British, Scottish, Irish and from other western countries....
24 Sep 2009 #4
Why are so many Polish People rude on the Internet?

I know one Scottish football forum on which you would certainly be given
an answer like: "Because it feckin' feels good... ya c*unt!" :-)

However, as it isn't a Scottish football forum, I will only say that people
of all nationalities are probably equally rude on the Internet and, as someone
said before, it's mostly because of anonymity.
wildrover 98 | 4431
24 Sep 2009 #5
BOLLOX.... see...English people can be rude too.....rudeness is truly international...anyone can do it....toad face...!
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
24 Sep 2009 #6
Whoever heard of a rude Englishman? Aren't they supposed to be the politest people on earth? True gentlemen, each and every one of them!
wildrover 98 | 4431
24 Sep 2009 #7
Whoever heard of a rude Englishman?

Sorry for my ouburst...i shall now return to my gentlemans manners.....anyone like a cup of tea....?
24 Sep 2009 #8
Why are so many Polish People rude on the Internet?

The internet these days is like a vicar's tea party compared to Usenet back in the mid-1990s.

rudeness is truly international...anyone can do it....


anyone like a cup of tea....?

No, **** off

SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593
24 Sep 2009 #9
The main reason why people are rude on the net is that you are (more or less) anonymous. Here you can say what you don't say to people that know who you are. And it's usually easier to be rude when writing something, than looking into someones eyes when you say it.
TheOther 6 | 3712
24 Sep 2009 #10
anyone like a cup of tea

Pooftah... ;)
NPosuniak 8 | 91
24 Sep 2009 #11
complaining endlessly about something.

Sounds like you are complaining. On the internet. Irony?

Everyone is rude on the internet. You haven't noticed? It's kind of a dumb statement to think that a particular race or even demographic acts in a particular way.
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
24 Sep 2009 #12
People complain on the internet because they use it as a venting vehicle. They are unhappy, want to express it, so they do it online.
OP Dice 15 | 452
24 Sep 2009 #13
OK, here is an example: search "Polish Cuisine" on YouTube and you get this as the first video, read those comments:

Then you search for "Italian Cuisine", first video, read those comments:

See the difference?

I personally think this is a baggage leftover from the Communist era, when people had to push and fight one another just to get daily groceries
Krystal 5 | 94
24 Sep 2009 #14
English people and American people do speak same languages.

Some of you do write well. Some of you write like poetry which is so romantic and kind words.

Some of you do have kind & polite words and maybe that is why someone can't write good English. It is okay. You are learning how to write and think like English and American People.
24 Sep 2009 #15
Well, Youtube is hardly the London Review Of Books, so what do you expect ;)
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139
24 Sep 2009 #16
For instance: go on youtube and do a search for "Polish Cuisine". What you find is many extremely rude comments made by Poles. Now do the same with "Italian Cuisine",

Maybe because under "Italian Cuisine" people actually discuss Italian food and under "Polish Cuisine" 60% of comments is Polonophobic sh*t ?

Anyway, fu*k out damn stinking Duych twat !!111111111111111111
Seanus 15 | 19668
24 Sep 2009 #17
He's American, Greg. I agree with Dice on this one. There's a lot of cussing and confrontational language used.
beckski 12 | 1609
24 Sep 2009 #18
I'm just wandering. Not just here, but all over the net.

More like especially here. Probably because it's easier for some trolls to say rude things to others via a computer screen, as opposed to being intimidated in person.
MareGaea 29 | 2751
24 Sep 2009 #20
Why are so many Polish People rude on the Internet?

Because they are not so smart. Other reason: because Polish ppl are rude, that's what they do.


M-G (everybody knows that)
scrappleton - | 829
25 Sep 2009 #21
There's a lot of cussing and confrontational language used.

Yeah but that stuff is funny, Seanus. Poles like to fight and stick up for their heritage.. It's cool. At least they've got nuts.
Tymoteusz 2 | 346
25 Sep 2009 #22
Why are so many Polish People rude on the Internet? I'm just wandering. Not just here, but all over the net.

Because it is an honest, non-censored conversation without procedures designed to control the outcome.

Oh, and no, it is not anonymous in any way! (Shhhh...)
Seanus 15 | 19668
25 Sep 2009 #23
True enough, Scrappy. I write on a Japanese forum and they are so weak in comparison. As reticent as they come.
krysia 23 | 3058
25 Sep 2009 #24
Why are so many Polish People rude on the internet?

Lol. I was reading comments on a polish site and they were talking about a Polish actress. Lol. Some made nice comments, but some weren't so nice. They said her face looks like she got runned over by a tractor. Lol.
MareGaea 29 | 2751
25 Sep 2009 #25

Hm, that's not that bad. I've read on a Dutch forum that a certain Dutch actress looked like cat's vomit (of course with typhus, cancer and some more terrible diseases). But I guess cursing and swearing always sounds harshest in your own language. If someone Polish says the K-word or the P-word, I just think it sounds funny and don't regard it as gross. Same goes for the English F-word and S-word. But when somebody says the G-word in Dutch or curses in that language, I tend to find it much more gross. However, I think some cursing and swearing is in Dutch funny too. Depends a bit. I think that one can be much more hurtful (if one wants to be hurtful) without using bad language. Just a matter of choosing your words right :)

NB: swearing in Dutch usually involves genitalia, terrible diseases and in case of women the addition of "prostitute". Even more usual is a combination of the things mentioned. So that would be: "Vieze vuile kanker-tyfus hoer" (you rotten, dirty cancer- and typhus-ridden *****) - in case of swearing to a man, replace "hoer" met "eikel", "klootzak" or "lul" (d*ckhead, scrotum, d*ck).

M-G (coffee again)
beckski 12 | 1609
25 Sep 2009 #26
At least they've got nuts.

I've been told I've got nuts; and I'm a female!

Poles like to fight and stick up for their heritage

Our Polish pride is strong, that's for damn sure!
MareGaea 29 | 2751
25 Sep 2009 #27
I've been told I've got nuts; and I'm a female!

In your case it means "they're nuts"


Polish pride

A bit too proud, if you ask me.

M-G (coffee - late)
beckski 12 | 1609
25 Sep 2009 #28
A bit too proud

When it comes to Polish blood and ethnicity, there isn't such a thing.
southern 73 | 7059
25 Sep 2009 #29
In Greece they swear like this:''I fek your Christ,fek your Madonna,fek your puta,fek the pusssy which threw you out,feked masturbator,pusssy of the mud,sh1tfaced,sh1tdumb,I will fek your home dirty horned''.
mvefa 5 | 591
25 Sep 2009 #30
Vieze vuile kanker-tyfus hoer" (you rotten, dirty cancer- and typhus-ridden *****)

Whahahaha man those are some nasty words, never had to use them yet, well one time i used the " kut hoer" but in Paris, a drunken stupid chick pussed me asside for no reason when i was passing by. She did not understand so that made it more fun haha

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