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Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time

Alien 22 | 5397
30 Apr 2022 #61
The Kingdom of Greater Serbia. Keep on dreaming...
OP Crow 154 | 9084
30 Apr 2022 #62
I dream of Great Serbia from Baltic to Balkan. Time is for Sarmatia to be united and free.

You are against?

Are you communist, papist or Greek?
Alien 22 | 5397
30 Apr 2022 #63
@Crow; Are you.....
I am Alien.
OP Crow 154 | 9084
30 Apr 2022 #64
I also feel like Alien.
3 Dec 2023 #65
jon357 73 | 22477
3 Dec 2023 #66
Not 'nobility'.

Former "szlachta" maybe.
Alien 22 | 5397
3 Dec 2023 #67
Sir Korwin?
jon357 73 | 22477
3 Dec 2023 #68
Not unless he's a knight, and even then, the honorific would be before his given name.
Alien 22 | 5397
4 Dec 2023 #69
Not unless he's a knight

Isn't wearing a bow tie instead of a tie enough?
jon357 73 | 22477
4 Dec 2023 #70
No. Bow ties are like very expensive watches, certain type of cars and huge kitchen knives displayed in a knife block. They're about what's in the trousers or more accurately what's lacking.
Alien 22 | 5397
4 Dec 2023 #71
huge kitchen knives displayed in a knife block.

I have to remember this. I was always afraid to buy such a knife block because I thought that if someone broke into our house, they would have the perfect knives to commit the crime at hand. I see that I also avoided embarrassment.

Home / History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time

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