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History of Polish-Russian relations

amiga500  5 | 1485
21 Feb 2021   #61
Do you have nukes there in your country?

No but we bloody well need them, and will have them in the next 10 years i reckon. reason china
Novichok  5 | 8631
21 Feb 2021   #62
You hate Poland?

Crow, you are really on the roll. That was good. Four nukes and Poland is Mars.
Crow  154 | 9489
21 Feb 2021   #63
Rubbish, it just proves we need some nukes. Since Russia

I know nerves of people in Poland. How things stand and develop Poland could rather nuke Brussels then Russia. For containment of virus, I mean.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Feb 2021   #64
no for containent of liberalism which poland hates jgs that come along with that like mass migration, non white migrants, different religions or cultures ro challenge vatican, metoo, feminism, replacement of masculine men and tosic masculinity with female lead actresses, etc.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #65

regarding the military exercise

Yea but so what? Why the **** is polsha a separate country even from Russia? To be a country you need a military that will bring forth violcene. Why should slavs fight other slavs?

If only all of eastern europe could unite and stop taking **** from the vatican...

the keyword and only word worrh reading here guys is brothers:,_Czech,_and_Rus
Poloniusz  5 | 970
22 Feb 2021   #66
Why the **** is polsha a separate country even from Russia?

Because our Polish ancestors for over a thousand years wanted it to be that way.

We wouldn't be us or even here today if it were otherwise.

To be a country you need a military that will bring forth violcene.

Poland hasn't always won the battles but ultimate it has prevailed in the wars.

Why should slavs fight other slavs?

We shouldn't. We can argue but not fight.

If only all of eastern europe could unite and stop taking **** from the vatican...

Has Varjú (the Magyar formerly known as Crow) hacked your account?

Eastern Europe is a tapestry of diversity. It wouldn't be Eastern Europe otherwise.

There many different Slavic groups (West and East) along with Romance and Finno-Baltic neighbors.

All those different languages, cultures, faiths, traditions, etc. would be lost in time like tears in rain if the Russians took over.

Just look at Ukraine. A nation torn in two. Half of the country sides with Russia and the other half has moved to Poland.


A nice legend.

But rarely do brothers live together for life.

Each moves away from home and starts his own family. Well at least that used to be the case before the evil cult of feminism emerged and began killing off societies.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #67
"We wouldn't be us or even here today if it were otherwise."

how so? im sure wed be just fine.

"Poland hasn't always won the battles but ultimate it has prevailed in the wars."

when was this against hitler it prevailed if the societ union did not join and save it?

When was the vatican brainwashing while poland was under effective russian control? they were enjoying higher living standards than russians during soviet times but despite this they kept bitching they were being oppressed.

the next time germany attacks them they will probably start talking about how slav brothers need to unite and rescue them.

let poland become a failed state i say and let the piece of **** EU pay for it, not russia.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
22 Feb 2021   #68
"We wouldn't be us or even here today if it were otherwise."

If history had been different our family trees would not be what they are. We literally wouldn't exist today. What happened in the past is a very unique combination of events which allowed us to be here today and be who we are.

when was this against hitler it prevailed if the societ union did not join and save it?

Read up on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

The Soviet Union originally sided with Hitler to partition Poland with each taking their share of it.

Nazi Germany renegade on the deal and invaded the Soviet Union under Operation Barbarossa because Hitler wanted more territory for his Lebensraum policy.

The Soviet Union never saved Poland and never would either.

Poland was only used as a battle ground by the Soviets during WWII and then used as a buffer zone between them and NATO.

let poland become a failed state i say and let the piece of **** EU pay for it, not russia.

Poland's economy and standard of living were wrecked by the Soviet Union. The EU has been paying billions under its cohesion and agricultural policies to Poland (the largest beneficiary in the EU) since it joined.
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Feb 2021   #69
The EU has been paying billions under its cohesion and agricultural policies to Poland

Which is good and bad at the same time.
Ether way, it's artificial, temporary, and scary. I wonder what will happen when the music stops if that money goes mainly into consumption.
It reminds me of our deficit-driven fake prosperity.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #70
"Poland's economy and standard of living were wrecked by the Soviet Union. The EU has been paying billions under its cohesion and agricultural policies to Poland (the largest beneficiary in the EU) since it joined."

I disagree look at Portugal a country with similar wages and eocnomics to poland that was never communist. You cant blame communism for everything. look at the. hec republic and others. Geography has a lot to do with it as well as culture, politics etc. also, by being stupid and buying expensive gas from usa or war planes and antagonising the bewr isnt helping. id rstehr be part of the empire or the ebwr than some small vassla state of the usa who i hate. trust me id like my lineage if that was it.

"Read up on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact."

i know about it but read up what pilsudski did in 1920s first to our brothers. read up on pow camps in poland during this time.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #71

they were esterminated or genocide worse than katyn. katyn was small acale.

"Nazi Germany renegade on the deal and invaded the Soviet Union under Operation Barbarossa because Hitler wanted more territory for his Lebensraum policy.

The Soviet Union never saved Poland and never would either."

it did because it didnt absorbe it into the su or extermiante it like hitler was doing quite well. how many jews survived? and thy could have rally stablished the former stalin line and still kept half of the terrirtory but choose not to at the very least.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
22 Feb 2021   #72
I wonder what will happen when the music stops if that money goes mainly into consumption.

That is or at least probably was the original intent. Investment in Poland would raise the standard of living and create a growing middle class which in turn would spend money on goods and services from elsewhere in the EU.

But no one really expected millions of younger Poles to leave Poland for other parts of the EU so quickly after joining. So that threw a wrench into things.

I disagree look at Portugal a country with similar wages and eocnomics to poland that was never communist.

Portugal over-borrowed and couldn't pay it back. They weren't alone.

Read about it here:
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #73
its not jsut about over borrowing. and i know they rent alone. youre not telling me anything new here bro. what does them borrowing have to do with poland being contolled by th vatican and even havinf similar wewlth having such **** pople and society? and just people that stab one another neighbours whor efuse to help, a stupid govt etc,
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Feb 2021   #74
they were esterminated or genocide worse than katyn. katyn was small acale.

That was bad but not equal to Katyn. Even the Russians agree that these POWs died from hunger and diseases, not a bullet in the head.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #75
no youre wrong read the article the russians never claimed such thing. just a wuick glance at the article youll see the word eksterminacja or edterminatiom.

and portugal even if it was twice as poor a spoland would be a much better country and place to live simply due to having much more honest wnd better people who domt act like ex cons or hooligans or california cdcr inmates at every mma clas syountry to join or even going to a zabka store. and for sinply having nice weather.

more for you to read

over 100 katyns:

"The conquest of Poland's eastern borders gave rise to nationalist and anti-semitic outbursts that caused a wave of bloody pogroms affecting 100 localities. "
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Feb 2021   #76

Rosjanie nie wycofują się jednak ze stwierdzeń, że ich jeńcy byli w Polsce eksterminowani. Przyznają, że nie było egzekucji, ale twierdzą, że to Polacy i tak są odpowiedzialni za śmierć Rosjan, bo stworzyli im tak fatalne warunki, że ci konali z głodu i chorób.

In English:

The Russians, however, do not withdraw from the claims that their prisoners of war were exterminated in Poland. They admit that there was no execution, but claim that the Poles are still responsible for the death of the Russians because they created such terrible conditions for them that they died of hunger and disease.

That difference is very small but still exists. Add to it that the Russians were the aggressor whereas Poles in Katyn were not. Now the difference is huge.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #77
over 100 latyns how can you justify them murdering civilians because they were jewish or urkainiqn or some other reason? how can anyone justify such filth?

"The conquest of Poland's eastern borders gave rise to nationalist and anti-semitic outbursts that caused a wave of bloody pogroms affecting 100 localities. "

Youa re teuly ignorant:

"the difference is very small but still exists. Add to it that the Russians were the aggressor whereas Poles in Katyn were not. Now the difference is huge."

the polish That difference is very small but still exists. Add to it that the Russians were the aggressor whereas Poles in Katyn were not. Now the difference is huge.ith pilsudski did start it in 1920 and polqnd didnt exist by the time the russians came in to liberatentheir old territories in 1939 as they ran like cowards to england or the polish govt so no govt existed there. if they didnt come the nazis would have just took it moron. and your hero pilsudski also amde a pact with hitler so how was he better than stalin?

ask the jews what they think of poland.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
22 Feb 2021   #78
what does them borrowing

You said that Portugal was comparable to Poland in terms of its economy and wages.

Poland's economy and standard of living was held back due to decades under communism and its dysfunctional central planning.

Portugal has been in the EU far longer than Poland. So given that long lead time alone, along with equal programs where it received EU funding, Portugal should have a much higher standard of living including higher wages. Instead, Portugal blew it.

polqnd being contolled by th vatican

Portugal is still a very Catholic country too.

The Church is as critical of certain policies in Portugal as it is in any other majority Catholic country.

The Church is also very liberal under the current Pope. So I don't see what all the fuss is really about.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #79
"Poland's economy and standard of living was held back due to decades under communism and its dysfunctional central planning.

Portugal has been in the EU far longer than Poland. So given that long lead time alone, along with equal programs where it received EU funding, Portugal should have a much higher standard of living including higher wages. Instead, Portugal blew it.l

and you proved my point and ifnyounwere smart youd know this. i said that you cant blame communism on everything wnd protugalw as my point younjust proved. maybe its borrowing maybe its something else maybe they jsut had abd elasers or a **** neighbour or eocnomy or whatever the bottom line my point stands even if what you claim is true. it jsut proves my point about communism not being the blame for everything or all countries going to **** like you claimed.

my point also still stabds thwt depsite all that most people including me would rather live ther in poland and the country is a much better place with a better uality of life than polqnd will ever be.nthey just have better weather and peopl which you cannt replace in poland. they dont stab each other in the back, help their neighbours, dont rip off customers, have **** boucners standing looking like ex cons wanting to mug you at every club like poland, get super defensive wnd have an inferiority complex on russia or using pan and pani etc. i also doubt all thir banks ar forign owned and they are run by the vatican (although im sure it has some influence but probably not at highest govt level).
Poloniusz  5 | 970
22 Feb 2021   #80
and you proved my point and ifnyounwere smart youd know this.

Communism is to blame.

Despite being held back, Poland and the Czech Republic actually recovered a lot faster than their neighboring countries because they underwent "shock therapy" to quickly restructure their economies away from communism and towards capitalism.

This meant privatization (and often job loses in the interim) and removal of many social safety nets.

Neighboring countries like Bulgaria and Ukraine took the slow, less painful route and didn't privatize as much or as fast and held on to many state funded benefit programs. Their economies haven't advanced much since because of it.

As far as Portugal goes sure it didn't go through communism like Poland did.

So compare Portugal to other EU countries like Germany or even smaller economies like the Netherlands, Belgium, and Finland.

They were never under communism but managed to keep their economies sound and their standards of living high.

Why is Portugal along with Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain different than the other countries in the EU?

Because they didn't believe in fiscal discipline. They over-borrowed and they were weak on collecting taxes. They blew it.

It can take longer to rebuild an economy than it does to crash it. Decades longer. Even a generation.

This is why Poland is still a net beneficiary of EU funds rather than a net contributor to it.

Even as a beneficiary Poland has been very responsible in managing its finances. There is no evidence that Poland would have been an irresponsible spendthrift country if it never had communism imposed on it.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
22 Feb 2021   #81
again you are too dumb to understand my point im not going to repeat it to you.
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Feb 2021   #82
again you are too dumb to understand my point

That was a really bad idea to call him dumb. How many friends do you have here, after all?
My suggestion is that you reserve such things for your enemies. He is not one of them.

Other than that, can you state your point clearly, in one paragraph, without swearing, and in decent English?
Poloniusz  5 | 970
22 Feb 2021   #83
can you state your point clearly, in one paragraph, without swearing, and in decent English?

He did a few posts earlier and in one passable sentence:

let poland become a failed state i say

This is his admission that because he knows that he trashed his own life he now wants all of Poland to be torn down to his level.

This way he doesn't have to feel so bad about himself.

Misery loves company.
amiga500  5 | 1485
22 Feb 2021   #84
he knows that he trashed his own life he now wants all of Poland to be torn down to his level.

Yes he is like a younger Harry/Delph/Etc. His first post was bashing CD Project Red and Poland whilst ignoring all the other world class polish game developers like Bloober Team and 11 Bit Studios.
jon357  72 | 23400
22 Feb 2021   #85
most people including me would rather live ther in poland

Easier than in Russia, though it can be a good life in Moscow.

Poland does have EU and NATO membership. Without that, it would be part of Russia again within 2 decades.
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Feb 2021   #86
Poland does have EU and NATO membership.

That should not entitle Poles to act up and hate on Russia if for only one reason which stupid people always overlook; there is no upside to it.
jon357  72 | 23400
22 Feb 2021   #87
Poles to act up and hate on Russia

As you know, that long predates Poland's membership of either alliance.
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Feb 2021   #88
So now, under the US umbrella, how about exhaling and chilling?
jon357  72 | 23400
22 Feb 2021   #89
Doubtless many are, and doubtless many aren't.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
21 Apr 2021   #90

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