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pawian  226 | 27617
23 Jun 2022   #241
They even killed a dog to show off.

No, RuSS soldiers caught, killed and ate a dog - York, coz they are fekking underfed barbarians. And in letter home, they ask their families to send them socks and underwear. A starving army of Mongol barbarians is plundering Europe......
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Jun 2022   #242
No, RuSS soldiers caught, killed and ate a dog - York,

The rations that the orcs are given are decades of of date and some orcs have even been poisoned by them.

A starving army of Mongol barbarians is plundering Europe.....

That is entirely planned. The training that the Ukrainian Army are going to receive in the UK will mean that the orcs will be decimated daily.

they were able to communicate almost anywhere during their travels without any knowledge of Polish.

Probably speaking to the clergy and aristocracy.
Bobko  27 | 2135
23 Jun 2022   #243
In the 18th century, 900 years after the Emperor in Austria

For someone who calls himself Tacitus, you surely have an interesting take on history. In the history books I read, and I suspect most people, Austria is still a godforsaken part of Charlemagne's Empire 900 years before Peter the Great. Even 900 years before the present day, Austria was still a hereditary fief of the Elective Kings of Germany. The Habsburgs, and Austria with them, were only elected to the imperial throne in the mid 15th century. So perhaps it had 250 years of a head start on Russia, but not more. Certainly not your absolutely ludicrous 900 years.

Comparing Austrian emperors to the Holy Roman Emperors of the Carolingian, Ottonian, Salian lines - is again to compare an assh0le to a finger. The early emperors came close to replicating the power of the Roman Empire, while the latter ones still controlled enormous territories through centralized states. Meanwhile, Austria managed the HRE through a period of terminal decline, one that some observers called "neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire". Charlemagne would turn over in his grave seeing who occupied the imperial throne in 1438.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
23 Jun 2022   #244

Not lies, a mistake. Here correction it was in the 16 century when the Moscow guy in a letter to Austrian ruler
Maksymilian I after 1508 named himself Russian. It was just claim on Grand Dutchy of Lithuania territory as he was looking for an ally in his dumb expansionist plans.
Bobko  27 | 2135
23 Jun 2022   #245

How is it a "dumb expansionist plan" to take historic Rus lands, populated by Orthodox and Russian-speaking people, from a bunch of Baltic oompa loompas that had attached themselves firmly to the Polish teet?

Look at Lithuania today. Despite its microscopic size it's still an enormous pain the ass for everyone who has the misfortune to live next to them. They almost fcuked all of the EU's exports to China with their stupid Taiwan embassy policy. Now it bans logistical transit from within Russia to another part of Russia, risking this conflict splashing out from within the confines of Ukraine. Even you - the Poles - their only friends, they managed to **** off with their Apartheid policies of having second class Polish and Russian citizens.

Do you really think a country of such idiots deserves to run a territory that includes Belarus, Ukraine and most of Western Russia?
mafketis  38 | 11184
23 Jun 2022   #246
How is it a "dumb expansionist plan" to take historic Rus lands

See? There's your problem right there! Lands are not divided by ancient claims but by settled international law, unless you're an outlaw mafia state like Russia.

It was a Soviet decision to make the stupid and fake and ghey enclave of Kaliningrad part of Russia and the Russian government should have realized there would be problems if they invaded Ukraine.

But being an idiot (as well as a crook) putin decided to invade and now everyone is dealing with the consequences.
I suggest Russia figure out how to supply their pets by boats (as long as their boats behave).

Speaking of Putin, how does it feel to not be able to publicly say what you really think of him? Isn't that kind of humiliating?
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jun 2022   #247

That line of reasoning sounds like an unquenchable, perpetual, and eternal recipe for not only global discord but conflagration. May as well erase the word "sovereignty " from the lexicons of the world.
Bobko  27 | 2135
23 Jun 2022   #248
Speaking of Putin, how does it feel to not be able to publicly say what you really think of him?

How about this:

1) Putin is not Russia

2) Russia is not Putin

3) If Putin's and Russia's interests stop being aligned he will be promptly taken out to the trash heap of history.

4) Russia's fate cannot be made hostage to one man, regardless of how prominent a historic role he's played until now. Russia is simply too important.
mafketis  38 | 11184
23 Jun 2022   #249

Russia? Important? ha ha ha ha ha It's a mafia-run gas station with nukes that's scaring off its best customers....

How is being an international pariah in Russia's interests?

When will you volunteer for the front if you believe in the "special military operation"?

Who knows maybe you'll be issued a helmet with the burned flesh of its previous wearer...
Bobko  27 | 2135
23 Jun 2022   #250
Russia? Important?

It is too important to US, Russians, to make it hostage to the whims of a single man - no matter how much we adore him.

For example, if the West said - get rid of Putin and we will lift any and all sanctions - I think that would be a fast discussion internally in Russia. Maybe even the Big Man himself would be on board with this plan. The results would probably not be what the West had hoped for, however.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 Jun 2022   #251
Russia's fate cannot be made hostage to one man, regardless of how prominent a historic role he's played until now. Russia is simply too important.

I like your patriotism. It brings genuine smile to my face :) Something I can relate to. Pity we're on opposite sides.

maybe you'll be issued a helmet with the burned flesh of its previous wearer.

Geez, Maf, why the aggression? The guy is in the United States and has nothing to do with the current Russian government (as we have nothing to do with our respective governments). He defends his country (even if the task is sometimes impossible) - what is he supposed to do?
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Jun 2022   #252
defends his country

He defends their war crimes.

A very different thing.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 Jun 2022   #253
He defends their war crimes.

Where? I must have missed that.
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Jun 2022   #254
There's a while thread of it.

Defending the illegal and unprovoked invasion in which the most spelling war crimes have occurred
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 Jun 2022   #255
Defending the illegal and unprovoked invasion

That's what people do when their countries are involved. Sometimes it's denial, sometimes an effect of propaganda, and sometimes genuine belief that one's countrymen are incapable of such things. Nihil novi sub sole.
Bobko  27 | 2135
23 Jun 2022   #256

I appreciate your defense Kania, but I'm at peace with my conscience. Better to be complicit than to be a traitor.
mafketis  38 | 11184
23 Jun 2022   #257
He defends his country (even if the task is sometimes impossible)

He defends and supports an unprovoked war of aggression against a peaceful neighbor and fantasizes about genocide. He's not a good person and you shouldn't delude yourself that he is.
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jun 2022   #258
He defends their war crimes

I don't think that's true, I think the Russians are irredeemable orcs or huns trope is getting in the way of some pro-uke posters. He is, however, providing a valuable Russian perspective, whether that perspective is agreed with or not.
Novichok  4 | 8608
23 Jun 2022   #259
A starving army of Mongol barbarians is plundering Europe......

That's how you detect moronic posts - by "Mongols", "barbarians", "RuSS", and "Putler".

It is too important to US

When Biden wakes up at 11, he reads the latest what other leaders said or did. Who gets his attention first, Putin or some PITA Polak, whatever his title...
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 Jun 2022   #260
Better to be complicit than to be a traitor.

... and there's that.
mafketis  38 | 11184
23 Jun 2022   #261
Better to be complicit than to be a traitor.

To humanity?

Opposing your government when it's wrong is the highest form of patriotism.... you don't have that, you're just a conformist
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jun 2022   #262
But, are you traitor when you speak against the actions of leadership when you see that those actions may ruin the country you love?
Bobko  27 | 2135
23 Jun 2022   #263
may ruin the country you love

Nothing can ruin Russia.
mafketis  38 | 11184
23 Jun 2022   #264
True, an open sewer is already about as bad as it gets...
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jun 2022   #265

I stand corrected, you are a hun....only kidding. :D
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Jun 2022   #266
, I think the Russians are irredeemable orcs or huns trope

Not so much a 'trope' as a fair description of their deliberate tactics.

That's what people do when their countries are involved.

Very few countries are carrying out the systematic rape of women and children, very few are bombarding theatres full of civilians by using thermobaric bombs, very few are organising the mass execution of civilians with hands bound between their backs and very few are pursuing a scorched earth policy in Europe, destroying as many structures they can, killing civilians and deporting/abducting any survivors.

In fact only one country is doing all that right now. It is r*ssia.

There can be no explanation for supporting our condoning war crimes on that scale, much less for excusing them here daily other than supporting those war crimes.
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jun 2022   #267
description of their deliberate tactics.

Bobko Bobkovich Bobkonov is committing war crimes in streets of NYC?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
23 Jun 2022   #268
How is it a "dumb expansionist plan" to take historic Rus lands,

Becasue those are not your lands nor your people. At the very least those are Ortodox people who don't want to be a part of Moscow.

Look at Lithuania today.

Lithunia toady is not the Grand Dutchy of Lithunia they would need Belorus as well. The most of all they are reasult of the modern 19th century precess of nation forming where every nation supposed have a state.

Here it is in the nutshell what went wrong:
They are not Lithunians their are Samogitians.
They wanted a nation state but claimed Wilno with lands where people considered themsleves Polish in 90%.
It supposed to be a historical claim - Grand Dutchy and all but at the same time they didn't claim Belrus as well. So they claims to Wilno are based on their political bias. They are a lot like Moscow. lol!

such idiots deserves to run a territory that includes Belarus, Ukraine and most of Western Russia?

Today? Nope. Today we have Belorusan to run Belorusan, Ukrainians to run Ukrainie, ah Belorusans want their land back - Smoleńsk and all.

Historically those all people were happy to be part of Rzeczpospolita and not some Moscow backwater.
In the war with your Ivan in 1580' he wrote to our King Stefan - asking/accusing him of using magic therefor a faul play. Due to use of mortars and other implements of war Moscow was not familiar with.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
23 Jun 2022   #269
That's what people do when their countries are involved.

Look there are Russians. Putin is one of them and they are like Putin. At least in 80% or 90% of the Russian population. If you think that he is someone he is not you are delusional.

That is a problem of many Poles they are deluding thmselves rather than stand firmly on the ground.

Look here for you a wake up call. About 70% of Russian think that they should nuke Poland. Oh those good guys and fellow slavic buddies. Smell the coffee already and wake up!

But, are you traitor when

Another Yankee lol! You and your projections. Remind me a story about Ameircan POW during the WWII who forcemarshed by the Germans were talking about sueing them. Good luck! Example of your deatchment from reality.

The results would probably not be what the West had hoped for, however.

Do you mean that that guy would take over? the one and only -Николай Платонович Патрушев?
I think as long KGB men are in charge there is no way Russian leadership will wise up!
Don't you agree that your move against Ukrainie was a stupid mistake?
AntV  3 | 670
23 Jun 2022   #270

Huh? What the hell does that have to do with my post?

Discussion is closed.