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What do Poles think about Turks?

isisores  - | 46
17 May 2008   #91
Turks are primitive savages and aggressive barbarians who do not have a place in Europe. And we the Croats will gladly assist in this endeavor as we already have done in Bosnia.

lol what an irony. look at your words. such humanist words fit greatly to a modern person like you.
man you are only disgracing yourselves while doing this.
Marek  4 | 867
17 May 2008   #92
"And this point about Turks, not Egypts..."

Du, in Englisch heissst es 'Egyptians'!! Du hast hier, glaube ich, aus dem Deutschen 'Aegypter' uebersetzt!

I believe you may have been translating from your native German here. -:)-:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #93
lol what an irony. look at your words. such humanist words fit greatly to a modern person like you.
man you are only disgracing yourselves while doing this.

No arguments, huh?

Na ja...understandable from a Turk!

"And this point about Turks, not Egypts..."

Hey turk, I'm still waiting for you to show some real turkish achievements to the european culture!
Marek  4 | 867
17 May 2008   #94

I speak fluent Polish, not Croatian, I'm afraid. I realize my words might be getting 'lost in the translation', but I only wish to add that we in the US, while faced with similar hostilities towards Mexican day laborers, view the entire immgration issue as fundamentally economically, rather than ethnically, motivated!

If one sees, for instance, Puerto Ricans in our neighborhoods, we don't object to them, so long as they are middle-class citizens and are respectful of a different cultural background from ours.

In the same way, if millions of badly-behaved, beer-swilling gringos from Podunk, Iowa USA began storming the gates of Mexico, well then, WASPS would be equally demonized.

Remember, it's never the mere ethnicity, but the breeding!!
Perkovic  - | 8
17 May 2008   #95
Around 2 Million...too many! :(

This is an "official figure", a rather conservative estimate, both you and I know the reality is much different for the worse unfortunately...

To this number you can add one or more unregistered persons staying with each family illegally. I visited cities like Gelsenkirschen, Berlin, Munich, and in some places it seemed as if you are in the Orient.

One German joked that after Istanbul the second biggest Turkish city is Berlin. A joke which is not funny at all.
Marek  4 | 867
17 May 2008   #96

ich bin Amerikaner deutsch-juedischer Abstammung, habe auch bis jetzt leider keinen Fuss in die Tuerkei gesetzt!

I'm a Yankee-'Cheese'-Doodle-Dandy and proud! -:)-:)!!!! LOL
17 May 2008   #97
One German joked that after Istanbul the second biggest Turkish city is Berlin. A joke which is not funny at all.

Sad Little Man :(
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #98
Listen, I couldn't care less about Turkey!

In my opinion they don't belong to Europe and will never become a member of the EU! But they can do or not do what they want - I simply don't care!

(But that is not the point here)

But I absolutely detest the turks in Germany...and that has grown about my whole life, I wasn't born with this dislike!
And every poll shows that most Germans feel the's boiling.

A joke which is not funny at all.

I agree, not funny at all!
The turks have no idea HOW b*tchy Germans can become...they better don't risk it - a still friendly warning!
Marek  4 | 867
17 May 2008   #99
Mr. Cem Ozdemir, a German-born Turk, was a long-time representative (Abgeordneter) of your Parliament (Bundestag)! He seemed reasonably popular!

Back to the Turkey question. To be sure, Turkey's upcoming membership in the European Union may become a matter of both economic as well as sheer demographic necessity. As is already well known, Germany's birthrate has been on the decline for years! Your own Guenter Grass documented this fact in his bleakly humorous (galgenhumoristisch) "Die Deutschen sterben aus"!

Indeed, Turkey's advantages may well be a strong, numerous, business-savvy and multi-lingual workforce, a far cry from the poor, illiterate 'Fremdarbeiter' of decades earlier!!

Europe might in the end need Turkey a great deal MORE than Turkey needs Europe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #100
Turkey's upcoming membership in the European Union

Forget it!

Membership has to be given with the consent of ALL member states. Not only Germany is against it.
There are countries which have already declared to hold a referendum - no way Turkey will ever get a unanimous acceptance!

We should end that pathetic game now!

PS: Not breeding like rabbits is a sign of a wealthy, highly industrialized society which does not has to rely on masses on children to help their parents to survive.

How much more humans can this planet nurture? Think about that!

Turkey's advantages may well be a strong, numerous, business-savvy and multi-lingual workforce

There are nothing of this! In Germany they are still the mostly illiterate, islamistic, backwardly anatolian peasants they were 3 generations back!
(Many still not being able to communicate in German even as they are being born here...)

Europe might in the end need Turkey a great deal MORE than Turkey needs Europe.


That's why you see the masses of poor, backwardly Europeans invade wealthy, democratic Turkey in search for freedom and a better life, right?

I told you before and I repeat it again: Turkey has NOTHING to give to Europe!
ForsakenOne  - | 38
17 May 2008   #101
If Turkey want's to join EU, they should get rid of honor murders first.,1518,344374,00.html
Marek  4 | 867
17 May 2008   #102
Bratwurst Boy,

Regrettably we may not post in languages other than English in this forum, as I feel that you are at a serious disadvantage not being able to express your thoughts more cogently and convincingly in German. This though is frequently the case with many Europeans, particularly the younger set, who arrogantly believe their English level higher than it actually is. Might that be your case?

Examples. You were blissfully unaware of the difference between the words 'mead' (ein alchoholisches Getraenk waehrend des Mittelalters in England, das aus Hafergruetzen und Honig bestand) and 'meat'. Your grammar errors and almost compulsive explitives ('crap') etc. are a further indication of this.

You only make yourself look bad. Should you wish to continue this discussion thread more calmly in your native tongue and as the educated citizen I hope you are, my private e-mail is panlech31@yahoo Be advised though, I have a spam firewall and am not afraid to use it!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #103

Thanks for your tips! :)

But I'm fine with an open discussion here on this board, thank you!

And since I can't hope to reach your perfection Marek I will settle for just bringing my point across...and you got my point clearly, didn't you?
17 May 2008   #104
Europe doesn't supply economical and social advantages like her old days.EU is not charming like her old days, either.I don't understand the propaganda on the behalf of EU in Turkey.In fact, people don't want to join EU even that massive propaganda.Turkey has a strong position and a strong population, indeed.Turkey has also a leadership soul among her neighbours.Europe gets weak day by day.Also, in Turkey, we understand just France, Austria, England, Netherlands etc. when it is told "Europe".But Bulgars, Croats, Greeks defend Europe much more than real Europeans.It is really funny.Loser Balkans like flattering real Europeans.But, who cares them?How ridiculous! :D
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #105
Now isn't that great: Turkey doesn't want the EU - EU doesn't want Turkey!
Everything is perfect! :)

So you are a turk "Guest"...thought so...
17 May 2008   #106
So you are a turk "Guest"...thought so...

Bratworst BoY, No I am not turkish, and Can't say about that another Guest.. anyway

I just wanted to comment because today when visiting several times this board I noticed You're posting here all day, and the sad thing You don't even get paid for that 24*7 posting service LOL

By the way, now that first world 'Croatian boy' is using some great Avatar LOL
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #107
I just wanted to comment because today when visiting several times this board I noticed You're posting here all day, and the sad thing You don't even get paid for that 24*7 posting service LOL

I had an interesting discussion....why don't you tell the board some more about you?
17 May 2008   #108
In fact, in Turkey, people don't know what will happen if we enter EU.But, there is a great propaganda on the behalf of EU and that raises the "yes votes" for EU.Everybody wants job.This is people's only problem.And it is thought that we will be richer when we enter EU.But, this is impossible, of course.EU is not a charity.Our people think EU as an opportunity to get new and better jobs.But, even in EU, people suffer from unemployment.And Europe is not strong like her old days.

Formerly, we were a closed country, but today we have everthing which exists in Europe, too.In Europe, only health foundations and hospitals are rather better against Turkish ones.In old days, the lowest class of Turkish people went to abroad.Because, they had nothing to lose.And, Europe was really strong.But, today, we are better than our old days and Europe is worse than former Europe.Of course, Europe still has better conditions than ours, but they are not stupid to feed others intead their own people.Formerly, Europe needed young and strong workers, especially Germany wanted.And our people went.Now, they don't need.We see the Turks from Germany, Austria etc., too.They come here in summers, and we see that they are not better than us.The first generation was Turkish peasants from the poorest areas of Turkey.But, their children were born and brought up in Europe, so, they are from Europe and they are accustomated to Europe.They can't live, here.They just visit for holidays.They have different acts than ours, too.Don't think they look like us, too much.

And in Europe, Turks worked in heavy works, but they still don't have good lives, except health foundations' quality.In Europe, life is expensive, too.And everybody who sees the Europe's 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's say the same thing, "Europe is not like old Europe".As i said, second and third Turkish generations of Germany etc. don't belong to here, either.They can't live, here.So, it is hard for them to leave there.But, if they leave, they can obviously make better businesses here if they have a good mind at trade.Here, labor is cheaper, too.Our geography supplies much more sources.But, we don't have enough capital, yet.People are younger and stronger.Western Europe is still better than us but they are deteriorating while we are getting better.In the next 50 years, Turkey will be a stronger country with her strong population.China, Iran, India, Pakistan and some Arab countries will be better, too.Also, Turkic nations like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan have important energy resources, too and they also have young and strong population.In the far future, like one century later, they will be better, too, at least better than Europe.They stay too behind, now.We have good relations with Eastern countries, too except Saudi Arabia.Europe would supply very important support 20 or 30 years ago, it really would be great for us.But, 20 or 30 years later, i don't think EU will have the same power they have today or they had in the past.And Turkey can't enter EU in a period of at least 25 years.And in 2035, Europe will need us, for a contact to eastern nations.Israel and Russia are not in EU, either but they are really too strong countries, they will be stronger in the future.We observe them, too.But, what will EU have in the future?
17 May 2008   #109
But Bulgars, Croats, Greeks defend Europe much more than real Europeans.It is really funny.Loser Balkans like flattering real Europeans.But, who cares them?How ridiculous! :D

Agreed, Bunch of propaganda machines installed all around the board with some COOL Avatars :D Ridiculous :p
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #110
Turks...the eternal "Guest"-worker! :):):)
17 May 2008   #111
By the way, i am the guest who wrote the 58th, 60th, 110th, 115th and this post.Other guest or guests are different.

And bratwurst, you are really an idiot.What do you want to tell with your last post?(117th)Do you think it is really sarcastic?Or do you think you will be winner with saying the last word with even stupid words.Insulting or trying to insult is too easy behid a computer.But, if we don't have any ideas, so we mustn't make here dirty, right?Those Turkish guests have a keyboard, too.And they could make your stupidnesses, too if they were idiot like you.Personally, i don't efford to dictate something to anybody.And i am opened to all respectful and wise ideas for a wealthy conversation.I am not keyboard hero and i think my Turkish fellows are not, either.So, writing ridiculous comments that you can't do face to face behind a computer won't supply us anything.Be brillant instead being a keyboard hero.Be respectful and just enlighten us with your wise comments.Cheers...Haha :)))
osiol  55 | 3921
17 May 2008   #112

Haven't you noticed? We're all using keyboards.
Marek  4 | 867
18 May 2008   #113
'You got my point, didn't you?'....

Well Bratwurst Boy, I got the rough idea of what I think you wanted to put across, that is to say, in 'Basic English'. However, it may be 'fine' for you to continue posting on an international open forum in a language not your own, as millions of other Europeans do each day, but it can gently impede smooth and complete communication of the nuances in meaning which are usually failed to be expressed.

On that pleasant and peaceful note.... keep on practicing your English on our forums: Uebung macht den Meister!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 May 2008   #114
On that pleasant and peaceful note.... keep on practicing your English on our forums: Uebung macht den Meister!

Now that's what I'm doing! :):):)

Hopefully I can express my distaste of muslims in Germany much better in the coming years! LOL :)
Marek  4 | 867
19 May 2008   #115
'..hopefully, I can express my distaste......'

Na, hoffentlich nicht! Hopefully, you'll learn the errors in your extremely bigoted (kleinkarriert) thinking and express more enlightened views, in whatever language you happen to be using!! -:) LOL
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
19 May 2008   #116
Nah...with your help I will become better and better in english and thus will be able to bring forward my arguments (and I thank you for that!). :)

Bigotted or not - Turks/Muslims have no place here:
Marek  4 | 867
19 May 2008   #117
Quite sure you understand the meaning of 'bigotted', Bratwurst Boy?? -:) LOL = mit vorgefassten Meinungen, voller Vorurteile usw.

Indeed sir, your opinions are QUITE bigotted!!!
But then, 'To Each His Own.' (Jedem das Seine und Dir das Meiste)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
19 May 2008   #118
Hey...I never pretended to be one of you multikulti wussies - "Intolerant" and proud of it! :)
My people will always come first!

You can love the Turks in your neighbourhood and stuff yourself with Döner as much as you like but don't force your view on others, okay?
Marek  4 | 867
19 May 2008   #119
You may not believe in Judgement Day (Das Juengste Gericht), but one day, your intolerance will be your undoing (deine Intoleranz wird ja Folgen haben).

There's a theory that Nazism took root in Germany so easily, because Germany didn't have a solid grounding in the Judeo-Christian Ethic. Read Prof. Helmut Plessner's 'Die verspaetete Nation"' sometime.

Good Luck!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
19 May 2008   #120
deine Intoleranz wird ja Folgen haben

Oh I hope so....the intolerance in the german public is's boiling already!
Many are getting so sick of you multikultis..

"Judeo-Christian ethic" my a**...stuff it!

PS: And since your german is so great you will have no problem to read and
hopefully understand this article. And now tell me again why Germans should put up with this scum!

Just some quotes:

Täglicher Terror auf Berlins Straßen (Daily terror on the streets of Berlin)

Um der Jugendgewalt in Berlin Herr zu werden, hat die Polizei sechs "Operative Gruppen" gebildet. Sie haben fast nur mit ausländischen Jugendlichen zu tun.
(To get a grip on the youth criminality in Berlin the police did build 6 operation groups - they have to fight nearly only immigant youths)

"Wir schlitzen euch deutsche Schweine auf" (We will slash you german pigs!)

Jagdszenen auf dem U-Bahnhof (Hunting scenarios at the subway-station)

Überfall im Stadtpark (Ambush in the city park)

Terror in Schwimmbädern (Terror in the swimming bath)

And now all...THANK YOU for that!

PPS: I know you think I'm a bigotted xenophobe (as if I care), in Germany we have many foreigners but only ONE group makes all the problems, the turks/muslims!

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