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What do Poles think about Turks?

z_darius  14 | 3960
16 May 2008   #61 after admitting that coffee is so not of turkish origin why not dispell with your other myths?

What about the flying carpets?
Or were these from somewhere else?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 May 2008   #62

I think that was from the fairytales of 1001 nights, wasn't it?
(And that's Arabic if I remember it correctly...)
z_darius  14 | 3960
16 May 2008   #63
What do you mean fairly tales?
Due to high gasoline prices I was considering getting one to commute to work.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 May 2008   #64
Hehe...any further and I expect to see them coming! :)
Bartolome  2 | 1083
16 May 2008   #65
What about the flying carpets?

Persia. Not Turkey :)
z_darius  14 | 3960
16 May 2008   #66
Which included good parts of Modern Turkey, didn't it ;)
Bartolome  2 | 1083
16 May 2008   #68
Which included good parts of Modern Turkey, didn't it ;)

Yeah, but Persia was there FIRST.
Marek  4 | 867
16 May 2008   #69
Bratwurst, is German your mother tongue?? Only one misspelling in my post ('das' instead of correct 'dass'!!-:) ), my sources indicate that civilization moved historcially in Europe from South on up North, rather than vice-versa. When the Turks were at the height of their Empire, you Northern Europeans were sitting around eating mead and throwing bones at one another!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 May 2008   #70
If "dass" then "daß" please!

And till now your "posts" show a concerning lack of knowledge...bring some links which show Turkish superiority to Europeans first! *waits*
PS: I wonder why no European stands in the queue to join the famous Turkish empire!!! :):):)
Oh...and just for the record: How would you describe the Roman Empire and the Greek civilization??? All far BEFORE the Ottomans learned to fart!

The Culture of Greece has evolved over thousands of years, with its beginnings in the Mycenaean and Minoan Civilizations, continuing most notably into Classical Greece, through the influence of the Roman Empire and its Greek Eastern successor the Byzantine Empire

The Latin term Imperium Romanum (Roman Empire), probably the best-known Latin expression where the word imperium denotes a territory, indicates the part of the world under Roman rule. Roman expansion began in the days of the Republic, but reached its zenith under Emperor Trajan. At this territorial peak, the Roman Empire controlled approximately 5,900,000 km² (2,300,000 sq mi) of land surface. Because of the Empire's vast extent and long endurance, Roman influence upon the language, religion, architecture, philosophy, law and government of nations around the world lasts to this da

Compare THAT to the turks...
Bartolome  2 | 1083
16 May 2008   #71

Wasn't there some language reform in Germany a while ago ? I thought that 'das scharfe s' was replaced by 'ss".

PS: I wonder why no European stands in the queue to join the famous turkish empire!!! :):):)

Yeah, it's quite the opposite: Turkey wants to join the EU !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 May 2008   #72
I thought that 'das scharfe s' was replaced by 'ss".

There was! But some steadfast people are going to ignore that!
Bartolome  2 | 1083
16 May 2008   #73
Hehe, it's just the lot of reforms :)
Marek  4 | 867
16 May 2008   #74
'dass' since the Spelling Reform, thank you!! In Switzerland, the 'sharp s' never existed.

Your English is rather passable. I was raised with German at home as well as English., so it'd better be excellent! What's your excuse?


As I already posted, the 'esszet' never really existed in Switzerland, which therefore feels itself technically exempt from the rules of the German Spelling Reform (deutsche Rechtschreibereform), officially observed in Germany as well as Austria!

Incidentally, my remarks conerning Turkish 'superiority' were meant to include the ancients as a group, along with the Romans, Greeks, Chaldeans (the first astronomers and mathematicians!) and Egyptians.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 May 2008   #75
Noch nie davon gehört???
Never heard of that???

Sie gilt als die weltweit älteste konkrete Himmelsdarstellung (Is seen as the worlds oldest mapping of the sky!)

Throwing meat and bones at each other, huh???
Let's see...we don't need the turks for coffee, for reclining, nor for astronomy ....what else?
Man, you need to go out more....


Incidentally, my remarks conerning Turkish 'superiority' were meant to include the ancients as a group, along with the Romans, Greeks, Chaldeans (the first astronomers and mathematicians!) and Egyptians.

Umm...did you ask the Romans or Greeks or Egyptians if they want to be grouped with TURKS??? :):):)
Marek  4 | 867
16 May 2008   #76
German anti-Turkish stereotypes notwithstanding, the Turks are of course considered the 'fertile crescent' (der Entstehungsort der abendlaendischen Kultur), indeed grouped as part of the great Empire builders of old!

Vor geraumer Zeit sei der Koenigliche Hof Konstantinoples einer der prunkhaftesten des Abendlandes. In days of old the Royal Court at Constantinople (later Istanbul) was said to be the most resplendent in all of Christendom. It is understood though, that Turkey was and remains a Muslim nation!! By 'Christendom', I actually meant 'the known world at that time'. Apologies for not being more precise! -:) LOL

As far as not knowing that the 'scharfe s' is still not used in Switzerland, you have but merely to crack open any book printed or published in Switzerland to see that this ligature is simply NOT used!

By the by, Bratwurst Boy, 'eating mead' is not a misspelling of 'meat'!!! Here, your English fails you momentarily. 'Mead' is the Old English word for the sort of gruel (porridge = Hafergruetze) people in England around the time of King John I used to eat, not 'meat' (Fleisch)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #77 keep repeating that but I'm still not convinced!
Maybe they are considered as the "fertile crescent" in YOUR household but surely not in the rest of Europe!
Show me some things of real turkish origin the Europeans can't do without please.

And this topic is about TURKS not Egypts, not Greeks nor any other empire building nation *points at thread header*

Are you a turk?
7seas  - | 3
17 May 2008   #78
dear friends,first of all I want to state that everyone is free to like or not to like anyone he/she wants.This discussion isnt useful and logical if you ask me.I dont feel happy when someone says "I like Turks" but I really feel dissappointed when someone says "I hate Turks,Turks are blah blah". You say "Turks" to people living in The Republic Of Turkey, but this country consists of 70 million people plus millions of citizens abroad. Yes Turkish culture is corrupted recently, TR citizens do ashaming things abroad and in their country,but anyway,better dont make general judgements about "Turks" as you call,even myself may not know many good Turkish people altough Im from Turkey,but I know theres myself at least.And dont judge one of the oldest nations in the world and its ancient culture in a simple chat like discussion please, then you will have done a big mistake to humankind and history.Comparing TR culture to islamic cultures&communities is even ridiculous.You can see that islam culture and TR culture has been parallel only for a short time,even less than "some" for TR history.Haven't you -european brothers/sisters- suffered enough from WW2 which has started by the racist ideas?..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #79
And dont judge one of the oldest nations in the world and its ancient culture in a simple chat like discussion please

I'm shaking in my boots!

PS: I don't know about the Turks in Turkey, (they can do as they want to as far as I'm concerned) but I heartily dislike the turks in Germany - and I see and experience them daily! Sue me!
7seas  - | 3
17 May 2008   #80
Dear friend,please dont take a particular part of my reply and talk on it.You first take a part of my reply about history and then tell about your own experiences,bad people around dont make Turkish history less...

Do you know me?Let me say "no",so how can you dislike me?!Youre going quite wrong,you may hate the image or concept you have in your mind but if you say you dislike me,then Im afraid you havent learnt much from your recent history,when your country was made a flat terrain because of bombs and righteous reaction of the nations suffered because of German racism. And yes close your eyes and ears but Turkish history is much older than many other nations,and many people in europe has "Turkic" roots.Advise:Dont judge history take lessons from it and dont hate/love nations,have emotions about each person.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #81
You don't know me but call me "dear friend"??? Get lost...Europe doesn't need Turks!
7seas  - | 3
17 May 2008   #82
Yes people I dont know are friends for me,I dont take people as potential enemies like you,and now you speak to me personally?Let me say I dont go anywhere but you may visit a doctor for your black mind.I wish we could make a good discussion without your non sense replies.By the way,have I said europe needs turks?And are you representing Europe?full of hate,childish...
17 May 2008   #83
You don't know me but call me "dear friend"??? Get lost...Europe doesn't need Turks!

What a b1tch attitude You have got, go bang your head on the wall You trojan horse
isisores  - | 46
17 May 2008   #84
You don't know me but call me "dear friend"??? Get lost...Europe doesn't need Turks!

he calls you "dear friend" obviously because of he doesn't know you. if he knew how retarded person you were then he wouldn't say this of course. yes you deserve to be called "dear prick" instead of "dear friend".
Wroclaw Boy
17 May 2008   #85
Greacy fooking Turks, the best thing about turkey is the donner kebab and that sucks unless youve had 10 pints of wife beater. uuhmm lovely maggot fuelled meat you have to be steaming and all other take aways closed to even contemplate one.
Perkovic  - | 8
17 May 2008   #86
What is happening in Germany is only a natural reaction to a crawling invasion of a third world alien people with primitive behaviour. With all due respect, how would the Turks react if millions of Germans suddenly moved to Turkey?
Wroclaw Boy
17 May 2008   #87
What is happening in Germany is only a natural reaction to a crawling invasion of an alien people.

How many Turks in Germany? just out of interest.
17 May 2008   #88
third world alien people with primitive behaviour


This is coming from someone who belongs to the very first world called 'Croatia', Get a life dude ...
Wroclaw Boy
17 May 2008   #89
Where you from?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
17 May 2008   #90
How many Turks in Germany? just out of interest.

Around 2 Million...too many! :(

if he knew how retarded person you were then he wouldn't say this of course. yes you deserve to be called "dear prick" instead of "dear friend"

What's your problem with me disliking Turks in Germany!
I can't stand them and will support any movement to show them the ropes...

If Germans behaved that way in Turkey as the Turks do in Germany I would accept it if you would feel the same!

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