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What do Poles think about Turks?

Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 Sep 2021   #751
I think Turks are a problem everywhere because they always carry and take out knives at the slightest sign of conflict.

lol at ukrainian politics:
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Sep 2021   #752
I think Turks are a problem everywhere

Not in London.

Here the knives mainly come from blacks and muslims.
Novichok  4 | 8478
1 Sep 2021   #753
You mean the knives came with blacks and Muslims or did they buy them locally after the welcoming ceremony was over?
Sorry. Couldn't resist that one.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Sep 2021   #754
You are forgiven LOL!!

I reckon they bought them locally........ from other blacks and muslims.....

My point was that Turks are not a problem in London.
They open Kebab shops, some excellent Turkish restaurant's and are good cab drivers.
My daughter went on holiday to Turkey three times and always had a welcoming and enjoyable experience.
Turks are not Pakistanis.
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Sep 2021   #755
Turks are a problem everywhere

In Europe (especially Germany) the "Turks" are divided into two groups that don't necessarily have a lot to do with each other. The Ethnic Turks and the Kurds. Almost all the crime problems come from the Kurds.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
2 Sep 2021   #756
....not necessarily! Did you ever hear about the "Grey Wolves"?

They are big in Germany and directly influenced by the hard core nationalists, fascists even at home...even if living in Germany already for the second or third Generation. Erdogan ist known to use them for support. He even uses their salute, the "wolf sign"!

They are at least as bad as some Kurds....

Yes, the turkish diaspora is heavily divided!
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Sep 2021   #757
They are at least as bad as some Kurds....

No doubt, but how many Turks belong to them? According to wikipedia no more than 20,000 which is a smaller percentage than Kurds involved in crime....

Interestingly Iraqi Kurds seem to be very, very different from Turkish Kurds (generally more educated and more secular).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
2 Sep 2021   #758
Interestingly Iraqi Kurds seem to be very, very different from Turkish Kurds

There have been studies about that:

....In the report of October 2018, DFAT further noted, 'Eastern and south eastern Turkey have historically been less developed than other parts of the country, with lower incomes, higher poverty rates, less industry, and less government investment. The Kurdish population is socio-economically diverse: while many are very poor, particularly in rural areas and the south-east, a Kurdish middle class is growing in urban centres, particularly in western Turkey.'22

These regions are culturally closer to the tribal society of Afghanistan...but on the other hand we have in Germany a rising numbers of politicians of kurdish origins, mostly with the LINKE and den GRÜNEN....women even, educated, independent, no headscarf in sight...yes, they are extremely diverse!

I wonder how a statehood would work if they should really achieve their own country sometime in the future...with such diverse realities of life.
pawian  226 | 27453
16 Sep 2021   #759
Poles think that Turks are obsessed with blond women, especially from Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Sep 2021   #760
They're not quite as "rapey" and don't commit as much "spontaneous cultural enrichment" as some of the other muslims in Europe, but they're still a foreign element...
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Sep 2021   #761
Poles think that Turks are obsessed with blond wome

Do Polish women go to Turkey for sex tourism? I knew a woman who, it seemed, used to go to Egypt for that...

I've only been on the Aegean coast which is not so representative of the country as a whole (very secular and closer in culture to Italy or Greece than the Anatolian hinterlands - and there.... there is a lot of phenotype diversity from blondes, redheads with freckles, some extremely Asian looking and some (especially women) who look extremely native American....

The wages of empire...

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