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What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2022   #151
Hungarian azholes

Another revisionist scandal from Hungary.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Sunday, Nov. 20,appeared at a football match of the Hungarian national team with a scarf depicting a map of "Greater Hungary" with parts of neighboring states in its composition.

Ukrainians are protesting, of course.
Now I know why Orban won the latest elections. Those Hungarian azholes are still nostalgic about their lost lands. Amassing.

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Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Nov 2022   #152
Those Hungarian azholes are still nostalgic about their lost lands

Utter bollox.
It may be Orban's view but ordinary Hungarians have no stomach for an expansion of Hungary, perhaps with the exception of Transylvania.....please stop making leftist posts against all Hungarians, because of your hatred of Orban.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
22 Nov 2022   #153
It is at the very least in incredibly poor taste, given that Russia has suggested that Ukraine should be partitioned between Russia, Poland and Hungary.

What makes this quite concerning is that Putin is evidently Orban's hero and he has done his best to undermine the European support for Ukraine.
mafketis  38 | 11260
23 Nov 2022   #154
but ordinary Hungarians have no stomach for an expansion of Hungary

Not talked to many Hungarians have you? Most have no stomache for trying to take back areas by force but they mostly do support things like the "karta Węgra" (similar to karta Polaka which was modeled on it) and are more concerned about Hungarian minorities being able to get education in Hungarian than things like bombing attacks on civilians...

And you can't walk 100 meters in Budapest without seeing the map of Greater Hungary either as posters, t-shirts etc

And many Hungarians fell for the russian lies about russian speakers being oppressed which made them a little sympathetic to them....
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 Nov 2022   #155
Apropos switching loyalties, there's a saying as old as the hills, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
True then, equally true now. Bear in mind, folks, human nature in essence never changes!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2022   #156
the map of Greater Hungary either as posters, t-shirts etc

They are really sick azholes.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
23 Nov 2022   #157
Not talked to many Hungarians have you?

I have actually and they don't reflect your views at all.
mafketis  38 | 11260
23 Nov 2022   #158
How often have you been in Hungary?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
23 Nov 2022   #159
Only once but I speak to Hungarians here and in the USA.
Just because Orban's govt has put up posters and maps in Budapest does not mean that is the national feeling.
The only concern I have ever felt from Hungarians is about Transylvania.
Nowhere else.
mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Nov 2022   #160
Nowhere else.

I work with Hungarians.... one is against Orban, one... I don't know, and one defends him. In the case of Ukraine the Hungarian minority was specifically the reason. This same person (generally very tolerant and international in most things) also complains about the fate of Hungarian in Slovakia....

Orban didn't put up the posters. AFAICT they began appearing before he was re-elected. They tap into a general free-floating feeling in Hungary that they were grievously wronged by Trianon... which colors lots of Hungarian opinions.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Nov 2022   #161
that they were grievously wronged by Trianon

That is the long gone past which they need to overcome. As long as they don`t,. they are azholes who might be dangerous if they decide to ally with Mongol troublemakers to dismantle Ukraine.

I declare the traditional Polish Hungarian brotherhood null and void until those azholes reform.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
24 Nov 2022   #162
I declare the traditional Polish Hungarian brotherhood null and void

I declare that you are a narrow minded person led by your false and failed political beliefs and people like you are a threat to the stability of Eastern Europe.

The danger is not in all the people you hate, it's in you....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2022   #163
threat to the stability of Eastern Europe.

Exactly, darling. Hungarian azholes are a threat to the stability with their pathetic revisionist daydreaming.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
26 Nov 2022   #164
Hungarian azholes are a threat

For all your libertarian left wing spiel, you have just exposed yourself as what most left wingers are... narrow minded racists.
I bet you hate Jews too... Or just Hungarian Jews?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Nov 2022   #165

Darling, remain on topic - there are other threads dealing with Jews. :):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #166
What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

Right now, we owe Hungarians a travel back in time to the communist times when food was rationed. Due to their Prime Minister`s policy, Hungarians have to stick to limits when buying some products. Amasing.

there were Aldi supermarkets where there were no eggs left. Among the harsh restrictions, you can now only buy 1 kg of potatoes and 1 litre of milk at a time. A week before Christmas, Aldi has been forced to limit the amount of its price capped products available for purchase.
Alien  26 | 6527
14 Jan 2023   #167
back in time to

and do they already have vouchers for Lada and Moskvich?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #168
vouchers for Lada and Moskvich?

Not yet but if Russian-Hungarian friendship continues, Hungarians will be able to get new-old* Russian cars at a huge discount.
* New coz produced nowadays but old like in communist times due to Western sanctions.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
14 Jan 2023   #169

The only reason you dislike Hungarians is because they elected a right wing government, just like the Poles did.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #170

Me pity them for still not being able to deal with their national trauma although more than 100 years have passed. They are dreaming of playing a role of a hyena next to the Russian lion but their hopes are futile and in result they are making azholes of themselves. Their attitude deserves pity.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
14 Jan 2023   #171
Me pity them for still not being able to deal with their national trauma

Just because they elected a right wing government?
Are you crazy?
So, aren't the Poles just as guilty as the Hungarians?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #172
Sticking to logic is your obvious problem. :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
14 Jan 2023   #173
Sticking to logic is your obvious problem

I think you are driven more by your heart than by logic in this debate.
Because your arguments make no sense at all.
As usual.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2023   #174
They are dreaming of playing a role of a hyena next to the Russian lion

Hungarian azholes` stand-up comedy continued:

The media said that during a conversation with journalists, the Hungarian Prime Minister compared Ukraine with Afghanistan and called it "the land of nobody." Orban said he did not believe in Ukraine's victory and believed that the country "is gradually turning into an uncontrollable ruin."

Hey, Hungarians, do you know what decent non-PiS Poles think of you? You are pathetic azholes coz most of you support Orban who supports Putin.

Fekk you!
For all you do
This finger is for you!

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28 Jan 2023   #175
Orban said he did not believe in Ukraine's victory

Hungary is led by a clown and those who elected him are the same clowns.
Paulina  19 | 4556
28 Jan 2023   #176
the Hungarian Prime Minister compared Ukraine with Afghanistan and called it "the land of nobody." Orban said he did not believe in Ukraine's victory

Wow, what a piece of sh1t. So there goes the claim of PiS politicians and PiS supporters that Orban is only protecting Hungary's interests.

To make matters worse his state TV is repeating RuSSian propaganda.

I hope karma will reach Orban and the scumbags that vote for him.
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Jan 2023   #177
Hungary is led by a clown and those who elected him are the same clowns.

assuming you are German (judging from your user name) how would you call the entire German political class who based German economic policy on the dependence on Russian gas (and now German frantically get back to minining lignite to fill the void)
amiga500  5 | 1539
28 Jan 2023   #178
So there goes the claim of PiS politicians and PiS supporters

Who said that exactly? afaik relations between poland and hungary are not the best, and kaczynski critisized orban.

the scumbags that vote for him.

Calm down, youve seen too many ukranian psyops on facebook. ever wonder why those fake photos of atrocities you fell hook line and sinker for were never mentioned by the mainstream media, and the ukranian minister who kept goin on about them was fired?

Orban is allowed his stance, as is half the world. Besides the ukrs have treated the hungarian minority in the carpathians badly.
28 Jan 2023   #179
ld you call the entire German political class who based German economic policy on the dependence

We made a mistake with Russian minerals import but at least we are learning on our mistakes and now the import is slowly finishing. Hungary still wants to buy fuels from Russians and supports their cruel war.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Jan 2023   #180
I found that German got me quite far in at least several major Hungarian metropoli such as Budapeszt and Debrecen when my Hungarian failed me:-)

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