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What do Poles owe to Hungarians?

Miloslaw  22 | 5206
12 May 2022   #121
nazi regimes

Like Serbia?
Russia will be after you lot next....LOL!!!

Besides Serbs, they now spit on Hungarians, too.

I don't think they spit on Hungarians.

I think that spitting is a disgusting Balkan and Asian habit.
But if Balkan Croats spit on Balkan Serbs,that is OK by me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Oct 2022   #122
Hungarians are still nostalgic for their lost territories.
During WW2 they allied with Hitler and Nazi Germany to recapture what they had lost after WW1.
Today, they are trying to be friendly with Putin and RuSSia, hoping for some leftovers from the Ukrainian war meal.
No way! Hungarians, forget the lands you were deprived of 100 years ago. Stop daydreaming at last. This is the 21st century.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Oct 2022   #123
Well, the Trianon fiasco of 1918 was a pretty rough slap in the face, you must admit!

Imagine how you in Poland would feel if you lost almost more of half of your homeland to a neighboring power, much less, who denied it ever happened.
Alien  26 | 6527
18 Oct 2022   #124
Poles have lost half of their homeland to a neighboring power- russia. It was 1939.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
18 Oct 2022   #125
However, I wonder whether much older folks in Poland still complain about it as do many Hungarians I know, who continue to nourish the dream that one day while they're still alive, they can "reclaim" Transylvania from the Romanians!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Oct 2022   #126
the Trianon fiasco of 1918 was a pretty rough slap in the face, you must admit!

Yes, it was! But it happened 100 years ago and now it is too late to correct it. However, Hungs can`t understand it and are still living in their obsessive Great Hungary fantasy world. The sooner they let it go, the better for everybody. RuSSists have cherished similar obsessions and you see the consequences today - Ukraine is being devastated while RuSSia`s economy is slowly going to the dogs.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Oct 2022   #127
the dream that one day while they're still alive, they can "reclaim" Transylvania from the Romanians!

I have never heard that dream expressed by Hungarians, from Transylvania that I know,nor by Hungarian speaking Romanians that I know.

You seem to live in a world of fantasy without any basis for your opinions,just like Crow.

Best just to shut up, you just make a fool of yourself.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 Oct 2022   #128
I base my observations solely on historical readings!
Perhaps those who represent such statements are in fact the most conservative of Hungarians.
What do you think?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Nov 2022   #129
I have never heard that dream expressed by Hungarians,

Which doesn`t mean there aren`t nationalist Hungarians who dream of regaining some territory from Ukraine.

Hungarian politician and member of parliament László Toroczkai decided to wish Poland on the occasion of Independence Day . Toroczkai is the founder of the far-right party, Our Homeland Movement.

"Today is Poland's Independence Day. God bless Poland! Let's meet again on the common Polish-Hungarian border!", he wrote on Twitter.

He illustrated his entry with a photo from March 1939. In the photo, the Polish and Hungarian border guards shake hands. The photo was taken on the Użocka Pass . Today, at this place is the Polish-Ukrainian border.

This means Toroczkai wishes to strip Ukraine of its territory.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Nov 2022   #130
This means Toroczkai wishes to strip Ukraine of its territory

this is as significant as some fringe Polish nationalist wanting Lwów to return to Poland
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Nov 2022   #131
this is as significant

Maybe. But a fact is a fact. We have a proof for Hungarian nationalism and the craving for their old lands, which Milo and others doubted.
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Nov 2022   #132
I have never heard that dream expressed by Hungarians

It is impossible to talk about regional politics with Hungarians for 15 minutes without Trianon being brought up (sometimes multiple times).

While very few openly express hopes for overturning it they are obsessed with maintaining the language in the diaspora population (often more than the Hungarians in said places themselves).

They don't like the Ukrainian language law because they think Hungarians should be able to receive their entire education in Hungarian....

It's blindingly obvious that Orban siding with russia early on was at least partly motivated by maps about what countries would get what parts of Ukraine being circulated and part was to be given to Hungary.

I used to love visiting Hungary but really don't want to anymore unless they dump the useless russian puppet Orban
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Nov 2022   #133
with Hungarians for 15 minutes without Trianon being brought up

isn't it ironic that the winners of the 1st World War who wanted self-determination of nations elsewhere gave areas of Hungarian majority often bordering the carved down Hungary to their neighbours - also I never heard of any Hungarian officials publically voicing the desire of Hungarian authorities to collect the lands back - if you have, please do link them up
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Nov 2022   #134
gave areas of Hungarian majority

That was a retribution for the privileged status of Hungarians in the Empire which was even called Austro Hungarian Empire.
Following the 1867 reforms, the Austrian and Hungarian states were co-equal in power. The two states conducted common foreign, defense, and financial policies, but all other governmental faculties were divided among respective states

Czechs or Romanians could only dream of such a status.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Nov 2022   #135
Czechs or Romanians could only dream of such a status.

sure: then why part of the former Hungarian Kingdon part of the empire was given to the post-war Austria (based on ethinical criteria)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
14 Nov 2022   #136
To me it is unknown, but I wouldn't be surprised if major powers back then wanted Austrias ally to be stripped off as much power as possible so that Austria would essentially become unimportant and powerless + give Hungarians something more to dislike Austrians about.

Got to remember that the Germans (central powers in general) were vilified as "The Huns". So this most likely was a continuation of the thinking too.

Hungarians becoming so small and controlling so little became so insignificant politically that basically nobody were seriously considering them as a ally and too much trouble to help out and expecting help in return. (Anyone would have to pay more then to receive back, which halts most interests and limits it. Even to this day)

Have 1 allied state at cost of worse relations with 5-6 nations? And smaller then the rest.

We as Poles have looked sympathetically towards Hungarians due to history (common foe/rivalry with Austrians, standing up to Turks and shared fighting spirit with the Soviet Union)

Now that Hungary is dependent on Russia during the Ukrainian crisis and potentially wants a little land grab of Ukraine (ignoring Ukraines military capabilities and resolve+Polish backing)

National strategical interests change as Hungary doesn't seem to see Russia as a threat to Hungary
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2022   #137
then why part of the former Hungarian Kingdon part of the empire was given to the post-war Austria

Strange, but your question doesn`t logically relate to my statement about Czechs and Romanians compared to priviliged Hungarians who had their quasi state within the Empire.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Nov 2022   #138
Significant perhaps that even more than Poland, present-day Hungary under Orban and FIDESZ remains perhaps the most xenophobic country in Europe, as much if not more so than either Sweden or Italy!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2022   #139
present-day Hungary under Orban and FIDESZ remains perhaps the most xenophobic country in Europe

Also their suicide rate is one of the highest in Europe. That is a result of their centuries long feeling of estrangement in Europe.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Nov 2022   #140
Undoubtedly. Odd that Poland's suicide rate wasn't nearly as high, as long as we're speaking here of estrangement or isolation.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2022   #141
Odd that Poland's suicide rate wasn't nearly as high

That`s obvious. My suggestion of estrangement refers to the isolation caused by the language barriers. Nobody speaks or understands Hungarian in Europe, only native speakers. While in case of Poles, we can still have some basic communication with other Slavic nations in Europe.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
14 Nov 2022   #142
. Nobody speaks or understands Hungarian in Europe, only native speakers

That is true.
But you underestimate the brotherhood felt between Poles and Hungarians.

, we can still have some basic communication with other Slavic nations in Europe

Yeah, that benefits us with Slowaks and Ukrainians,but nobody else!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Nov 2022   #143
Not true!
When I was last in Hungary some years ago, Hungarian had already become a very hot language, not to the extent of German, Polish or obviously Russian, but nonetheless practical.

My attempts were not only appreciated, but in fact many in Budapest spoke little to no English. Our tour guide made numerous mistakes and often was incomprehensible.

Without English, I'd have been lost in Hungary without German:-)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Nov 2022   #144
I meant to say, "With ONLY English, I'd have been lost in Hungary without German."
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Nov 2022   #145
you underestimate the brotherhood felt between Poles and Hungarians.

I fekk traditional brotherhood if Hungarians support RuSSia.
Fekk invalid brotherhood, Hungarian azholes and RuSSist Mongols. Simple.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Nov 2022   #146
Many Westerners persist in the belief that Hungarians are Slavs!
It was once thought that the former in fact were related to the Turks, but this too turned out to be incorrect:-)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
17 Nov 2022   #147
Many Westerners persist in the belief that Hungarians are Slavs!

They must be incredibly ignorant westerners.
Where on earth do you get your weird ideas from???

Hungarians are not related to Turks either.Closer to Genghis Khan.....

Hungarians have never seen themselves as Slavs, Slavs have never seen them as Slavs, but they have been accepted as fellow East Europeans suffering under the oppression of Russian Communism.

And therefore as "" Brothers in Arms".
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Nov 2022   #148
incredibly ignorant westerners.

As late as the 1970s-80s in the general American imagination, all the countries behind the Iron Curtain were slavic (remember closed borders, limited media etc etc).

I remember my first encounter with written Hungarian in the mid 1970s.... I was very confused because it didn't seem like the slavic languages I'd... glimpsed. I even remember thinking Romanian was slavic because of geography and the few words I'd ever heard (translated interviews with romanian gymnasts in the 1976 olympics) sounded pretty slavic...

The world was very different and it was much harder to find out about things like that, even for those of us interested in them...
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
18 Nov 2022   #149

Yeah, to me Romanian sounds a bit like a Slav speaking Italian!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
18 Nov 2022   #150
MY weird ideas???
Are you a nutter? You even wondered at "those" people who thought such things!

Hungarians are a Uralic or Ugritic people.

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