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What do Poles owe to Czechs?

OP pawian  226 | 27546
21 Nov 2022   #61
hatred of PIS

Darling, it is not hatred but pure truth when I wrote:

Some Poles complain about empty shelves but they are narrow-minded idiots. Probably voters of PiS.

I returned to the article where I had first read about the campaign of a local council member who protested against Czechs buying items wholesale and leaving empty shelves in Polish shops.

And guess what, darling! He had been voted into the office as a ritard candidate. Ha!!!

Isn`t it amasing that I detect ritard azholes from the distance of hundreds of kilometres only by reading about their idiotic behaviour???? hahahaha

You don`t know Polish so have this article translated in Google:

and this page too,40790.html
OP pawian  226 | 27546
31 Jan 2023   #62
We should be grateful to Czechs for their historical choice of a sensible president in latest elections a few days ago. A former army officer, he defeated his populist rival who cherishes some pro Russian sentiments, while the new President - quite the contrary.
Alien  25 | 6402
27 Mar 2023   #63
It happened in 966.

or am I wrong?

No, you are not and it was important that christianity come to Poland through Czechia and not directly from Germany.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
28 Mar 2023   #64
Indeed, it showed that Christianity can be spread among slavs without the need for bloodshed. As compared to Germanic peoples, which halted the legality of military expansion in to slavic lands for religious reasons. If anybody think it's not important then look at the fate of Balts and Finni-Ugric peoples at the hands of Germans, Danes and Swedes.

Not only a right move to embrace God and join the Christian community as a group, but also important to reduce the options of the most expansionist hardliners in Germanic nations.

It only changed to large degree after protestantism was introduced and the unity of the church was tried to be destroyed by the protestants which lead to the opening up of Russian expansion based on Orthodox church schism.

In modern times now, politicians look mostly cynically towards religion and it's influence on diplomatical relations, interests of financial supporters and votes of the people are more important to them, strangely enough banks are having troubles left and right now, people are more and more apathetic towards the worst parts of governments running things as they are.

So in short, Poland owes the Czechs a Great deal
Alien  25 | 6402
29 Mar 2023   #65
Unfortunately, there are very few Catholics in Czech Republic today.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
29 Mar 2023   #66
there are very few Catholics in Czech Republic today.

Say what? About 40% of Czechs are Catholics, and I never had problems finding a Mass on Sunday even in smaller towns.

The percentage of practicing Catholics is definitely much lower, but to say that "there are very few Catholics" is an exaggeration (to put it mildly).
Alien  25 | 6402
29 Mar 2023   #67

Mr. Google is sure that only 5 % of Czechs are practicing Catholics.
Bobko  27 | 2193
29 Mar 2023   #68
Czechs are famous nihilists. Czechs believe nothing. It's enough to read Kafka and HaĊĦek to understand this is a nation of heavy drinkers and jokers.

However, I have never seen so many empty churches as when I was in France. Truly only the very ancient were present.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
29 Mar 2023   #69
Google is sure that only 5 % of Czechs are practicing Catholics.

Practicing is the key word, and I made this reservation if you read my post again. However, about 40% are formally Catholic. That's hardly "very few".
OP pawian  226 | 27546
5 Apr 2023   #70
Back on topic edition 12.

We owe to Czech journalists a latest comparison of prices of groceries purchased in one of popular chain supermarkets. They visited Lidl markets in Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany and Austria.

Of course, Polish Lidl offered the lowest prices of all.,nId,6699588

Czechs perfectly know about it and come in droves to do shopping in Poland. There is only one item which is cheaper in Czechia. Guess which one. Of course beer.

Czech journalists point out that only Poland has a zero VAT rate. They also note that even if our government did not decide to make this move, and the rate of 5 percent was introdiced, it would still be cheaper in Poland than in the Czech Republic, where the tax is the highest and amounts to as much as 15 percent.
Alien  25 | 6402
7 Apr 2023   #71
I owe to Czechs gas in my tank, rolls and Czech beer....and milk and Edam cheese and sometimes some sweets. That's all.
jon357  72 | 23520
7 Apr 2023   #72
Edam cheese

That's Dutch.

Czech beer

This can be good, but is mostly made by big conglomerates.
Alien  25 | 6402
18 Aug 2024   #73
Edam cheese

Czech tastes different somehow, better for me.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
19 Aug 2024   #74
in my tank

Are you going to fight in the Kursk region???

That's all.

Still much more than me. I don`t remember when I saw sth from Czechia.

But I do remember they produced awful chocolate in 1970s. Polish chocolate was delicatessen in comparison.
Alien  25 | 6402
19 Aug 2024   #75
when I saw sth from Czechia.

Have you never seen a Skoda?
OP pawian  226 | 27546
19 Aug 2024   #76
I meant sth in my hands... :):):) I don`t walk along streets to touch Skoda cars. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6402
19 Aug 2024   #77
touch Skoda cars

Have you ever petted a car?
OP pawian  226 | 27546
19 Aug 2024   #78
A cat? Yes, many times. I also pet trees.
Alien  25 | 6402
19 Aug 2024   #79
produced awful chocolate in 1970s.

Today they produce "Studencka" chocolate, it's quite good, and there's also beer, supposedly the best in the world.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 534
20 Aug 2024   #80
also beer, supposedly the best in the world.

Alien, supposedly, is the word. Do you believe Okocim and Zywiec are inferior, or are they locking in aggressive advertisements?
Alien  25 | 6402
20 Aug 2024   #81
Okocim and Zywiec

The most famous Polish beer in Germany is Tyskie. You could say that Germans are crazy about it. When it comes to Czech beer, I like it best in its simplest form as "jasne svetle". It is not bitter and has less alcohol.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 534
21 Aug 2024   #82
I'm not familiar with that. I only have a beer once a month, my wife liked Okocim, and Tyskie has been occupying space in our fridge for the past few months without anyone to drink. Interestingly, it's sold in four-packs rather than the usual six.
Alien  25 | 6402
8 Sep 2024   #83
sold in four-packs rather than the usual six.

I also saw eight-packs.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
21 Jan 2025   #84
We owe to Czechs that they believe the Baltic Sea is their own sea. Due to improvement of transport routes, it is possible for Czechs to travel to the Polish seaside in 5 hours.
50, 40, 30, 20, 15 years ago our journey to the seaside from southern Lesser Poland took 15- 10 hours.
Alien  25 | 6402
21 Jan 2025   #85
possible for Czechs to travel to the Polish seaside in 5 hours.

I also saw them on the German sea.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
21 Jan 2025   #86
Not as many as at the Polish seaside.
Alien  25 | 6402
24 Jan 2025   #87
Not as many

It is probably still more expensive.

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