If Jews were such prominent members in all the decision-making roles, why then did this happen?
Internal bickering over desired positions which proves that they were held by the Jews and Polish communists envied.
but the tendency is to call it all lies if it doesn't fit the popular image. Indeed, it just doesn't seem logical based on absolute numbers and given the mistrust of Jews already present in PL in the years 1944-1946.
If there ever was such a great mistrust back in 40’s there wouldn’t be any purges in the late 60’s at which time 14,000 top positions finally open to the Poles previously held by Jews with no party affiliation whatsoever, what a joke.
Oh please....after the Holocaust there just weren't enough Jews left to terrorize all the people even if every one of them left felt the burning desire to do so.
So tell me how many brown shirts did it take for Hitler to terrorize every decent German into submission or at least to keep them all quiet and not to interfere on behalf of their neighbors. Repressions against Jews already started,were they all blind or just supporting Nazi ideology? I mean 70 million people is a lot to handle, they were all were Nazis I suppose. Not so many I’ll bet, draw a parallel from your own society before making a ridicules argument claiming not to understand Polish mentality is it really that different? Being German yourself you would have to admit that burning desire is a hell of a motivating factor for few well placed nuts in the government to make a hell of a mess of things. I mean to sell the idea of exterminating entire people to the rest of German society and for them to remain silent, hell even their own mentally retarded or political opponents. Even today most people are a-political and don’t even participate in elections. Minority Seem to rule majority of the so called sophisticated democratic states of today.
Poles are humans like anybody else. You don't sh*it gold!
So are the Jews, it doesn’t take much for Jewish zealot to take his frustration out on next best thing (Pole) if he doesn't know any better, it's not out of the question either. Hell they still whine about the fact that it all took place on Polish soil and not fully come to grips on what had truly transpired at that time, funny as it may seem many of them are convinced of the fact it was the Poles, I guess they skipped school for the most important lesson in their own recent history otherwise they would have known it was the Nazis. We’re not talking about some uneducated morons either but respected journalist with crafty titles like “Polish concentration camp.”
So what were they? Jews, Russians, Jewish implants from Russia, Martians cloned by the Soviets? What?
I thought we established that they were implants, perhaps not as good as the Hollywood plastic sergeant can make them these days but just the same.