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History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
7 Mar 2019   #151
No wonder we need to import Chinese and Indians just to keep pace with their countries development.

Compared to China and India most of the West is still in another league...they have still alot of catching up to do!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2019   #152
India maybe, but they're catching up quick because they focus on **** that actually advances society and not degenerates it. China definitely not. Their infrastructure, r and d capabilities, stem, etc. Is decades ahead of ours. Their cities make ours look backwards. Hell I'm working now to get a consultant assignment in china since the pay is double the USA.

China is in another league. One higher than the EU and USA. We're not building any transcontinental roads and railways. We're not using loans to take billions in minerals from Africa. We're not building artificial islands to exert more control. No instead were worrying about blackface and fighting wars for Israel.

Why? Because instead of focusing on women's marches, injecting kids with hormones, and coddling Muslims they're actually focusing on their economy and their country. That's why their gdp growth has been way ahead of any western nation and will be for the foreseeable future.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
7 Mar 2019   #153
Most of India still lives firmly in the third world, China too. A majority is still uneducated even illiterate, dirt poor, without access to health care or even clean water, I'm not even mentioning civil rights and participation on a democratic process, people in Beijing and Delhi are dying daily from inhaling their poisonous, toxic air ffs...The people in the West live generally on a much higher niveau....most Indians and Chinese can only dream of!

A few prestige projects and a few abysmal rich people don't show the whole picture.

And please, just try writing a posting without injecting muslims somehow innit, TRY! Thank you.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2019   #154
Just look at how Chinese cities look compared to the us or western Europe. Modern, free of ninjas no go zones and ghettos, gleaming high rises with brand new infrastructure... Instead of investing in infrastructure, which Poland now does thanks to the EU, the us and w Europe are more concerned about making sure everyone is happy and fighting racism aka white people.
Crow  154 | 9489
7 Mar 2019   #155
History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations

Hate started when Sarmats of germania were deluded, confused, seduced and assimilated by the Romans and most probably by Arab and Jewish traders, at first. Then they started pathologically to hate other Sarmats. They needed that hate in order to consolidate themselves in their new identity. Then came the greed for resources and more populace.

See, things didn`t change that much. Assimilational machine triggered by Romans always needs more.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
7 Mar 2019   #156
Just look at how Chinese cities look compared to the us or western Europe.

Nah....just much more people, they have to live like ants in huge and working like tiny ants....ants have no individuality, they only serve a purpose....

Your ideal?

Not mine!
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #157
and spending billions to coddle double digit iq turd world migrants.

But how then Europe suppose to maintain the same size of population otherwise?
Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Mar 2019   #158
Europe is overpopulated with lots of obsolete people. Thats a simple fact.

Beside that...when you have 1kg vanilla ice cream...500g melts...and you add 500g still have 1kg...but will you eat it?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #159
Europe is overpopulated with lots of obsolete people. Thats a simple fact.

So, how long then Europe suppose to tolerate depopulation and what would be the smallest acceptable size of population in such countries as Germany, France, UK?
Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Mar 2019   #160
Germany 65 million

France 53 million

UK 43 million.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #161
But amount of ethnic Germans in Germany 73 mln. according to Wikipedia.
Within a few decades it will be below 65 mln. What to do then?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
7 Mar 2019   #162
As the world changes, sadly we too must change with it, adamant in our own private feelings though as we doubtless are:-)
Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Mar 2019   #163

Nothing, we live in 21st century. More and more jobs are done by machines.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
7 Mar 2019   #164
Of course, not all change is for the better. Accept change critically, not passively or blindly!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
7 Mar 2019   #165
Maybe german women will get in the future a bonus for NOT bearing children to fit the population size to the rest of the manual jobs where humans are still needed.

The first ideas are being thrown around....

PS: Of course to keep the borders open at the same time for foreigners with lotsa foreign children would be then somewhat counter productive..
Lyzko  43 | 9685
7 Mar 2019   #166
Do I detect a jibe aimed at Hartz IV?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
7 Mar 2019   #167's about "Klima Schutz"....after that logic every child destroys to much of the climate (CO2 foot print). Rich children are not better than poor kids. To save the planet we need to constrain ourselves...the author said.

I can't help thinking that idea would fit better to Africa and Asia where people are spawning as if there is no tomorrow (China being excepted). Not really to Germany or Europe generally with their already sinking birthrates...
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #168
You said yourself the minimal size of Germany's population and demand no immigrants. No you are ready to revise the numbers?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2019   #169
But how then Europe suppose to maintain the same size of population otherwise?

We don't need to maintain the same size population. That's simple Jewish media manipulation saying that there's some dire problems that will occur if a country's population doesn't keep growing - preferably by exchanging white people with double digit iq mud people.

If anything, european countries would be better off with a marginally growing white population, or even slowly shrinking rather than a rapidly expanding mud races which only contribute to social problems - 20 bil a year spent on their housing, food and benefits alone, thousands of rapes, increased security spending due to their propensity for terrorism, lack of assimilation... They definitely aren't filling labor market shortages that's for sure. 75% are unemployed

What to do then?

Nothing, we live in 21st century. More and more jobs are done by machines.

Exactly. And even if we need more people it should be by encouraging the higher iq native Europeans to have more kids like they do in Hungary and Poland. They're the ones filling the high skilled jobs and paying taxes. The turd worlders take from those taxes - over 20 bil a year in Germany alone. More than the countrys education budget
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #170
If anything, european countries would be better off with a marginally growing white population, or even slowly shrinking

They would shrinking not slowly but quickly without immigration. Ukraine can serve a good example of a country with very little immigration. Its population shrunk from 52.5 mln. in 1992 to less than 40 mln. nowdays. The same thing would happen in majority of European countries, Canada and Australia.
Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Mar 2019   #171
And? That would be a good thing. We are overpopulated.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Mar 2019   #172
I don't know. I think each country needs to solve this problem on their own according to their values and life priorities. Only I can say almost certainly that population shrinking can't continue infinitely.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
29 Mar 2019   #173
More than two millions Ukraine lost with Crimea. A few more millions have immigrated. But still loss of population due to low fertility and high mortality is outstanding.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Apr 2019   #174
This seems to be a suitable thread for this subject:

What are you opinions about Rammstein - Deutschland music video?

It has been watched 20 million times in the last 5 days, yet the YT comments are disabled.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Apr 2019   #175
What are you opinions about Rammstein - Deutschland music video?

It's very clever. The intention is to get people talking about the content, and I'd say they've succeeded. It's only a pity that the song is pretty weak by Rammstein standards.

It would be nice to see something similar in Poland, actually.
Tacitus  2 | 1280
2 Apr 2019   #176
It is in any case rather impressive how much cultural influence they have. Imagine a history doku that got 20m views... .
TheOther  6 | 3596
2 Apr 2019   #177
It's very clever. The intention is to get people talking about the content

Maybe that was their intention, but IMO the song is far too negative and musically weak. Why put the emphasis exclusively on some dark chapters of German history? Well, I guess that's what Rammstein are all about. Morbid and dark.
Crow  154 | 9489
3 Aug 2019   #178
Poles listen.

Absolutely forget to comprehend Germany as threat and danger for Poland. That time is behind us all. That German involvement in violent dissolution of Yugoslavia was last German mistake. Spoke to some people, listening public media, political analyzers and conclusion is simple, and that is that certain powerful centers have serious problem with Germany, ie Germany have problems with them.

Germany belongs to past. They won`t get chance for next mistake. Everything in Europe would be corrected to state before Germany and Ottoman Turks appeared as states in Europe. Every their strategic project erased and damage corrected.

Europe would see serious changes.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
4 Aug 2019   #179
encouraging the higher iq native Europeans to have more kids like they do in Hungary and Poland.

Poland and Hungary have fertility rates well below self replacement level. But it is interesting whether low fertility rates among native Europeans could be corrected with help of financial incentives only. If yes, what would be a sufficient payment for the each second child? 300.000 Euros? Half-a-million???
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Aug 2019   #180
Play po*n on all channels after 8 or show Europe 80% Muslim and African. That should do it

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