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History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #121
No, he was not allowed to finish his academic research because it became clear that he did not adhere to basic scientific rules

Or so the Jewish cucked Germans claim, which now you're parroting. A PhD student with a masters in chemistry doesn't know something taught at the 101 level... Riiiiiight...

countless documents.

How do you know? Have you read them? Have all of them come up to the exact same conclusion? Of course not that's why the holocaust figures have been revised numerous times from an original 9 million, which was taught in European schools all through the 1950s. Then it became 6 million. Even though the auschwitz numbers were dropped by 3 mil the 6 million figure was never correspondingly adjusted. And red Cross and census reports show that number is still b.s.

The only reports of 6 million come from confessions extracted by torture, Soviets, and Zionists like Elie wiesel who stole an actual prisoners identity and has no tattoo none of which are reliable.

Tell me, what kind of a death camp builds swimming pools and has orthestras? How can a gas chamber possibly exist in a room with a wooden door? Even all the shoes and crap added into the display aren't original - those are all props put in after the war.

Braun's rockets would have certainly hit New York and Chicago one day and the United Stated could have find itself in a pickle.

Well they didn't.. if they did they likely would've first hit brooklyn NYC, the epicenter of jewry in the USA. I wouldn't have a problem with that.

Nazi uniform

I've always loved Hugo Boss.

The Nazis left a large paper trail behind which can be used to pinpoint the number of Jewish victims between 5-7million jews.

Kind of like the commandant reports which show that the camps we're work camps, not death camps.
Please share the names of documents that were written by Nazis which definitively prove muh six million and weren't extracted by torture.
Tacitus  2 | 1280
5 Mar 2019   #122
PhD student with a masters in chemistry doesn't know something taught

It is more likely that he did know about this, yet decided to ignore it.

How do you know? Have you read them?

Some of them. Not all of them obviously, we are talking about tens of thousands of documents. But I e.g. recently discovered a few documents in our local archive that prove the fate of a few jewish citizen from my hometown. The city got informed in 1944 that said citizens had died after being "evacuated" to Eastern Europe.

Of course not that's why the holocaust figures have been revised numerous times

And they are going to be revised in the future as new evidwnce emerges, the main problem is that in Eastern Europe citizen records were very sparsw to begin with, which means we do not know the identity of every victim. However we can verify the identity of 5m victims, which means that any revision under this nunber is next to impossible.

The only reports

No that is where you are completely wrong. Historians do not simply take a look at Auschwitz, interview a few survivors and then write a book about it. The overwhelming evidence they investigate are documents. Death certificates, registries, and so on. Just like astronomers spend most of their time doing math, instead of looking through telescopes, historians mostly have to investigate (usually written) evidence.

those are all props put in after the war.

And the planets on pictures are usually edited before they are published to help the general publuc to visisualize them. That does not mean that they do not exist.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #123
Historians do not simply take a look at Auschwitz,

Of course. Nonetheless it doesn't change the fact that in 1989 auschwitz numbers were reduced by a whopping 3 million yet the corresponding 6 mil, the most commonly cited figure in the 80s up to today, was not.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
5 Mar 2019   #124
Nonetheless it doesn't change the fact that in 1989 auschwitz numbers were reduced by a whopping 3 million

Why are you so interested in lowering the numbers at all? Shouldn't you be...I dunno...proud of that "achievement" and instead of downtalking it?

Your usual posts don't give the impression as if you have great empathy or compassion for the fate of "them Jews" under the Nazis....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #125
And they are going to be revised in the future as new evidwnce emerges,

I wouldn't be so sure. The six million figure was not reduced alongside the Auschwitz numbers.

if you have great empathy or compassion for the fate of "them Jews" under the Nazis....

Of course not.

Why are you so interested in lowering the numbers at all? Shouldn't you be...I dunno...proud of that "achievement" and instead of downtalking it?

You'd think but no I prefer data and primary/secondary sources, which quite frankly doesn't support the six million figure and instead supports a far lower number.

It doesn't really matter. More and more young people don't know or don't care about the holocaust anymore

Le merchant is not happy...

  • lemerchantangrye149.jpg
Tacitus  2 | 1280
5 Mar 2019   #126
the most commonly cited figure in the 80s up to today, was not.

Because all hostorians disagree about is how many of the confirmed victims died in the KZs, versus how many were killed before they arrived there (e.g. via execution through the SD and other units).

Also and most importantly, the number you quoted was not the most accepted number of victims in Ausschwitz by historians. This was just a number the Ausschwitz museum (which was not politically independwnt) clinged to since 1945. Historians had already startened to question it decades eralier, but the political circumstances (most Western historians had no access to archives in Eastern Europe) made it impossible to verify it.

Again, we know the identities of at least 5m victims. All holocaust deniers can do is deliberately lying or ignoring evidence, but against this figure, they are powerless.

I prefer data and primary/secondary sources, which quite frankly doesn't support the six million figure and instead supports a far lower number.

On the contrary, they prove that at least 5m people were killed.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
5 Mar 2019   #127
Why Dirk, ol' man, you missed your calling as an illustrator for >Der Stuermer<. LOL


I never once referred to you or your ilk as "subhuman", but rather to your seemingly primitive and misguided Weltanschauung as beneath any human dignity, nothing more:-)

Interesting mix of German idols you have, sir. You realize that the late Ex-Chancellor Schmidt was partly Jewish on his father's side and I find it decidedly curious as well that you mention Arminus aka Hermann Cherusker among those Germans whom you most admire. So different each of them too. What do they possibly have in common except as Germans?
Weimarer  6 | 357
5 Mar 2019   #128
Why you assume i have a problem with jews? Explain this.

For your question, Herman crushed roman army and shaped our future as people.

Schmidt was the best chancellor Germany ever had.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
5 Mar 2019   #129
?? Dr. Wernher von Braun was part of the entire Nazi ideology! One of the luck ones, he made it over to the States (along with Hubertus "Strugi" Strughold, Kurt Debus and Arthur Rudolf), not without conveniently shedding his NS past (lest we conveniently forget the Dora-Rocket Project in Pinnemuende, using JEWISH slave labor, oh sorry, you're right, ol Doc von Braun knew nothing about that little factoid, right?LOL) and, thanks to flawless American English, drop-dead good looks plus a telegenic personality just made for TV, wangled his way into America's (and NASA's) hearts, eventually becoming Honorary Citizen of Huntsville, Ala.

The enemy of America's enemy became America's bosom buddy!!
Nice try there, Weimarer:-)
Slavictor  6 | 193
5 Mar 2019   #130
If there is an artificial construct, its Palestine

That is an error, a big one.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2019   #131
JEWISH slave labor,

The worst kind of labor. No wonder Nazis lost the war. You ever see a jew nailing shingles or painting a fence or something? The old WW2 vids in Warsaw show how they 'toiled' carrying one little brick in each hand taking their sweet time to put it down and go back for 2 more. Oy vey so heavy...

Now if they had Mexicans instead.. Man they'd be cranking out King Tigers, literally the Porsche of tanks, like sausages.
TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Mar 2019   #132
the Dora-Rocket Project in Pinnemuende, using JEWISH slave labor

Only after May 1944, according to Wikipedia. Before that it was mostly POW and drafted Germans.
Tacitus  2 | 1280
6 Mar 2019   #133
The most generous interpretation of Von Braum is imho someone similar to Dr. Faust. He sold his soul to the Devil (Hitler) to satisfy his own ambitions. Hardly a hero in any case.

I don't know why anyone would pick him over contemporaries who deserve respect far mlre than he did. Like Friedrich Ebert, Walther Rathenau, Gustav Stresemann und Otto Wels.
Weimarer  6 | 357
6 Mar 2019   #134

I dont give a ****. He developed the V2 and later 8n the Saturn V. Also influenced the SpaceShuttle.

Ebert and Rathenau are nobodies. Same counts for Stresemann. They build nothing, never fought for something. Von Braun paved the ways to the Stars.

You are cucked tacitus, soft, weak.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
6 Mar 2019   #135
Weimarer, you're truly off the beam, my friend.

If you don't care about your history, you obviously don't care your future!
The ends don't always justify the means.
Tacitus  2 | 1280
6 Mar 2019   #136
Ebert and Rathenau are nobodies. Same counts for Stresemann. They build nothing, never fought for something.

You are joking right? Those men fought more than von Braun ever did. They sacrificed their health and eventual life for a better Germany. What did von Braun ever sacrifice?

If Germany had had more people like them, we would have avoided the Third Reich. If Germany had had more people like von Braun, Hitler would have succeeded with his madness.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
6 Mar 2019   #137
....imagine Germany's mad scientists had build the bomb for the Nazis.

Berlin would have been erased...together with my grandmom and her four little Bratwurst Boy today....

No thanks! You can be a smartie and still be dumb as a piece of cow dung.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
6 Mar 2019   #138
Hahn and Strassmann succeeded in splitting the atom, yet Hahn in particular became an émigré shortly thereafter, fleeing to Britain, subsequently
to the US, if I'm not mistaken.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
6 Mar 2019   #139
Ukrainian scientists were the first people who photographed the structure of an atom down to its electrons.
I wish to know what was the German science achievements in 21 century? You mention their achievements in 19th century - first half of 20-th.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
6 Mar 2019   #140
There are lists...but not organized in centuries:

Germany was named the second most innovative country in the world in the 2015 Bloomberg Innovation Index,[5] and consistently manages to be in the top three.
Weimarer  6 | 357
6 Mar 2019   #141

They are nobodies. Von Braun brought Humanity into space, for me only hard results count. Im male, not a girl like you.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
6 Mar 2019   #142
Weimarer, methinks thou art being a troll! Pulling our leg then:-)

You're honestly comparing the fathers of a modern democratic Germany (based in fact on the US Constitiution, much less) with some slick opportunist whose scientific fame rests almost solely on satisfying America's desire to beat the that time Soviet Union in the arms race, was essentially an unrepenetant, if "re-educated"(LOL),Ex-Nazi, and whose accomplishments were that of a "cuckold" of the United States government?

Although I'm scarcely belittling von Braun's genius at re-invention and self-promotion, his stature pales before the likes of a Friedrich Ebert or Philipp Scheidemann, not to even mention an Albert Einstein or a Max Planck!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2019   #143
They sacrificed their health and eventual life for a better Germany. What did von Braun ever sacrifice?

Eibert was such a giant pussy that his inability to handle criticism lead to his poor and ultimately death. The saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me' isn't true for such cucks.

his stature pales before the likes of a Friedrich Ebert or Philipp Scheidemann, not to even mention an Albert Einstein or a Max Planck!

My ass! It's thanks to Braun that the US beat the soviets in the space race. We're still using his rocket designs to today. He was a straight up genius. Ebert was a ****** politician - he contributed nothing except hot air from his mouth to humanity. Albert Einstein was smart yes but many of his theories and publications were copied, plagiarized, or straight up stolen from others.
Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Mar 2019   #144

I give a **** about politicians, they are nobodies in general.

I stand for people who produce real things. Not members of a bla bla club. If you see that as trolling, so be it.

Evrything we have up in space today is based on von Brauns designs.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #145
My ass! It's thanks to Braun that the US beat the soviets in the space race.

Have it really happened? Especially in the field of real science rather than economics?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Mar 2019   #146
The truth is that if the Americans had not imported von Braun from the Nazi Germany, they would have cartainly had their own man inventing all those things... I am sure someone like him would have emerged sooner or later in the US which is the most innovative country in the world.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #147
I meant where are the proves US "won" space race? By all the counts? Don't they still rely on Russian rockets to fly in the space?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
7 Mar 2019   #148
That's not a fair comparison.....

For the US and most of the West space has lost it's priority. A grave error which will cost us dearly, especially as the Russians have never let up and the Chinese have found their ambition to become a space faring nation too.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Mar 2019   #149
What were the principal US breakthroughs in the space that no one else could do in the same period of time approximately?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2019   #150
For the US and most of the West space has lost it's priority

Indeed. Now the priority is 'fighting racism' (basically being anti white), making apps so thots can put dog noses on their face, sex changes for children and spending billions to coddle double digit iq turd world migrants.

No wonder we need to import Chinese and Indians just to keep pace with their countries development.

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