Fair enough, I definitely agree with the last half of your post one hundred percent!
Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center
US politics have devolved into low third world comedy.
True and the same thing has happened in the UK, France and Germany....... we no longer trust our politicians!
Exactly, Milo!
Wonder how PM Starmer's dealing with the racist incidents
of late throughout England.
Wonder how PM Starmer's dealing with the racist incidents
of late throughout England.
You mean the child of African migrants who killed three white children? Starmer could care less....
If you mean native UK populations opposed to children of migrants killing locals... he is on the case and ready to jail as many white people as he has to.
bonus: father of the killer may have been one of the killers in the Rwanda genocide... so.... immigration works! the UK's diversity is surely its strength!
If you mean native UK populations opposed to children of migrants killing locals... he is on the case and ready to jail as many white people as he has to.
bonus: father of the killer may have been one of the killers in the Rwanda genocide... so.... immigration works! the UK's diversity is surely its strength!
Starmer's between a rock and a hard place.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
9 Aug 2024 #216
....I guess the Brexiters expected different after leaving that "devilish" EU....which was of course to blame for all their immigration woes!
Somehow funny if it wouldn't be so sad! Now all out of the EU, totally souvereign again, nobody is forcing foreign rules on poor Brits and still a ****** immigration policy....what now?
Somehow funny if it wouldn't be so sad! Now all out of the EU, totally souvereign again, nobody is forcing foreign rules on poor Brits and still a ****** immigration policy....what now?
Who's to blame for all of Germany's immigration woes?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
9 Aug 2024 #218
....well....Merkel (CDU) started it 2015....the leftists gov afterwards only continued the downwards spiral aka supported mass immigration of "Kulturbereicherer" and "Fachkräfte", totally without help from the EU, if you mean that! We have the Greens for that....all home made!
And now it looks as if it is the same in GB and the EU was just a convenient scape goat....
And now it looks as if it is the same in GB and the EU was just a convenient scape goat....
9 Aug 2024 #219
Merkel (CDU) started it 2015.
Not true. Increased migration to Germany as well the so-called "Familienzusammenführung" started much, much earlier: around 1978 with Helmut Schmidt at the helm. That's also the time when Turks and Kurds started to claim that they were the ones who were mostly responsible for the German "Wirtschaftswunder".
I guess the Brexiters expected different after leaving that "devilish" EU
Yeah, that is all down to weak British Governments not taking the advantages of Brexit..... and there are many......this new Socialist lot will just make our immigration crisis 10 times worse...... expect more UK riots.......
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
9 Aug 2024 #221
That's also the time when Turks and Kurds started to claim
...that's illogical! The Wirtschaftswunder was well under way since the 60's....there wouldn't had been so much Gastarbeiter needed if Germany would still be destroyed. People very rarely immigrate into poor countries without job opportunities...nor does a bad economy need/invites additional foreign worker!
Additionally, 2015 is widely accepted as the starting point for our muslim-problem, since Merkel opened the gates then for people mainly from Syria and Afghanistan. With the Cologne scandal following Silvester with the culprits mainly from northern Africa....since then nothing was the same anymore.
this new Socialist lot will just make our immigration crisis 10 times worse
....yeah, looks like it! A serious lesson....it's not the EU but our homies who always cause the biggest damage!
10 Aug 2024 #222
that's illogical! The Wirtschaftswunder was well under way since the 60's
I know it doesn't make sense because the Wirtschaftswunder was done by the mid 1960s already. Still the Turks and the left leaning media in Germany are claiming they were a major part of it. Google it.
The so-called "Economic Miracle" started of course at around the beginning of the Adenauer Era, that is, during the early '50's, concluding
in or around the start of1960, '61 somewhere around then. The Old Man as he was known was famous for his slogan "Keine Experimente!" or "No experiments!", as he
proverbially was wont to pack his government with numerous Ex-Nazis, among them, Dr. Hans Globke, the lawyer who drafted the infamous
Nueremberg Laws, along with Dr. Theodor Oberlaender and a host of others.
Perfect he wasn't. However, his steadfastness in the face of both internal as well as criticism abroad was what was needed during those nearly
insurmountable "rubble years" (Truemmerjahre) following the end of the war.
in or around the start of1960, '61 somewhere around then. The Old Man as he was known was famous for his slogan "Keine Experimente!" or "No experiments!", as he
proverbially was wont to pack his government with numerous Ex-Nazis, among them, Dr. Hans Globke, the lawyer who drafted the infamous
Nueremberg Laws, along with Dr. Theodor Oberlaender and a host of others.
Perfect he wasn't. However, his steadfastness in the face of both internal as well as criticism abroad was what was needed during those nearly
insurmountable "rubble years" (Truemmerjahre) following the end of the war.