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Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
5 Aug 2024   #181
Too much bureaucracy is also a blight on most if not all of our modern western democracies....the only thing that always seems to grow happily!
AntV  3 | 670
5 Aug 2024   #182
@Bratwurst Boy

Absolutely. They are not only stifling but also grotesquely expensive.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
5 Aug 2024   #183
I fear right now we are no (good) example to anybody

I think that is right.Nobody should follow Germany's path..... it leads to disaster......

I agree with BB, Lyzko, you seem to live in some kind of parallel universe!Germany is in big trouble......

yet Germany stumbles on hoping no one will notice what a mess it's migration policy has become.

Migration has now become the number one political issue all over Europe and in the USA too.

Note the current riots in the UK.....yeah, bolstered by some of the far right, but it's mainly normal people, who have just had enough!

In the UK, they tolerated the Tory govt.because although they did little, they were trying, but since we became the UKSR when Labour took power and it became obvious that these Socialists would do nothing about immigration, the people have risen up and gone mad!

That's always been one of the two big reasons I'd hate to be in the EU: regulations on top of regulations

Yeah, the EU stinks and we will see much more trouble on European streets in the days to come.....the European governments and the EU need to wake up......
and this is not a joke.......the people are revolting!!!!!
call1n  2 | 192
6 Aug 2024   #184
Hitler and Stalin want to draw borders with sticks and argue about who should control their completely socialist governments.
Our borders are our marriages and our blood.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Aug 2024   #185
Migration has now become the number one political issue all over Europe and in the USA too.

Migration is completely ignored by mainstream parties in most Western European countries.... no matter who Brits vote for the boats are just going to increase until the UK opts out of dysfunctional outdated agreements.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Aug 2024   #186
@Maf, German voters for the Green Coalition don't typically talk
about screwed up immigration policies for the same reason the
Left here in the States usually choose to avoid talking about
the same, for fear of bringing up the ugly spectre of race!

Race has deafened, dumbed down, and blinded US voters
so that they can no longer see or think straight.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
6 Aug 2024   #187
... to avoid talking about same, for fear of bringing up the ugly spectre of race!

I doubt it's a race thing....rather a cultural thing!

In Germany we have the same problems with young men of islamic background England has....and it's the same everywhere in western's a cultural problem. Islam and Europe are just incompatible....and yes, that's the main problem the Greens and the Left generally try to avoid to the Ostrich with its head in the sand...."What I don't see doesn't exist" (and I don't have to talk about it!)
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2024   #188
In Germany we have the same problems with young men of islamic background

What problems??? Are you nuts??? The first Islamic gastarbeiters appeared in West Germany in 1960s. Count how many years have passed since then. Germans should have adapted to them long ago. If you didn`t, it is your own fault. Why aren`t you consistent like stereotypical Germans used to be???
So, we can say that Islamic immigrants have a problem with you, Germans, coz you have changed your national character. For worse. Ha!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
6 Aug 2024   #189
The first Islamic gastarbeiters appeared in West Germany in 1960s

....mainly from Turkey! And low numbers are most important for a good integration. These numbers have been crossed, obviously!

The first sign for all to see that we have become a problem was the Silvester night 2015 in Cologne....mass sexual assaults on peaceful and happily partying women and girls by mainly northing african young men.

During the 2015-2016 celebrations of New Year's Eve in Germany, approximately 1,200 women were reported to have been sexually assaulted, especially in the city of Cologne. In many of the incidents, while these women were in public spaces, they were surrounded and assaulted by large groups of men who were identified by officials as Arab or North African men.[11][12][13][14] The Federal Criminal Police Office confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that night.[1]....

From then on it was a steep slope downwards! Nowadays barely a day goes by without mentioning some rape, assault, knife stabbing or murder done again mainly by foreigners of african/arabian background.

Big german cities have by now all their streets and quarters where you as a young woman, visible Jew or queer, better don't certain times of the day....

I wish it weren't so....but it's worsening!

So, we can say that Islamic immigrants have a problem with you, Germans, coz you have changed your national character. For worse. Ha!!!

Well....nobody forces them to live here and to "suffer" our discrimination....they are free to leave....anytime! There are about 50 islamist countries where they will lead better lives more in tune with their beliefs, surely!

If their stone age religion is so important to them that they can't do without it they definitely did chose the wrong country to immigrate into...maybe even the wrong continent!
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2024   #190
Well....nobody forces them to live here

Yes, you force them in many ways. The first act of using pressure on migrants to stay in Germany was enacted in 1964.
After 1961 Turkish citizens soon became the largest group of guest workers in West Germany. The migrants, were allowed to work in Germany for a period of one or two years before returning to their home country. Some migrants did return, after having built up savings for their return. The recruitment treaty was changed in 1964 so that the Turkish guest workers could stay longer.

Be consistent with your noble ancestors` decrees and don`t complain. Change your negative attitude coz it is really wrong.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
6 Aug 2024   #191
Change your negative attitude coz it is really wrong.

On the contrary, Pawi! We are not "negative" enough...we are still much to nice!
AntV  3 | 670
6 Aug 2024   #192

How is your example German pressuring Turks to stay in Germany? Looks like a typical foreign worker visa law that governs how long a guest qorker can stay in a country.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2024   #193
We are not "negative" enough

I didn`t mean all Germans. I meant YOU particularly. You were born in East Germany which also accepted many exotic gastarbeiters or students. I still remember that black student who stayed in our house on school exchange in early 1980s coz my elder sister attended an advanced German language class in high school.
So, you should like the presence of migrants in your country. But strangely enough, your attitude is negative.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
6 Aug 2024   #194
So, you should like the presence of migrants in your country.

As I said before....we don't have a problem with MIGRANTS! There are no daily news about vietnamese rapists or cuban knife stabbers etc...

We have an ever growing problem with young men with an islamic cultural/religious background!

You are the typical leftie...ignoring the problem....downtalking the problem....falsifying the problem....accusing the victims who dare to say something of racism!

But that doesn't change the problem nor does it help to solve it....THAT becomes a problem!
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 Aug 2024   #195
On the contrary, Pawi! We are not "negative" enough...we are still much to nice!

Yup, like the Swedes and Brits......

In the UK that is all about to change massively tomorrow night..... about 20 riots predicted right across the UK......the media here keep on going on about it being organised by "The Far Right", whoever they are, But the fact remains that Brits are very unhappy about one thing..... MASS IMMIGRATION.
There were no riots when the Conservatives were in power, because although they didn't do much, they did have the Rwanda plan in place, where illegal migrants would be sent to Rwanda for processing.The first thing the Socialist Labour party did when they got elected, was to scrap this scheme.Next, they said that the 90,000 illegal asylum seekers here, 90,000!! would be offered asylum....... so, what do you get?Violent rioting!
The main chant is "Enough is Enough".....what is worse is that the media's "Bete Noire" is Tommy Robinson, who is right wing, but not a fascist as the media like to portray him.He is currently on holiday in Cyprus, I bet that on his return, he will be arrested even before he get's off the plane.....and he knows this....cue terrible riots and violence in the UK.
AntV  3 | 670
6 Aug 2024   #196
like the Swedes and Brits..

The Brits engaging in a little civil unrest-not entirely shocking. But, the Swedes? Now that catches one's attention.

I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but there is way too much of this all throughout the western world to not make one wonder what exactly is going on behind the scenes and who is behind these waves of foreign illegals crossing our borders.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Aug 2024   #197
While it's true that historically one doesn't automatically associate the Swedes with
civil unrest or violent protest, the world has heated up some over the last years,
both socially as well as meteorologically.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 Aug 2024   #198
one wonder what exactly is going on and who is behind these waves of foreign illegals crossing our borders.

A great point!!!!!
AntV  3 | 670
6 Aug 2024   #199

So, what you are saying is the Swedes are p!ssed because they are suffering an identity crisis because their snow is melting?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Aug 2024   #200
The culprit once again is none other than unbridled, crony capitalism (as opposed to New Deal capitalism) rearing its ugly head!
Cheap labor means low-wage migrants, invariably from Third World countries, who are brought nowadays by air lift mostly to wealthy
industrialized nations such as England, Sweden, Germany or The Netherlands, with the promise of work.

All this is directly linked to the plummeting birth rate. However therein lies the catch 22; to have children, one needs a steady stream of
money and not everyone out there is Warren Buffet. How then are white people supposed to achieve said dream if employers prefer to
hire those of color, based on profit saving rather than on competence or skill?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 Aug 2024   #201
the world has heated up some over the last years

This is true.

if employers prefer to hire those of color, based on profit saving rather than on competence or skill?

Another truth, blimey Lyzko, you have done well tonight!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Aug 2024   #202
If you bothered to read my post, you'll note that I merely observed that Swedes have
never been particularly associated with the sort of mass demonstrations which are common
in Germany, Russia, France or the US, among other places.

Throughout much of their history, starting at around the beginnings of the Vasa Age, in around
the 17th century on up through the mid-19th century, Sweden had been a fairly wealthy country,
all of which changed during the approx. the mid-1850's or thereabouts, when Sweden found herself
a fairly poor country. The mines of Falun, for example, were written about in literature in order to
make aware the grinding poverty in that country. The mass exodus to American during the 19th century
was yet another indicator that Sweden's latent industrialization made her more a backwater for a time
rather than a boom nation.

All this of course changed forever following the end of World War II, when Sweden experienced an economic
miracle of her own.

My point is simply that Sweden became a largely self-satisfied, smug nation of the overwhelmingly comfortable,
middle class and with bloody little to complain about....until quite recently, that is.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 Aug 2024   #203
My point is simply that Sweden became a largely self-satisfied, smug nation of the overwhelmingly comfortable, middle class and with bloody little to complain about...

And a bloody good point it is too.Sweden has changed in recent years and the main problem, as with many other wealthy nations is UNCONTROLLED MASS IMMIGRATION!We have all had enough of it! Wait till the EU try starting to force Poland to take more migrants..... and then Poland will kick off too!
AntV  3 | 670
6 Aug 2024   #204
New Deal capitalism, ie government driven economics, or Crony Capitalism, ie government driven economics for the favored. In other words, socialism or favoritism? Two crappy choices.

You think you need to be Warren Buffet to have children? I serve as a correction to such thinking: my bank account is not remotely anywhere near Warren Buffet's and I got three kids running around.

I do agree the birth rate is a culprit, but is the plummeting birth rate the result of sheer economics or moral norms having changed? My parents made a fraction of what most households make today and my mom squeezed six of us out.

Does government subsidies to the able bodied unemployed in the form of perpetual unemployment benefits, welfare, and ssi have any bearing on the jobs filled by migrant not going to western-born workers?

It's not simply a plummeting birth rate but also that government enables the unproductivity of unskilled westerners to stay away from the work force as well as the infusion of millions of migrants into the job market competing with productive western unskilled workers for jobs.

It's a manufactured crisis and its not because of traditional conservative policies, but government intervention and liberal morality.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
7 Aug 2024   #205
Well, Milo & AntV, it seems we've arrived on common ground, at least for a while:-)
Still pleased as punch that Kamala decided to choose Walz as her running mate.
Shapiro was the wrong demographic and background. We need a counter force to trounce
Trump; a WASP vet from the corn belt, with a blunt style for mass appeal and the demographic
to appeal easily to a broad swath of voters!!
AntV  3 | 670
7 Aug 2024   #206
Well, Milo & AntV, it seems we've arrived on common ground

Does this make you at least a tad nervous, Milo?

Shapiro was the wrong demographic

Yeah, he was a Jew. The dems are solidly anti-semitic. Hopefully, the majority of Jews in this country recognize and finally cross the aisle.

We need a counter force to trounce

We? We need a counter force to beat back the cultural-Marxist socialists, such as Harris and Walz.

What policies of Harris do you support and why, Lyzko?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
7 Aug 2024   #207
Well, Milo & AntV, it seems we've arrived on common ground

Does this make you at least a tad nervous, Milo?

It certainly does AntV.

What policies of Harris do you support and why, Lyzko?

Good question.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Aug 2024   #208
choose Walz as her running mate

cosy with China.... set up an informer line during covid lockdowns.... did nothing while racial scammers turned a drug overdose by a career criminal into a 'racial reckoning'....

Harris and Watz are the Gruesome Twosome.... not that Trump and Vance are really any better, Trump doesn't care about policy and Vance come from a dysfunctional background that he's clearly not over the Dumbnamic Duo

The supposedly most powerful country on Earth can't come up with better election choices..... democracy is in retreat in most of the world, rather like the run up to WWII...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 Aug 2024   #209
Why, Maf! I didn't know you were an anti-New Deal, anti-Constitutionalist Trumpist.
Should have known:-)

Up on the sort of stuff nasty Vance and his supporters are proposing?
Certain sacrosanct verities, bedrock American values such as the birth
right to be different, to vote one's conscience as well as to marry at one's
discretion are now being challenged by a bunch of post-Roosevelt Era no-nothings.
a pack once led by the likes of Scott Walker, Rick de Santis and a number of others.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Aug 2024   #210
didn't know you were an anti-New Deal, anti-Constitutionalist Trumpist.

Project much? I just said Trump and Vance were the Dumbnamic Duo and that Trump is uninterested in policy....

I no longer live in the US so I won't vote, but even if I were I could not, in good conscience, vote for either Harris (a DEI hire who was never even in a single primary) or Trump (a blowhard hasbeen).

US politics have devolved into low third world comedy... and picking the 'lesser of two evils' wont' change that.

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