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Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
19 Mar 2015   #421
yes it was, society was much more blatantly 'racist' in those days.
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #422
"what I beleive is that race laws should be respected" What 'race laws' would that be?

in the Uk for an example an employer lika ASDA or Tesco is obliged by law to employ a % of whites, blacks, asians etc to not seem racist.

" in the Uk for an example an employer lika ASDA or Tesco is obliged by law to employ a % of whites, blacks, asians etc to not seem racis"

No they aren't! The law merely states that they have to hire people regardless of certain things - the exact opposite of what you're saying. What you are actually saying is that Jewish people should have been obliged to employ non-Jews. Do you believe that catholic Poles should have been obliged to employ Jews or do you just favour a one way thing?

The supposed "anti-semtism" of the governemnt machine started in 1937

Either you've deliberately misunderstood or have genuine problems with comprehension. Unless of course you think that


was only estalished then and that institutional racism only appeared then and all was hunky dory before. I think that's called an

Epic fail at hitory

At least you acknowledge that the government of the Second Republic was racist (after the Marshall's death of course). This rather negates your earlier comment that there was no oppression.

You really do seem to think that Jews should have been somehow citizens of a second class :-(
19 Mar 2015   #423
now it shifted to a different extreme unfortunately of the liberal dictate.. maybe someday this country can be finally normalised without racism but also without the oppresive liberal ideologies that destroy any right wing opinions against the Muslim radicalism for an example..
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #424
So now your comments are even foggier. You seem to believe that companies (both now in the UK and then in the Second Republic) should have been forced to hire people on 'racial' grounds - specifically that Jewish Poles should have been forced to employ Catholic Poles (though you're silent on whether that should have worked both ways).

You really do seem happy about the idea that some people in Poland should be second-class citizens. And also you say that oppression never happened!

Do make your mind up, Goof!
19 Mar 2015   #425
No they aren't!

I guess that somebody missed quite a lot since leaving the UK

Either you've deliberately misunderstood or have genuine problems with comprehension. Unless of course you think that order
was only established then and that institutional racism only appeared then and all was hunky dory before. I think that's called an


You really do seem to think that Jews should have been somehow citizens of a second class

yet again you fail to understand my post, please take greater care at focusing at words in future ;)
I dont care about jews, or non jews, under the Polish law everyone were equal, thus the discrimination taht the jews purpotrated was illegal by not allowing Poles to go into bussiness where the jewish Polish citizens wer a majority and were holding HR positions..

In fact I believe that you Jon think that these actions of fervent Zionism were okay and perfectly correct,

You really do seem to think that Poles should have been somehow citizens of a second class :-(
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #426
I guess that somebody missed quite a lot since leaving the UK

Goof that link has nothing whatsoever to do with your assertion about:

an employer lika ASDA or Tesco is obliged by law to employ a % of whites, blacks, asians etc to not seem racist.

. Nothing whatsoever. Not relevant to the thread either.

please take greater care at focusing at words in future ;)

With pleasure and here it is.
You say:

I dont care about jews, or non jews, under the Polish law everyone were equal,

But staggeringly, you also say that restrictive laws against Jewish people were correct.

Interestingly, you give no examples of

the discrimination taht the jews purpotrated was illegal by not allowing Poles to go into bussiness where the jewish Polish citizens wer a majority and were holding HR positions..

but can't cite (despite having been asked) any law that was being broken by the Polish Jews as a whole or suggest (despite having been asked) the means in which they

should be punished

It seems you are just pulling things from somewhere dark and most probably minging to high heaven.
19 Mar 2015   #427
But staggeringly, you also say that restrictive laws against Jewish people were correct.

the laws should limit the behaviopur that teh Zionists carried out, of eliminating Polish-catholics and other ethnicities from the jobs where jews formed the majority. Thats what i am saying.
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #428
So in effect, you're suggesting that you approve of legislation restricting Jews from entering certain jobs. Despite having said there was no real oppression.

How would you determine who was a Jew and who was not a Jew, especially if that person didn't have any religious affiliation?
19 Mar 2015   #429
So in effect, you're suggesting that you approve of legislation restricting Jews from entering certain jobs. Despite having said there was no real oppression.

When did i say that Oo?
I'd promote equality on the jobs market in the 2 Republic times, and the Zionists were against that, they wanted to employ only Jews.. do you thing that it is correct?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
19 Mar 2015   #430
well this argument is a bit pointless now isn't it?
19 Mar 2015   #431
if you think its pointless then why do you take part in it?
its a debate between two sides, is it pointless? in a way yeah i guess so, nothing what will be said hhere will change the past, whatever we think of it.

However past has many connotaions and cionnections to our present and future.
Borek Falecki  - | 52
19 Mar 2015   #432

A Zionist is a Jewish nationalist that supports the 'reestablishment' of a Jewish homeland in the territory viewed as the historic Land of Israel.

Why then the

the laws should limit the behaviopur that teh Zionists carried out

jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #433
do you thing that it is correct?

The question is only whether or not it was legal and how you think your 'race laws' should have been implemented.

well this argument is a bit pointless now isn't it?

Quite. All I see is anti-semitic rhetoric done exceptionally badly.

Off topic, I notice Goof - rather strange, too..

Anyone would think you're trying to dodge the very reasonable question: If you favour any 'race laws' that may have existed in pre-War Poland, and believe that people who broke them "should be punished" for employing too many Jews, how would you determine who was a Jew and who was not a Jew, especially if that person didn't have any religious affiliation?
19 Mar 2015   #434
You were the first one to start using ad-hominems as a line of defence here man
and still havent answered my question,
do you think that it was okay for the Zionists to discrimiante against poles in the employment of the working force, its a simple ys or no answer
TheOther  6 | 3596
19 Mar 2015   #435
For a minute though, I thought this was gonna be another "The Jews were responsible for their own fate..!" type deal, sorry!

Okay, my apologies then.
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #436
its a simple ys or no answer

It isn't a question. However I do believe private companies can employ who they want - you however seem to believe in quotas.

So, to repeat the question: If you favour any 'race laws' that may have existed in pre-War Poland, and believe that people who broke them "should be punished" for employing too many Jews, how would you determine who was a Jew and who was not a Jew, especially if that person didn't have any religious affiliation?
19 Mar 2015   #437
soo you agree with the discrimination of Poles.. well that settles the topic my Polakozerco :)
I dont want to waste any more time on people like u.
19 Mar 2015   #438
do you think that it was okay for the Zionists to discrimiante against poles in the employment of the working force

Perhaps you'd first like to provide proof that 'the Zionists' did that?
We can certainly provide proof that Jews were, for example, forbidden from joining the bar association of Poland (and thus forbidden from being lawyers) and from joining the medical association of Poland (and thus forbidden from being doctors).
Borek Falecki  - | 52
19 Mar 2015   #439
Was [it] okay for the Zionists to discriminate against Poles in the employment of the working force... it's a simple yes or no answer

How someone seeking his/her homeland in Palestine had even time and energy to discriminate against Poles in Poland?
19 Mar 2015   #440
thats a part of the main idea that the Zionists believed in..
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #441
soo you agree with the discrimination of Poles

Again, the opposite of the truth, unless you believe that the majority, with an army, a police force and a government were unfairly treated by a persecuted minority!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
19 Mar 2015   #442
I dont blame them calmit to be honest, with so many Jew haters around.
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #443
Well Goof if in a thread about the community history of Jewish Poles you start to advocate 'race laws' and say the Jews "should be punished" (what, as a group?) you'll get a reaction from people who are less obsessed with nationalism, won't you...
19 Mar 2015   #444
gr8 b8 m8

i see that you have some mental problems, as a godd Catholic I will have to pray for you i guess, try an dtake some time at re-reading my posts again and tell in which place did i call for discrimination of the Jews?

You know perfectly well what I meant by race laws, more like Diversity laws in the new talk, read up on the UK's law system, i have already posted a linmk to the site.

stop trolling and derailing of the thread jesus christ what bloody immature being you are!
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #445
s a godd Catholic I will have to pray for you

Do 'godd' Catholics often advocate 'race laws' I wonder what JP2 would have thought. :-(

You know perfectly well what I meant by race laws, more like Diversity laws in the new talk, read up on the UK's law system, i have already posted a linmk to the site.

You actually posted a link to a government department's own internal diversity monitoring programme - nothing about the pre-War Polish state where you think that "these people should be prosecuted" and should have been forced by law to employ non-Jews...
Borek Falecki  - | 52
19 Mar 2015   #446
thats a part of the main idea that the Zionists believed in

The same source expresses also the opinion on the alleged plans for the Jewish domination of Poland: is an antisemitic conspiracy theory positing future Jewish domination of Poland.
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #447
That's very articulate of you Goof, but we're still waiting to hear about these 'crimes' you alleged the Jews were committing in pre-War Poland and how exzctly you think the Jews (all of them??) "should be punished"..
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Mar 2015   #448
Whatever Jews have done or failed to do, the net result has been most positive in terms of their "survive and thrive" strategy. The proof of that is their disproportionately large scale of achievements and influence in so many different fields world-wide. If someone disagrees, then let them explain what Jewry should have done in order to achieve even greater success than what they now enjoy..
jon357  72 | 23400
19 Mar 2015   #449
If someone disgarees, then let them explain what Jewry should have done in order to achieve even greater success than what they now enjoy..

That's actually a very good point. There are other groups, fewer in number, who are much the same and the Scots too (some would say the Poles and the English as well) have punched above their numerical weight. Do you think it's a reaction to adversity?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Mar 2015   #450
Scots definitely, Poles no. Considering their land mass and population compared to, let's say to England, Poles have greatly underperformed. This is an impartial dispassionate assessment devoid of patriotic sentiment and wishful thinking. I wish it were not the case. I deeply regret that very little is being done to change the situation and the Polish elite and society at large continue to be largely imitative and re-creative rather than inventive and creative. But I believe such an overall evaluation to be painfully true. Of course, one can point to geography and other extenuating circumstances, but we are talking in terms of net results not looking for excuses and alibis.

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