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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Feb 2008   #1
Actually, I know this is a weird question, as nobody is supposed to hate anybody as we've seen to what hatred can lead. But nevertheless, as I have quite a few Poles here and I hear them regularly talk about how they hate the Germans or how they hate the Russians while they're right in between the both of them and both of them has done harm to Poland.

Therefore, my question is: whom do the Poles hate more, the Germans or the Russians?


8 Feb 2008   #2
Ze Germans and Ze Russians are coming!
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Feb 2008   #3
Yep, they are, but whom is feared more?

8 Feb 2008   #4
How can poles hate the germans, it is the 21st century and germany along with britain are the two largest eu contributers which pump money from their taxpayers into poland as well as increasing foreign investment in poland. When you see new buildings being built. And more initiatives for the polish people, That comes from the german taxpayers pocket.

OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Feb 2008   #5
Hm, make that Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands - the biggest contributors of the EU anyway. But I was just wondering as I hear it said so many times...The Dutch don't really like the Germans, although it's getting better as time passes by. Actually it's funny: we had more wars with the British than with any country else, got more times occupied by the French and we still dislike the Germans above those two ppl. It's just a matter of time as I feel that ressentiments will die with the ppl who actually lived in the area of the atrocities.

M-G (at least, that's my theory)
Krzysztof  2 | 971
8 Feb 2008   #6
germany along with britain are the two largest eu contributers which pump money from their taxpayers into poland

trolling again or being serious?

I sincerely hope you're trolling around, because if you think you can buy someone so easily, you really need a reality check.


we don't eat poison, thank you.
8 Feb 2008   #7
I sincerely hope you're trolling around, because if you think you can buy someone so easily, you really need a reality check.

what ? ..................... are you doubting that the uk and germany are the biggest contributers into the eu ?

we don't eat poison, thank you.

judging from the behaviour of the poles, you would do anything for western cash
Filios1  8 | 1336
8 Feb 2008   #8
my question is: whom do the Poles hate more, the Germans or the Russians?

Difficult to decide. Both aren't too popular still in Poland, but times are changing. If I would have to guess, I'd say that Krauts are still more disliked. There is at least a Slavic tie with Russians, even though that really doesn't mean anything.
plk123  8 | 4119
8 Feb 2008   #9
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Feb 2008   #10
Noimmigration is right to a point, Poland was given money out of the coffers of the EU, rather generously I may add, and it was meant specifically for road improvement. It was spent (sqandered?) on sth else. This was in 2005 or 2006. Any Pole will tell u that roads are in dire need of repair. This is unacceptable
8 Feb 2008   #11
this is an article dated 3 years ago describing polands plea for eu cash (predominantely britiah and german cash) to rebuild their infrastructure. If poles are anti german then they have a cheek to accept their money EU crisis talks shift to Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Feb 2008   #12
This is a good point again. This was the danger many countries saw b4 the expansion of the EU. Goodwill is extended too far sometimes. The EU is not a charity
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
8 Feb 2008   #13

Who would you hate if you had the history the Poles had - hmmmm let me think familys taken to camps or family sent to siberia (sorry for spelling) ..what a fcukin stupid thing to ask..killing is killing and loss of liberty is loss of a hippy dutch guy to ask a stupid question!
Crow  155 | 9721
8 Feb 2008   #14
Germany along with Britain

that for sure
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Feb 2008   #15
Provocation, it creates some fun. Germany and Britain are generous providers, of that there is no question.
Davey  13 | 388
8 Feb 2008   #16
I've seen newspapers in Poland with articles on Polish-German relations and they don't seem too good.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Feb 2008   #17
Germany are in Poland's Euro group so that will trigger further conflict. Germany has also been open in inviting Polish people to work, they are not cruel towards the Poles
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
8 Feb 2008   #18
Definately Gerries. Many people don't realize that but Russians actually use to do things like treathing us with nukes (more or less directly) and we only don't like them. If Gerries did that any German speaking person coming here would risk own life. We just don't like Russians the way you don't like a nasty kid leaving crap in the corner. With Gerries that's much more serious. Sooner or later the time will come and we will get them.
Krzysztof  2 | 971
8 Feb 2008   #19
Polish hatred to Germans:
some basic info:
killed millions of Poles (mostly civilians), destroyed and stole as much of the country as they were able to. I guess everyone knows that and it's an old story, I can hear the replies: "get over it", these were fathers/grandfathers of the current Germans, so they can't be responsable" etc.

I agree, but I can't overlook the imminent consequences of that 1939 assault:
It CHANGED our 20th century history, indirectly throwing us in the arms of the post-war Soviet Union, thus indirectly deprived us of 50 years of free market economy (not to mention citizen rights, like freedom of speech etc. or other non measurable consequences).

So the EU gave us millions or billions of Euro, to build a highway or two, and you think it's ok?
Without that war, with normal economic growth (no communism), Poland would have those highways built by now with its own money, like all western European countries did.

So yeah, I don't blame today's Germans for the war, I don't hate Germany or its people, and I'm, to a certain degree, thankful for the "alms" we receive, but asking me to love the country that had caused my country to be in a beggar's shoes is a little overboard.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
8 Feb 2008   #20


Wait...why don't you direct your hate to the Brit's, the French and the US???
Germany was never Polands friend...we never broke a treaty or a promise to you...quite to the contrary to your "friends"....
And anyway...there is more than just the past.
In a recent Poll they asked the Germans whom of their neighbours they liked guess where Poland ended...yup...way down at the bottom!

It's more a dog/cat case here...just to different...if it weren't the war then it would be something else!

C'est la vie! :)
z_darius  14 | 3960
8 Feb 2008   #21
Germany was never Polands friend...we never broke a treaty or a promise to you

Germany unilaterally broke the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, signed for a period of 10 years in 1934.

In a recent Poll they asked the Germans whom of their neighbours they liked guess where Poland ended...yup...way down at the bottom!

I would be shocked if the results of the poll were different. After all, 1000 years of hatred won't be changed within just a few decades.
plk123  8 | 4119
8 Feb 2008   #22
Germany unilaterally broke the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, signed for a period of 10 years in 1934


1000 years of hatred

now you're talking.. one needs to start with the krauts trying to convert us to christianity, the tutons and so on and on and on .. and on...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
8 Feb 2008   #23
Germany unilaterally broke the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, signed for a period of 10 years in 1934.

Umm...that was Hitler...wasn't it?
Well then we weren't that good with treaties...just ask the Russians...
What rather supports my point!

You surely won't compare a Hitler treaty with a GB treaty or a French treaty to come immediately to your help, won't you?

Not to mention that the US troops made it barely to the Elbe...totally disinterested in the fate of you Poles! Hugging Uncle Joe instead...

But love them!

now you're talking.. one needs to start with the krauts trying to convert us to Christianity, the tutons and so on and on and on .. and on...

What was so bad with this one? You are the most fervent Christians now in Europe! polish pope..without us "tutons"...:)
Filios1  8 | 1336
8 Feb 2008   #24
Teutonic knights were not in it to convert Polish pagans, rather to take the land and enslave the people, like Germany has been doing throughout history. If I had lived back then, I would have liked to kill some of these cowards who rode under Christs banner.

Bratwurst, I hope to God that there will be a continued animosity of Germans toward Poles, for if there ever comes a need for war, I would not even hesitate a moment. . .
plk123  8 | 4119
8 Feb 2008   #25
What was so bad with this one? You are the most fervent Christians now in Europe! Polish pope..without us "tutons"...:)

dude, no Polish pope without our brothers the Czechs, eh?

a treaty is a treaty, no? Brits, French did break theirs too but at least they didn't try to kill us all like you folks did. besides, wasn't Hitler an Austrian, you bumba$ses? haha you all got snookered by a foreigner too.

these here are some exact reasons why one can't trust a kraut, ever.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
8 Feb 2008   #26

Who's got a problem with that?

Bratwurst, I hope to God that there will be a continued animosity of Germans toward Poles, for if there ever comes a need for war, I would not even hesitate a moment. . .

Hehe...reminds me about the polish loudmouths before '39..."In one week in Berlin!"
Polish always!


treaty is a treaty, no? Brits, French did break theirs too but at least they didn't try to kill us all like you folks did.

I would have thought a betrayal by a friend is much worse...
But then...nobody respects a honest enemy anymore...*shakes head sadly*

PS: Hitler was German born in Austria....these borders...always changing...but then you as a Pole know about that, don't you?
Filios1  8 | 1336
8 Feb 2008   #27
Hehe...reminds me about the Polish loudmouths before '39..."In one week in Berlin!"
Polish always!

Never! You can mark my words Bratwurst, never again will be overestimate your German nature, of cruelty and coldness. If push comes to shove, we will see each other, no? Take care my German friend..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
8 Feb 2008   #28 already your cavallery ready against my panzers???

I'm shaking! :)
Eurola  4 | 1898
8 Feb 2008   #29
And who shall stop living in the made up past my dear BBoy? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
8 Feb 2008   #30 isn't me who can't stop talking about the war....*looks innocently*

It's always the war here...the war there...look I have a pimple, remember the war? The bananas haven't been fresh this morning, remember the war? new shoes hurt, remember the war???

And on, and on, and on, and on....*yawn*

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