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Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back

Ironside  51 | 13083
26 Dec 2013   #61
if wise, Poland shall create new Commonwealth and arrange things so that all people from Baltic to the Balkan and Black see, speak Polish language.

Poland already did and as a result even ancient Polish lands are being claimed by some upstarts.
Crow  155 | 9699
26 Dec 2013   #62
Poland can much more
28 Dec 2013   #63
in the "recovered territories",

Tell us something interesting about the Sudetes, please

That would be a masterly point, were it not for the tiny detail

Sorry, but you do not understand , It is a masterly point....

Explain it, please :

Durolipons Cambridge
Durolitum Little London, Essex
Eboracum York
Glevum Colonia Gloucester
Mamucium Manchester
Ratae Corieltauvorum Leicester
Venta Belgarum Winchester
Condate Northwich, Cheshire
Calcaria Tadcaster, North Yorkshire
Ad Pontes Staines-upon-Thames
Anavio Brough-on-Noe, Hope Valley, Derbyshire (See also Navio)
Aquae Arnemetiae Buxton, Derbyshire
Aquae Sulis Bath
Ardotalia Gamesley, Glossop, Derbyshire

etc etc etc
Palivec  - | 379
29 Dec 2013   #64
Tell us something interesting about the Sudetes, please

OK: of the ~150 listed castles and palaces 23 are in good shape (restored and used), 60 are in ruins, the rest is in various states of decay.
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Dec 2013   #65
So what? You have a problem with that put out the money for their restoration.
Szalawa  2 | 239
19 May 2014   #66
Get back Lwow from UPA fascists
leave Wilno alone but make Lithuania respect the minority rights of Poles
build stronger ties with Belarus and encourage local autonomy for Brest region for the Pole's that still live there and stronger ties between Belorussians and Poles
9 Jun 2014   #67
Well, Russians have already returned unjustly detached region of Crimea. And now it's turn of Poland to give back our stolen eastern territories, and, first of all, our historical capital, the city of Wilno, where ethnic Poles have always been a majority of population! After WWII we could not keep hold of these territories because majority of our cities and towns lay in ruins. But now the time is ripe for it and we must do it! We might pass in the crowd!
Szalawa  2 | 239
9 Jun 2014   #68
Poles are the second most disliked people in Lithuania after Russians,

And now it's turn of Poland to give back our stolen eastern territories, and, first of all, our historical capital, the city of Wilno, where ethnic Poles have always been a majority of population!

they wont give Wilno without a fight and then Pole's will be 1 most hated people in Lithuania
Johnmaynard  - | 19
9 Jun 2014   #69
Perhaps, it will be difficult, to justify it, as there is no significant Polish ethnic population in these areas (after massive forced population moves initiated by the Axis, finished by the Allies).

Many European countries had there border changed during history, including Poland. And, why rely only to the borders of the "short living" Second Polish Republic (1918-1939)? Are Polish people wishing their "Lebensraum"?

Likewise, per example, Austria and Hungary, Germany, Russia may retake possession of their pre-WWII territories, among others: Stettin, Gdansk, Elbing and Breslau. What a mess it would be, especially when considering that it wouldn't be possible without another war!
Szalawa  2 | 239
9 Jun 2014   #70
Well poles make up something like 6% of the population of Lithuania, but usually around border of Belarus, so a referendum in some area's can be possible, but i dont think it's posible for wilno
JanIIISobieski  1 | 16
14 Jun 2014   #71
The real Polish government , the Polish government in exile was against ¨stealing¨ these lands.

It was Britain, America, and the Soviet Union who all agreed to move the borders of Poland in Potsdam, and Yalta.

It was a heavily Jewish dominated Polish Soviet government that took over these German lands, with such Soviet Jews as Jakub Berman, Hilary Minc, Roman Zambrowski, and Salomon Morel ect.

they wont give Wilno without a fight and then Pole's will be 1 most hated people in Lithuania

According to the Pew poll in 2009, Lithuanians disliked Polish more than they did Russians.

Wilno was 53% Polish, and 2% Lithuanian in 1916.
Szalawa  2 | 239
15 Jun 2014   #72
yep, Lithuanians dislike Pole's that's why they suppress the Polish minority
15 Jun 2014   #73
Lithuanians dislike Pole's

Why everyone dislike Poles?

Are Polish people wishing their "Lebensraum"?

Do you care to tell Johnmaynard?
Jadowniki  1 | 24
31 Dec 2014   #74
While I consider lwow and wilno centers of polish culture, it would be counter productive to cede them back to poland. I am a polish patriot but this would only cause division with our nieghbors, and strengthen russia. If russia ever says out of its live and generosity it wants to give lwow back to poland beware. It is a russian plot to divide us against our ukrainIan and Lithuanian brothers (no matter how hard our mutual histories are) so putin can kill us one by one
31 Dec 2014   #75
Divide and Conquer is the Russian stratergy.
Marsupial  - | 871
31 Dec 2014   #76
I actually think the current borders are the best for a long time. More is not always better.
jon357  72 | 23654
31 Dec 2014   #77
Exactly. Reunification came at a great cost to Germany and it just isn't practical here - plus of course the residents of Lvov and Vilnius are mostly not Polish. There is no mass movement in PL to get back territories in the East.
9 Jan 2015   #78
Lwow, Wilno, Brzesc.... That's in the past. I wouldn't want Poland to "get" the eastern areas back. Imagine the amount of money that would have to be spent to upgrade the infrastructure and other expenses. Currently eastern Poland, aka "Polska B" is less developed and less wealthy than other areas of Poland (Germany spent huge sums on eastern Germany after reunification). Also and more importantly why would the people in those areas want to be under Poland. That makes no sense.
Crow  155 | 9699
30 Mar 2015   #79
Merged: Why Wilno Voivodeship wasn`t returned to Poland, after WWII ?

This is about land that was illegally seceded from Poland following the German and Soviet invasion, in 1939. Since 1991, the former territory of the voivodeship is a part of Lithuania and Belarus.

Searching for some facts from Polish history i came to this info. i found it not only interesting but even disturbing that land that was taken from Poland illegally in the spring of WWII, actually was never returned to Poland, after WWII was finished. This isn`t reason for hostilities (those countries can`t be even blamed directly) but, is this at least open question between Poland and Lithuania/Belarus?

The Wilno Voivodeship, was one of Voivodeships in the Second Polish Republic, with the capital in Wilno.


Szalawa  2 | 239
30 Mar 2015   #80
I'd say it is considering the large percentage of Polish people that still live in that area. Tensions can be high in that area, both Lithuanians and Belorussians are sensitive on the topic
nasadki  - | 43
31 Mar 2015   #81
Why Wilno Voivodeship wasn`t returned to Poland, after WWII ?

Stalin want. Stalin take.
31 Mar 2015   #82
The Russian agenda is to redraw the map to extend their Empire.

Enter into this debate and you are supporting Putin.
Crow  155 | 9699
24 May 2020   #83
Enter into this debate and you are supporting Putin.

Don`t enter in this debate and you supporting reduction of Poland.

Maiden wasn`t started by Russia and Poland but by Germany and Co. Back then Ukraine proved to be artificial state. Now take your step and expand in accord with rest of Slavic world, when your expansion suits Slavia and bringing balance.

You know, 300 years ago, western Europeans were aware of only three Slavic languages. Russian, Polish and Serbian.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2020   #84
It is not personal it is only right for Poland to get back her land.

You had such views in 2013. And earlier, too, coz I remember discussing it with you in the garage days of the forum.

I am curious if you still hold those views and expect the return of the lost territories to Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Jun 2020   #85
Yes, that is only right.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Jun 2020   #86
Would you support a 'solidarity tax' to pay for the reunification?
Crow  155 | 9699
24 Jun 2020   #87

Brate Irone, you do have backbone to say what is right, after all. I finally must say, I agree with you.

Spot now >


Complete West Ukraine should go to Poland and even Central Ukraine. Crime is Russia already and blue areas of the map should go to Russia, too. I don`t speak of partition of Ukraine. Ukrainian nation and language are artificial. If region is divided between Poland and Russia, long term peace is possible.

Poland and Russia should negotiate. As I like to say, what western Europe started, Poland and Russia needs to finish.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2020   #88
Yes, that is only right.

It is good to see you stick to your views - such loyalty is precious in these times.
But it is bad coz they are harmful as they fuel old hostilities between nations instead of supressing them. Let alone implementing them in practice which would mean war.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2020   #89
But it is bad coz they are harmful as they fuel old hostilities between nations

Besides, regaining the Kresy territory from Ukraine would have to be done in cooperation with Russia.

Yes, that is only right.

In this way we can see you accept the idea of partitioning Ukraine in alliance with Russia. That is pure Dmowski strategy. Putin will love you for that. :):)

That topic was already discussed on Russian TV. Did you watch or attend that discussion?

  • AR181009974.jpg
24 Jun 2020   #90
So in that case will Poland have a border with my other fav Central European state - Hungary?

Home / History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back
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