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Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more?

jon357  72 | 23483
13 Oct 2018   #241
But since Kievan Rus was European state originally wouldn't you want to bring them back to European civilization completely?

It would be hard to 'bring back' Russia to any sort of civilisation, since it has never been in any sense a civilised country.
TheWizard  - | 217
13 Oct 2018   #242
I also do not consider Russia civilized, eastern barbarians. Add Ukrainian losers to that too.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
13 Oct 2018   #243
I also do not consider Russia civilized, eastern barbarians.

Does "civilized" stand for subjugated?
What would Russia have to do today to become "civilized"? If Russia is not "civilized", is Africa? How about Latin America and Mexico? Are they civilized? ME? India? How about China? Does "civilized" mean accepting without resistance every piece of foreign garbage that shows up at the border? Admiring "gays"?
TheWizard  - | 217
13 Oct 2018   #244
Those are difficult questions for me to answer RM. I was in Poland until 81/ 82 and always thought them to be barbarians. Not sure where to start with it lest i end up doing a 4 mile crow post.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
13 Oct 2018   #245
Don't. I just wanted to show how putting a label on the package without showing what is inside is not very productive, so treat my questions in that spirit.
TheWizard  - | 217
13 Oct 2018   #246
There is definately a witch hunt on the old Russia but there is definitely things they do that attract these attacks. I suppose if you do enough bad stuff you get labeled and after that any excuse will do.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
13 Oct 2018   #247
You are correct. Being old, cynical and distrusting, I want to know who is doing labeling and why.
If you (editorial) go by the labels, you would think that Kanye West is the worst and most retarded human being ever. The problem with that assessment is that it is the worst and the most retarded a**holes at CNN and MSNBC who did the evaluation.

Not changing the subject - just used this case to illustrate my point.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Oct 2018   #248
there is definitely things they do that attract these attacks.

Very many, and right now they're being as brazen as they can. The dying embers of a failed state.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
13 Oct 2018   #249
I fear not jon. Russia does well what the conservatives are doing. Depending on what day of the week it is, what the political flow is, and what the state of the markets are, we get sound bites about " We are not going to negotiate our sovereignty!", or at the opposite end of the diplomatic scale - "We would be looking for an extended transition and a continuation of the single market..."

Russia are masters of this double-speak, and will always thrive - while their citizens outside the big cities stay downtrodden.
Crow  154 | 9541
13 Oct 2018   #250
Russia are masters of this double-speak

and western Europe is master of Goebbelsian-speak
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
31 Aug 2019   #251

I have never been so embarrassed to be connected with anything Polish. Read this
....and you will know why.

A couple of quotes:

Conveniently forgotten among the talk of Molotov-Ribbentrop are all the deals European powers made with Hitler, from the Four Powers Pact of 1933 and the Polish-German Pact of 1934, to the 1938 Munich agreement partitioning Czechoslovakia and the non-aggression treaties the Baltic States made with Berlin in the summer of 1939.

Poland also seems to have forgotten how its "allies" Britain and France did absolutely nothing to help it face the Blitzkrieg, or that its government never declared war on the USSR, despite all the talk of "invasion and occupation."

Especially forgotten is how, once Hitler broke his word yet again and attacked the USSR in June 1941, it was the Soviet soldiers who would do the lion's share of fighting and dying to defeat the Nazis - about 80 percent of it, to be exact. Or how anywhere up to 27 million Soviet citizens perished in the war the USSR did not start, but certainly did finish.

So, who*ring for German money is so cool today. Inviting Russia that defeated Germany - not so much.
Crow  154 | 9541
31 Aug 2019   #252
BDW, one info that very few people knows. When Britain and France were signing deals with Hitler, behind back of their official ally- Poland, they did sign those documents on the level of Prime Ministers. At the same time, all documents signed by Soviet Union (that was not ally to Poland) and Hitler went via Foreign Ministers.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
31 Aug 2019   #253
I also do not consider Russia civilized, eastern barbarians. Add Ukrainian losers to that too.

Many in the West regard Poles as such (not me). Look who's talking.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
31 Aug 2019   #254
Sticking to the question posed as the title of the thread, it is without question, The Russians.
Germany ocuppied,suppressed and murdered Poles for five years,Russians did the same for over forty years.
No contest.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
31 Aug 2019   #255
Truly? I thought those were Mongols...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Sep 2019   #256
(1) How many Poles were murdered by the Germans?
(2) How many Poles were murdered by the Russians?

l lived in Poland (Radom and Warsaw) till 1966. I HAVE NOT seen one Russian soldier. Ever. No military vehicles. Nothing. How can you say that Poland was occupied by the USSR.

This kind of Russophobia borders on mental disorder and is not serving Poland well. As I explained in my post 251 above, Poland is run by idiots for not inviting Russia. But, as wh*ores on the German payroll, Poland didn't miss the opportunity to invite Germany and the backstabbing allies like France, the UK and the US.

From Vlad1234:

Truly? I thought those were Mongols...

Hey, Vlad, this is not the time to be subtle.
kaprys  3 | 2076
1 Sep 2019   #257
Poland is not indebted to Germany for killing roughly 20% of our population, destroying cities, towns and villages or enslaving millions.

Reading about it on the anniversary of the German attack on Poland. ...
Crow  154 | 9541
1 Sep 2019   #258
But how could one resist to urge not to love Germany? Germany is so miserable that awake only love in those who observe. Like with retarded child.

And 2000 and 3000 years ago, when civilizations flourished here, they were naked and today they again retreat in their naked state. They didn`t learn anything. Only Roman experiments temporarily pushed them where they don`t belong. And now, we who didn`t walk naked 2000-3000 years ago, coming back.

Take this for the morning > Moskau >
1 Sep 2019   #259
Oh come on, so many Russophiles here. My country is filled with them (to be fair Russians did free us from the Ottoman Turks and our Socialist regime was less restrictive than the ones in Central Europe and the DDR/GDR). However, they always act like we owe them something while it's them (Russians) that took their language and alphabet from us. Russia is like a Russian woman - she considers no one a friend, she wants to have admirers she can abuse and take all their resources.

Btw, it's high time Poles do something about energy - like build a Nuclear Power Station or invest more in clean energy. It's time to lower the dependency on (Russian!) gas and the polluting coals.
Crow  154 | 9541
1 Sep 2019   #260
It's time to lower the dependency on (Russian!) gas and the polluting coals.

Are you moron?

Poles aren`t that crazy. Poles do play politics. But its politics. Poles very well knows how is love of western Europe love of `black widow`. So Poles, as sane, helping Russia keep its power, because they know if Russia collapse, the next day Poland coming to manu of her ``friends`` from the western side.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
1 Sep 2019   #261
(Russians) that took their language and alphabet from us.

Can you describe how Mongols borrowed your language and alphabet?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Sep 2019   #262
while it's them (Russians) that took their language and alphabet from us.

Hey, Zlatko, put that bottle away.
So, the bad and evil Russians (that was sarcasm) liked your language and the alphabet so much that they decided to actually use it and, thus, spread it. Truly evil.

After they "took" it, did you report it to the police? How did you communicate before a replacement was found? Did you use sign language?
mafketis  38 | 11149
1 Sep 2019   #263
(Russians) that took their language and alphabet from us

Sounds like a national myth. Yeah the cyrillic alpahbet was created for a language in the area of modern Bulgaria for an ancestor of the modern language but... the rest? no.

IINM Bulgarian went through a few hundred years of non-documentation (that is there was no writing based on what people were speaking) and when it began to be documented again the language had mutated to something like its present form - with the almost complete loss of the case system and the appearance of articles and a verbal system that's far more complex that other slavic languages.

I don't know if serious historical linguists have any idea how that happened...
Vlad1234  16 | 883
1 Sep 2019   #264
historical linguists

More commonly they think about Ukrainian in this way. But even though Ukrainian have many borrowing from Polish (which are in turn are often borrowings from German) there is still more words with common roots (origins) than borrowings. Now this theory about Russian. Probably there is a time for Ukrainians, Russians and Belorussians get national pride and resurrect their original Mongolic language(s).
Ironside  50 | 12946
1 Sep 2019   #265
on mental disorder

The only mental disorder of the worst kind are trolls like you. Damn Soviet!
some more of your utter tripe.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Sep 2019   #266
I knew before I pressed that red POST MESSAGE thing that, sooner or later, a post like yours will be my reward. Better than nothing. Thanks.

FYI, the USSR does not exist any more. And, yes, I respect Putin more than any other president anywhere, Trump included, if for only one and a very good reason: I see in Putin a man who knows what to say and when to keep his mouth shut. And an off-the-chart knowledge of history, plus an IQ and physical fitness to match.

Have you seen that mile-long Russian flag they unfurled recently? I wish we could do the same with the US flag here without being called names. Patriotism at its best.

If all of that is still not clear: I like Russians and Russia. With that confession out of the way, you no longer have to accuse me of what I just admitted.

Are we good now?
Ironside  50 | 12946
1 Sep 2019   #267
I like Russians and Russia.

I don't care, no suprise here, after all you're a Soviet and a troll.

I mean your take on Poland occupied by Soviets. GFY you M.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Sep 2019   #268
after all you're a Soviet and a troll.

You shouldn't have dropped out so early. One sentence, two errors. That's a lot of errors per sentence.
(1) As I just explained, the USSR does not exist, so neither to Soviets. Did you get it or will I have to explain it to you one more time?

(2) I am not a troll. A troll is a person who lies to rile up. I am stating honestly what I feel, therefore, I am not troll. If my views upset you, I sincerely apologize.

Now, that "sincerely" was a lie, but I just couldn't resist faking being nice.
As there a country you like? Does that make you a troll? Russia happens to be on my like list. Should I take it off to make you happier?

Are we done?
mafketis  38 | 11149
1 Sep 2019   #269
I respect Putin more than any other president anywhere, Trump included, if for only one and a very good reason

he kills civilians?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Sep 2019   #270
I respect Putin more than any other president anywhere

My respect for you has just are truly insane....

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