Don't we all?
Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious?
tornado2007 11 | 2270
14 Aug 2010 #182
well i do hope not, i don't speak about England or Scotland like they are the centre of the earth, i also don't try and convince people England or Scotland is repsonsible for things they are not. I know the sun does not shine out of the backside of either country and i don't kid myslef or anyone else for that matter.
Eastern Germany was/is being rebuild from scratch as flattened West Germany was after the war.../wiki/Silicon_Saxony
I read this list, and most of companiest there have nothing to do with eastern Germany. Most have been build in 1980's and just build one of their factories/centers in eastern Germany but their headquaters and stake holders are from other places. Of course it is better than nothing and maybe some new companies will develope in result of cooperation (we do the same in Poland) but still (...)Most of companies on the list have been developed before any easter German could have private company.
Germany was destroyed and partitioned also for 60 years...and West Germany had to integrate and modernize a whole country in the last 20 years....nobody was born with the golden spoon.
Yeah right dnt preach that ********, w/germans had it so good w/ the US and Britain trying to make it a beacon of capitalism after WW2. Poland not only had to rebuild a whole country they also brought down communism while they were at it. Its a testimony to the Polish spirit that during the GFC Poland was the only country to record a economic growth.
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
14 Aug 2010 #185
so who you are?
Harry is an Australian and I am sure he is proud of the fact:)
And if Britain had known how Poles would lie for decades after the war, no doubt Chamberlain and Halifax would have been lynched by the mob if war had been declared. The point is that once we throw in the word 'if' we move from historical fact to mere speculation.
Britain never lies of course, that is why they chose not to refer to Katyn as a Soviet crime up until the nineties.
Norman Davies is not objective. He seems to to think Poles were the greatest benefactors of the Jewish people ever existed.
I take it that you don't agree, can you name anybody better?......
Of course you can't that means that they were.
I am not a Pole anymore, I am a Russian forever". It happened to be a Polish king.
No that is a lie Nathan, you seem to be quite good at it.
Goebbels was traveling across the polish country side and noticed how all the Poles fit the ideal German characteristics more then the germans themselves ahaha
wasn't Goebbles it was Himmler and if memeory serves me right he was refering to his own kids.
well i do hope not, i don't speak about England or Scotland like they are the centre of the earth,
Who does? I would like to point to you a little fact which seems to have escaped your attention - that very forum is dedicated to Poland.
also don't try and convince people England or Scotland is repsonsible for things they are not
Its very enigmatic, in response:
1. Number of accusation , slagging and lies, not to mention mockery on this very forum it is unreal, so some people react stronger that would have otherwise.
2. I happened to hear English saying that they made America!
I know the sun does not shine out of the backside of either country and i don't kid myslef or anyone else for that matter.
Well, I don't claim it either, but there some Britons on this forum to whom it did happen few times:)
3 Jul 2011 #187
The whole crap about selling Ukraine if its true who cares the ukranians always hated the poles they only teamed up because they hated the Russians more [although they were once part of Russia themselves].
Harry and others that are from a country that once did or still does hate us poles, of course you would be saying bad things about our countries history so please just stop writing. I will only listen to someone from a country that doesn't hates poles. >=[
Harry and others that are from a country that once did or still does hate us poles, of course you would be saying bad things about our countries history so please just stop writing. I will only listen to someone from a country that doesn't hates poles. >=[
most of companiest there have nothing to do with eastern Germany
3 Jul 2011 #189
Bratwurst boy, the only reason everybody [well, maybe not everyone] thinks Germany's so amazing is because of everything they have although almost everything they have was stolen from other countries or financed by things that were stolen from other countries. Without Poland Germany would be nothing, for example- sports: fifa soccer Podolski, Klose.
Although i exagerated its mostly true.
Although i exagerated its mostly true.
4 Jul 2011 #190
I will only listen to someone from a country that doesn't hates poles.
These days, when somebody asks me where I'm from I say "Poland".
joepilsudski 26 | 1387
6 Jul 2011 #191
This is a silly topic best illustrated by the original post.
That fact that Poland has existed for over a millennium is simple evidence of a glorious history...A nation does not endure for this period of time without a high degree of national awareness from it's people.
The United States has been in existence for less than 250, yet it is considered by many the most glorious nation of all...You can debate the merits of this assertion...Poland has been in existence 4x as long, in one form or another.
That fact that Poland has existed for over a millennium is simple evidence of a glorious history...A nation does not endure for this period of time without a high degree of national awareness from it's people.
The United States has been in existence for less than 250, yet it is considered by many the most glorious nation of all...You can debate the merits of this assertion...Poland has been in existence 4x as long, in one form or another.
How did they steal Klose and Podolski? And how did Gutenberg steal printing from the Chinese? Where did Kant steal the categorical imperative? Is the storm and stress movement Polish?
johnny reb 49 | 7888
6 Jun 2024 #193
the ukranians always hated the poles they only teamed up because they hated the Russians more [although they were once part of Russia themselves]
Thats because of what Poland did to Ukraine in stealing land from them.
I'd like to see Harry speaking about any positive polish moment in history.
Has never happened
These days, when somebody asks me where I'm from I say "Poland".
Even though Lazarus can't speak or read Polish after 22 years of living in Poland ?
what Poland did to Ukraine in stealing land from them.
Never happened.
Sure !
Whenever in your history that you didn't commit to Exploit the people of other countries (like most of Europeans) is the greatest Glory and honor for you.
Since in Asia there are worst memories ...
Whenever in your history that you didn't commit to Exploit the people of other countries (like most of Europeans) is the greatest Glory and honor for you.
Since in Asia there are worst memories ...
like most of Europeans
During most of that period, Poland wasn't independent which means they missed out on all that.