Hmm? Naah.
Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious?
In the 20th Century there were at least two: Solidarity and Pilsudski.
M-G (tiens)
M-G (tiens)
You mean Reagan?
Glorious is interpretation !
What are you looking for ?be specific
What are you looking for ?be specific
A number of battles where Poles won despite being outnumbered etc.
Wroclaw Boy
3 Aug 2010 #6
This ones Pole on Poles but worth a mention i think.
This ones Pole on Poles but worth a mention i think.
I was talking about the ones that were historically meaningful.
Glorious is interpretation !
What are you looking for ?be specific
What are you looking for ?be specific
As in, I'd like to see Harry speaking about any positive polish moment in history.
In my opinion, 1920 war looks good. Poland won war against whole Soviet Union and stopped red march on Europe. It seems to be the most glorious event in 20 century.
look up PL on wikipedia.. there is a lot of glorious times in PL's long history.. probably more good stuff then bad stuff.
Chicago Pollock 7 | 503
12 Aug 2010 #10
Yes, Polish history before the 18th century.
a few goodies in the 20th too.. 95%29
What do u mean about this?
What do u mean about this?
12 Aug 2010 #13
In my opinion, 1920 war looks good. Poland won war against whole Soviet Union and stopped red march on Europe. It seems to be the most glorious event in 20 century.
The disgraceful backstabbing of Poland's Ukrainian allies should stop any Pole from looking back with pride on that war.
I'd like to see Harry speaking about any positive polish moment in history.
One of the few things which Poland has never suffered from is a shortage of cheerleaders when it comes to boasting about history. Which is a pity: it stops Poles from learning from the mistakes in Polish history.
What a statement form an English nationalist. Have you no cop on buddy. Look into the disgraceful history of your own country that raped half the world, and yet no apology.
From Penal times to Bloody Sunday. The Poles are angels compared to the Brits.
This song says it all;
From Penal times to Bloody Sunday. The Poles are angels compared to the Brits.
This song says it all;
I am listening to Roger Waters at the moment and when he mentioned cavalry attacks (the song Every Strangers Eyes), I thought of Poland. ...
Poland used this to very good effect. When they used it, it was perceived as being an anachronistic method but they employed their resources well. I bet Crow would be proud as Serbian Hussars were similarly good.
Poland used this to very good effect. When they used it, it was perceived as being an anachronistic method but they employed their resources well. I bet Crow would be proud as Serbian Hussars were similarly good.
Harry, You shouldn't be ashamed of your low awareness of history.
Look at the internet, and you would find many things. One of the great things we did, was the battle against the ottoman, where King Sobieski had the command, that stopped the ottoman attempt to occupy Vienna in 1683, so they could spread their power in the continent.
Look at the internet, and you would find many things. One of the great things we did, was the battle against the ottoman, where King Sobieski had the command, that stopped the ottoman attempt to occupy Vienna in 1683, so they could spread their power in the continent.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
12 Aug 2010 #17
Well...again....Poland wasn't alone in this...
On the other hand Poles had been allies to Napoleon who was about to conquer and enslave Europe and had to be beaten by an that balances it out somewhat. ;)
On the other hand Poles had been allies to Napoleon who was about to conquer and enslave Europe and had to be beaten by an that balances it out somewhat. ;)
12 Aug 2010 #18
What a statement form an English nationalist. Have you no cop on buddy. Look into the disgraceful history of your own country that raped half the world, and yet no apology.
Sorry Mark but I'm neither English nor a nationalist. Looks like you know as much about me as you do about property prices.
Harry, You shouldn't be ashamed of your low awareness of history.
The standard response from any Pole who is told that his country did some things in the past which it should be ashamed of. Or perhaps you can tell me the honourable reasons why Poland p1ssed all over its treaty obligations and sold the Ukrainian National Republic to the USSR for 59 million gold roubles?
12 Aug 2010 #19
Sorry Mark but I'm neither English nor a nationalist.
so who you are?
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
12 Aug 2010 #20
how is that relevant to the discussion, are you here to discus or gain personal information on people, so later on you can make personal remarks as you have done in the past. This is a discussion forum not a plotki forum.
Since the splitting of Poland by Russia, Germany and Austria, Poland didn't have any control of Ukraine.
Are you from Ukraine or what ?
Poland was one of the first to create a society with religious freedom in the past. Jews and Muslims could stay in Poland, without any persecution. You didn't see that elsewhere.
But again where you from, since your history is full of glory ?
Are you from Ukraine or what ?
Poland was one of the first to create a society with religious freedom in the past. Jews and Muslims could stay in Poland, without any persecution. You didn't see that elsewhere.
But again where you from, since your history is full of glory ?
12 Aug 2010 #22
Since the splitting of Poland by Russia, Germany and Austria, Poland didn't have any control of Ukraine.
It seems that you are entirely unfamiliar with the treaty of Warsaw and the peace of Riga. I suggest that you go away and read up on both so that you can learn how Poland's betrayal of Ukraine was one of the most disgraceful betrayals of an ally by a European nation in modern times.
so who you are?
I'm Harry. Do practise your reading skills more often.
The acts created to bring about that freedom could be described as a glorious part of Poland's history but we all know how some laws work (or don't), esp international ones. Effective enforcement mechanisms are needed to complete the glory. Oh, that coupled with adherence by the people themselves.
I think, that the German and Russian history wins the gold medal of betrayal.
The Ukraine's didn't even like the Polish occupation, so "if the polish sold the country out" even though, I don't see where in the history this could had taken place, what is the big deal ? Again, where in the history should Poland sell Ukraine ? Before or after the splitting ?
The Ukraine's didn't even like the Polish occupation, so "if the polish sold the country out" even though, I don't see where in the history this could had taken place, what is the big deal ? Again, where in the history should Poland sell Ukraine ? Before or after the splitting ?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
12 Aug 2010 #25
I think, that the German and Russian history wins the gold medal of betrayal.'s about Polands past! :(
Even though, isn't it the Polish government who tries to bring Ukraine closer or into the EU ? What does Russia do, cutting of gaz !
Yea I'm sorry, it just seemed like the right example !
Speaking about the German past, why didn't you guys win the FIFA world cup ? I could have won a lot of money on that ! -Now I'll never get the cruise trip I wanted for the summer, thanks !'s about Polands past! :(
Yea I'm sorry, it just seemed like the right example !
Speaking about the German past, why didn't you guys win the FIFA world cup ? I could have won a lot of money on that ! -Now I'll never get the cruise trip I wanted for the summer, thanks !
I think 1920 is something definitely to be proud of for the Poles. Although I think the Marshal almost overplayed his hand with his invasion of the Ukraine (although his motives were understandable).
Vienna 1683 - Also. Of course the Poles were part of a bigger coalition, but nevertheless without the Polish cavalry thundering down from Kahlenberg, Europe I think would have been a different place now. Too bad Sobieski was a bad administrator on the domestic front.
Chocim, 1673. I think it is a battle often overlooked in the West but nevertheless essential instemming the advance of the Islam hordes.
Vienna 1683 - Also. Of course the Poles were part of a bigger coalition, but nevertheless without the Polish cavalry thundering down from Kahlenberg, Europe I think would have been a different place now. Too bad Sobieski was a bad administrator on the domestic front.
Chocim, 1673. I think it is a battle often overlooked in the West but nevertheless essential instemming the advance of the Islam hordes.
12 Aug 2010 #28
Again, where in the history should Poland sell Ukraine ? Before or after the splitting ?
Why not learn just a little tiny bit?
The Peace of Riga (1921)
It seems like there is many points in this article. I always admired Jozef PiĆsudski , and it's a shame that he didn't have the full command of that decision.
What's a shame is that Poland sold out its allies.