Przelotnyptak1 - | 742
20 Jun 2022 #61
It's crazy to say they don't receive credit.
Jon, who is the one that says they did not receive the credit, but let me illustrate
my side of the discussion. First, you are not the filter or a dispenser of the glory. The credit exists on its own merit; the Poles don't need you to ration perverted, twisted, manipulative Enigma truth. We don't need the crumbs, and we own the whole loaf of bread. Breaking the Enigma code was a significant factor in winning the war.
Our contribution was enormous deserving the "Amazon" of credit, not the rivulet crumbs you assigned to us. The truth from British sources is not the truth at all it is the effort to minimize our and maximize your (Johnny come lately) part. You point to a pile of crumbs and calling it full credit is pathetic at best