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Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression?

Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #361
Dead, fleeing, hiding, soon to be dead....take your pick!

In other words, there was always an excuse to exercise in-group-out-group bias.

Indeed, not one - not one - out of millions and over years ever had the time, a modicum of concern, or even the courage to stand up in public and stand with Poland or go out of their way to save a Polish life.
jon357  72 | 23400
18 Feb 2021   #362
There were probably Polish Tatars (Muslim) in some of them

There were.

The service of the Jewish Poles is without question,

This is true. Many suffered in the service of their country.
Novichok  5 | 8631
18 Feb 2021   #363
The service of the Jewish Poles is without question,

Please, don't this "Jewish Poles" anymore. Google it in quotes, and you will get 46k hits. If you reverse it to "Polish Jews", it's 714k hits, which more honestly represents who they were - they were Jews, first and foremost, who, by the way, just happened to live in Poland. The only honest way of saying it is Jews born in Poland. The fact that they spoke Polish means nothing.

The difference between these two forms could not be clearer. Same two words, different meaning.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #364
You sound just like the fella Fritz Hippler whose propaganda claimed Jews couldn't ever be "real" Germans. What bunk!
Novichok  5 | 8631
18 Feb 2021   #365
Jew are "real" Germans or Poles when they own their flags and view those flags with the same pride and as their own. Words mean s**t.

The same applies to the national anthems and the pledge of allegiance.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #366
I know personally several older Polish Jews who proudly display the Polish flag in their livingroom. Despite everything, they forgave their gentile fellow countrymen their anti-Semitism.
jon357  72 | 23400
18 Feb 2021   #367
Polish Jews who proudly display the Polish flag

Indeed. Worth mentioning though that most Poles here, whether of Jewish or of gentile background, don't display flags in their living room.
Novichok  5 | 8631
18 Feb 2021   #368
If they are Polish Jews, they are not Poles. If they were Poles, you would say Jewish Poles - as opposed to the Catholic Poles or any other Poles.

If it's too subtle or my English is too primitive for you, in "Catholic Poles", "Poles" is the noun and "Catholic" is an adjective and, therefore, secondary on the importance scale. In "Polish Jews", it's in reverse and makes zero sense unless the intent is to accentuate separateness.

The I know personally argument deserves only one response. Guess what it is.

don't display flags in their living room.

That's why I wrote "own". Americans don't display their flags in their living rooms, either.
jon357  72 | 23400
18 Feb 2021   #369
don't display their flags

Some do.

reverse and makes zero

Poles are reversed? Like reversed polarity?

You mean Jewish Poles and Polish gentiles.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #370
The Nazis too preached that the only true German was an "Aryan" Christian. The Jews had been living in German lands for longer than there was a Germany!
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #371
The Jews have been living in Egyptian lands for far, far longer but oddly are now completely hands-off and arms-length and also never identify themselves as North African!

Why is that?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
18 Feb 2021   #372
I don't hear any native European call themselves African, and still that's where our ancestor DNA came from...partly that is....

The Jews in Germany identified as Germans, they fought in Germany's wars for Germany, they died for can't get any more German than that.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #373
AMEN, buster!
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #374
I don't hear any native European call themselves African

Then why is Afrodeutsche a word in your language used by and for Africans born and living in your country?

You think the millions of African migrants Mad Cow Merkel let into Germany and their own native born children in Germany see Africa as a strange and foreign place? Hint: they don't. It's 100% part of their DNA and personal and group identity.

The Jews have a longer history in Africa than Europe and you failed to skirt around this fact.

still that's where our ancestor DNA came from

Then all the more reason for Jews to self-identify and be identified as North African. It's part of their own recorded history too.

On the other hand, it's openly reported that Israel uses DNA to screen out migrants who aren't Jewish. So how does this work if according to you Jews are Germans and German DNA is African in origin but at the same time you and Jews don't call yourselves African?

Jews in Germany...fought in Germany's wars for can't get any more German than that.

Thanks for admitting they fought for Hitler and their Third Reich during your country's deliberate invasion, destruction, occupation, and genocide and Poland and her Polish people.

So when are you and your fellow Jews going to do the right thing and pay Poland reparations? At lease $1 trillion is long overdue. Cough it up.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
18 Feb 2021   #375
So how does this work if according to you Jews are Germans and German DNA is African in origin but at the same time you and Jews don't call yourselves African?


Thanks for admitting they fought for Hitler and their Third Reich


I don't know where you learned your history....

Nazis denied Jews their Germanness (kind of what you are trying to do), so they weren't even allowed to join the forces after 1933.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #376
You're twisting the facts! Jews are as "white" as as any European. Semites ARE Caucasian:-)
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #377

You're the one you tried to skirt around Jews being identify as North African with your pretzel logic.

So I asked you to further explain this. You can't. Now you are pretending to be confounded over your own poor attempt at brushing off the issue.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
18 Feb 2021   #378
So I asked you to further explain this. You can't.

Maybe you reword your question again for me? I have no idea what you are going for....

That a german jewish doctor by the name of Heinz König who earned an Iron Cross in WWI should identify as African? Seriously???
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #379
Jews are as "white" as as any European.

Really? So rate their "whiteness".

New York principal [Mark Federman] sends parents pamphlet asking them to rate their 'whiteness' and urging them to be 'white traitors' who 'dismantle institutions'
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #380
Again, Jews are Semites and therefore Caucasian.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #381
According to that logic then Hitler would have been self-loathing rather than anti-Semitic.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #382
?? Hitler wasn't Jewish, so what's your point?
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #383
Are you saying Hitler wasn't white (i.e. Caucasian)?

You did say:

Again, Jews are Semites and therefore Caucasian.

So explain how Hitler could be anti-Semitic when according to you both he as a European and Jews as self-described Semites fall into the same category of Caucasian.

If you can't explain your own rantings on here then it will just go to show you have no point, never did with this latest anti-Polish thread you started, and you know it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
18 Feb 2021   #384
What exactly has been anti-Polish? That german Jews don't saw themselves as Africans?

...I just think you should let the Jews themselves identify as what they want, not deciding for them...that goes for everybody actually!
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #385
What exactly has been anti-Polish?

Read no further than the title of this anti-Polish thread the anti-Polish OP started.

That german Jews don't saw themselves as Africans?

The anti-Polish OP took his own anti-Polish thread off-topic by declaring in post #370 that Jews have been in Germany longer than before it even existed. Yet, there is not a single country in Europe whose origins and history are based on the Jews being there before anyone else. His revisionism is pure propaganda and lies.

I pointed out where Jews themselves through written and oral traditions say their origins can be found in Egypt. Rather than acknowledge this undisputed fact both you and Zydko when into panicked diversion and digression. What's wrong with admitting you lot are North African?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
18 Feb 2021   #386
"You lot" ? :)

As far as I know the jewish people group themselves as sephardic and ashkenazim....maybe you confuse these things?

...Largely expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century, they carried a distinctive Jewish diasporic identity with them to North Africa, including modern day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt; South-Eastern and Southern Europe, including France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Turkey; the Middle East, including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran; as well as the Americas...

Whereas the sephardic Jews have a widespread diaspora in North Africa the ashkenazim are as european/german as they come...

...Ashkenazic Jews or, by using the Hebrew plural suffix -im, Ashkenazim[a] are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium.[20]...

They have been living here for over a Millennia...about 1000 years...and you call them Africans???
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #387
Can't argue with dyed-in-the-wool bigots.
jon357  72 | 23400
18 Feb 2021   #388
Nationalists and reason/objectivity don't belong in the same sentence.
OP Lyzko  43 | 9683
18 Feb 2021   #389
Spot on, mate!
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #390
Whereas the sephardic Jews have a widespread diaspora in North Africa the ashkenazim are as european/german as they come...


Only a few posts ago you proudly declared your DNA comes from Africa even though you prefer not to be called African.


So lets try something else.

1) Do the two separate groups you mentioned both identify with characters called Abraham and Moses? Yes or No.

Hint: I don't mean any present day drug-dealers or pimps they may patron who happen to have these names. I mean the ones mentioned in their own shared religious texts which speak of their many generations spent in Egypt.

2) Do both groups mark their calendars to stuff their faces with food for an event called Passover? Yes or No.

Hint: I don't mean any day set aside for emotional eating while reflecting upon why they were passed over for jobs and promotions during their careers. I mean the event to acknowledge and celebrate the day their same ancestors left their Egyptian homeland in a self-documented campaign of destruction and conquest to take the lands and exterminate the people in nearby territories.

Can't argue with dyed-in-the-wool bigots.

Clearly that's why you post on here. So you don't have to argue with yourself. And you have no other choice do you? After all, you know that no one in real life would put up with you for longer than a few seconds.

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