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Grrr, what kind of classes of English have you attended? :) What is this? Hope one day will be here without dictionary. However horse and a mustache sounds good. Geee... :)
On location where existed Lusatia in 7th century, exist even today. Existed even before 7th century, as part of much greater Sarmatian realm. Name of people didn`t change. Lusatians are stubborn Sarmats.
Crowe, part of Lusatia is in Poland . Should 'polonisation' retreat? No. Should 'germanisation'? No. For centuries the various communities have lived side by side with mostly no problems and nothing should 'retreat'.
Such is life, one group always dominates - it never really matters which. In any case it's a mostly rural region. Now there are Sorbian language schools and nobody seriously suggests that 'germanisation' should 'retreat'.
i am man of peace. Let people live in peace. Just, let exist alternative. If we know that medieval sources remembered how Teutons and germanization occupied Slavic land (even states like Kingdoms) in what is now great deal of Eastern Germany, it would be something normal if people there, at one moment, decide to secede from Germany and seek independence or seek to join Poland.
On the other side, it won`t be normal that 'polonisation' retreat because there was no 'polonisation' but only liberation of local Slavs, unfortunately in rare cases.
Main reason why USA supported Germany after WWII actually wasn`t communist threat but Slavic `threat` from within Germany. For west of Europe and USA, Germany is seen as their fist against Slavs. So, they were afraid that would germanizad Slavs of what is Germany, after German economic and military collapse, seek to end germanziation and become proud Slavs again. That is why Dresden was `symbolically` bombarded by allies.
ha, Germans have smallest penises in Europe. See, germanization affected even that. Not to mention that there are other things that are wrong on affected territories. People need relaxation, reason and beauty. After all, people have right on its own history.
Who normal could seek to stay germanized and shortened.
well, it was news on net, so there was very informative thread back in past of this forum.
When we are at it, i often wondered how did Poles managed to survive all historical sh** that Germans imposed onto them. Then i realized. It is about penises or at least have impact on it. Germans are inferior. Then, knowing that Eastern Germany was Slavic in middle age i wondered how is that possinble that penises there differ from Polish or Serbian penises. So i concluded that germanization destroys man`s libido and penises.
Guenter Grass considered himself German, although born in present-day Gdańsk to a Kaszub mother and a German-born father:-) He wrote exclusively in German, and never in any other language!!
I have fallen into this "forum" by chance, looking for something different in Google. Why "forum" is in quotes? Because when speaking on true forum, participants always show their faces, not covering its behind "nicknames" or other "pardas". Why is "Sobieski" hidden behind? Simply, for to avoid shame and unveiling the true source of his attitude. What I had concluded from his starting announcement and subsequent ripostes, is his strong similarity to the attitude presented during German-Nazi period in the very ridiculous paper called "Völkischer Beobachter" *). The same sick hatred and contempt toward everything that is "not ours". Of course, what is "ours" had been defined in the paper itself! Nazi-logic in it's full extent, presented up to modern times in so called "liberated circles" or "leftist circles". The matter doesn't nothing - it can be any matter! The method or rather paradigm. is everything!
And now a short utterance about the matter. "Sobieski" had stated, that his education was "very sound Jesuit". I hope that no Societas Jesu member owe up to him! Or, it might be,
the university was not Jesuit, but it was not recognizable for "Sobieski" the same way the term "Lusatian" is quite vague for him - as "Ziemowit" has pointed out. It is not clear at all what is "Sobieski" occupation or vocation, but in so called cultural anthropology, these "obsessions about the past" constitute the main body of scientific investigations, with no specific attribution to any time or nation. Although "anthropology" is a long word, it is at the beginning of any dictionary and even "soundly educated" "Sobieski" should be aware of it, as well as the fact, that belief in something, especially related with origins or history, is inherent to any human being. Let "Sobieski" permit Polish people to be human beings, even if his masters from "Völkischer Beobachter" had not allow them to be in "vernichtungslager". I am slightly astonished, that nobody of debaters haven't noticed this close resemblance between "Sobieski" and Nazi views!
After all, the usage of the verb "mystify" put on the mind that sound education of "Sobieski" in English language had been (years ago, of course) as sound as "gong or a clanging cymbal" **).
I hope, that after thrilling experiences of the infamous XXth century nobody should be allowed to express such views as "Sobieski" - even on so neglectable forum!
* Julius Streicher - the editor of "Völkischer Beobachter" had been condemned to death in Nuremberg trials, simply for his attitude not for direct killing anybody!
** The 1st letter of St. Paul to Corinthians, 13:1 *** Heinrich Himmler - SS-Reichsführer, had been a recognized and keen poultry farmer! (entry 109 / 2132)
With regards, although very past after occurence, with apology for the specific "mentor sound" Andrzej Konstantynowicz
so called "liberated circles" or "leftist circles".
Yet another one who can't handle views that are not his own. By the way, Sobieski won't be reading this. If you want to contact him, buy an ouija board.
This is the point, you have felt yourself to be bitten! Let it be... Yet, this is the view which constitute you... Short advices from the country of logic: 1. Somebody's views you are able to observe are always somebody's, and you will never been sure if they are his own or other people's. But it might happen, that especially you - will be sure! 2. "Sobieski" in quotes can read so far, I hope, everything at this forum. 3. I am very glad that you are so agile to notice, that Sobieski won't read my reply. Also yours.
By the way, let try to get back to the matter of this thread.
Does Lusatian have something related to Lusos? (Portuguese ethnicity)?
Well, it's clearly of Latin origin, that's for sure.
No. Word `Luzica` is of Slavic origin. Very old word, ancient. Its `spoon`, literally. But, I founded somewhere that word actually refers to `tongue` as body organ, like in the case with `jaw` (in Serbian language its `vilica`) and fork (in Serbian `viljuška` and even exactly `vilica`) [jaw= vilica > fork=viljuška/vilica]. Also spot, `vile` (in Serbian/most Slavic) and `villas` (in English).
Slavs (ie Sarmatians) were ``native American Indians`` of ancient Europe. So always expect something very old and primordial, something that would give you insights in thinking of first humans of Europe and how they formed their language.
There is nothing common among many nations or "ethnicities" in Europe. Similar names are of medieval origin because of troubles with transliteration of self names at medieval monastic monks writing diaries or rather annals. This is the source of exonyms, xenonyms,ethnonyms and toponyms (and, maybe - nymphs?) from the linguistic point of view. The name "Lusos" is related with the adjective "Lusitanic" related in turn with today Portugal. You can read exhaustive article in Wikipedia. The name "Lusatian is related with called different way "Sorb tribes" which having lived at territories briefly depicted in the map 133 / 5747. The name "Sorb" is not related with the name "Serb", although sounds akin, and although these both tribes were and exist so far as Slavic.
I guess, that you have been known this simply facts through past two years. This is only a puristic addendum from me.
The name "Sorb" is not related with the name "Serb",
`Sorb` is foreign give designation for Slavs who call themselves Serbs. So go check for yourself how Lusatians designate themselves. Same as Adriatic/Balkan Serbs.
Now, how name `Serb` come to be from Baltic and Northern Europe to Adriatic via Central Europe to South-Eastern Europe and Balkans? Its because ethnic name `Serb` represent last trace of once universal and original name of all Slavs (Sarmatian name- that is itself foreign given form, while `Serb` represent original form). There, from Northern to South-Eastern Europe, along the Danube, was located backbone of ancient Sarmatian realm (that`s why name survived in use to the modern times). It was wide core. Now imagine what were limits of Sarmatian world if Danube was center. It was wast world, on inter-continental level.
There are not one reliable explanation of the origin of the name "Serb" and "Sorb" up to present days, although discussion started more then 2000 years ago.
During this huge period of time there were no lingustics as a separated field of human knowledge, but human ear always have catched similar sounds.
Today we know how deceptive these similarities could be. A good example is Wikipedia article "Origin hypotheses of the Serbs", pointing out this sound-based theories. Even "Sarmatians" starting this thread one can find in this article! Akin of this concerns are that of origin of the "Galatia" name in Minor Asia,
fortunately less biased with political burden. Yet, it has always been curiously to make astonishing conjectures, at the end - what better pushes ahead our knowledge than curious conjecture! Exemplary, now in mathematics the Collatz Conjecture is one of such topics.
The same sick hatred and contempt toward everything that is "not ours".
This attitude is rather common among the expats living in Poland who come to post on this forum, not only was it typical for Sobieski (Panie, świeć nad jego duszą!).
No. Word `Luzica` is of Slavic origin. Very old word, ancient. Its `spoon`, literally.
This is perhaps quite close to the truth, Crow. Speaking precisely, Luzica takes its name after the land which is full of water and damp. You can also recognize the same root in the Russian word 'ług" which means 'acid' or 'acidic liquid/water'. This root is also present in the Polish word 'kałuża' (puddle of water). If you add 'ka-' to the word 'Łużyce (the Polish name for 'Luzica'), you get the word 'kałużyce', a very similar one to the word 'kałuże' (puddles), 'kałużyce' meaning 'big cuddles', although the latter word has disappeared from usage. And remember that in the early Middle Age period these parts of Europe had much more water than thay have today.
Of course, 'łyżka' may have exactly the same root as 'kałuża' (tool you used to take some acidic liquid as were probably ancient soups into your mouth).
The name "Sorb" is not related with the name "Serb", although sounds akin, and although these both tribes were and exist so far as Slavic.
I'd say they are closely related as it is very easy to imagine a German saying Sorb rather than Serb. Notice that in their own languages the 'Sorbish' people call themselves Serbja (Upper Lusatia) or Serby (Lower Lusatia). 'Sorbs' is a German name denoting a Serb living in Polabia which land was not German, but Slavic in the early Middle Ages.
"Serb" most probably meant 'kinsman' in proto-Slavic. This meaning can be distantly traced in the Polish name of 'pasierb' meaning 'stepson'.
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