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Do Polish people have big noses?

Noses 2 U 2
28 Apr 2008   #241
absolutely brilliant -

Yes indeedy :) Isn't it just !

with such logic you have got to be polish!

So what! Better than a British mans logic anyday !

are you the proud owner of an over sized nose per chance?

Huh ! A good old Roman nose is that what you mean, lol ?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
29 Apr 2008   #242
so tell me mr big nose person, do you have an oversized honk because you are polish or because you have polish genes?
Noses 2 U 2
29 Apr 2008   #243
mr big nose person,

If you are referring to me Mr.BubbaWoo, then I do not have a big nose at all :) I cannot speak for Rinny, indeedy I do not know who Rinny is ? So maybe you should ask them dirctly too.

What's the difference between being Polish and having Polish
genes ?

Do you have a big nose Mr.Bubbawoo ?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
29 Apr 2008   #244
metaphorically speaking my nose is huge


actually you werent, were you
Noses 2 U 2
29 Apr 2008   #245
you are the one that suggested the size of ones honk is gene related rather than nationality related...

No it was not me ! It was the poster Rinny. I just merely agreed :)

So you will have to ask Rinny that question. Dunno who that poster is. I expect a lot of British people have big Roman noses too, don't ya think lol :)


Hahahahaha !
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
29 Apr 2008   #246
youre quite right, its obviously prudent to reread what has been said ;-)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
30 Apr 2008   #247
are you the proud owner of an over sized nose per chance?

As ridicules it may sound for you Bubba, you can consider yourself Polish and not exactly be the owner of "polish genes" at the same time. For example, after the end of WWII Polish eastern frontier has been shifted more to the west and few millions people made their exodus from their home land which suddenly became part of Ukraine, Lithuania or Belarus to the new established Poland. Many of them were polonaized Lithuanians, Tartars, Belarusian's or Ukrainians. They were called "zza Buga" (Poles from beyond the Bug river). So, you don't have to have Polish genes to be polish. You can have Armenian genes for example, as myself, and still consider yourself Polish.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
30 Apr 2008   #248
i know. you can consider yourself polish never having been to the country or speaking a word of the language. indeed, i have met people who consider themselves polish and are not even entirely sure what their polish name is.

so, we are left to debate whether it is the polish gene responsible for the oversized honk or some other strain of genetics that has infultrated its way in to the polish blood line.

of course, the obvious one is jewish.

do you think many large nozled people who consider themselves 100% polish are actually of jewish decent?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
30 Apr 2008   #249
do you think many large nozled people who consider themselves 100% polish are actually of jewish decent?

I know what you think about 2+ generation Americans who consider themselves Poles. Still I'm talking about all those Wrocław or Szczecin inhabitants who speak fluently polish but don't have to necessarily have polish blood in their veins.

As for the Polish honk, who am I to argue. I will live it to people who are more concerned with this fact. Still, I have many friend with names as Poznański, Weiss, Bluma, etc, so the Jewish gene could be responsible for this bane. Another reason fro my Polish anti-semitism. ;)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
30 Apr 2008   #250
Still I'm talking about all those Wrocław or Szczecin inhabitants who speak fluently polish but don't have to necessarily have polish blood in their veins.

i know what you are saying Maty, and dont know the answer. there is a gene that seems to produce a very distinct nose aparent amongst many in poland. where this gene originates i can only speculate. with a bit of luck, some clever person will tell us what we want to know
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Apr 2008   #251
Keyholes galore ;)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
30 Apr 2008   #252
i know what you are saying Maty, and dont know the answer. there is a gene that seems to produce a very distinct nose aparent amongst many in poland. where this gene originates i can only speculate. with a bit of luck, some clever person will tell us what we want to know

I like the term distinct. :)

Keyholes galore ;)

Dear God, my girlfriend likes to make fun of my enormous nose. If Poles are known for their big noses, and I'm being accused to have a huge key hole amongst Poles, how my nose must had been perceived by the anglo-saxons? The horror! ;)
Kasia84  8 | 40
2 May 2008   #253
Hmmm...growing up I used to hate my nose too =P but I came to accept it :))

I don't have many member of my family with 'big noses'; just a few.

I do have the Polish 'cheeks'! they're poofy! I don't have a high forehead though...

I don't think I look like a Polish gal =/ I remember growing up wondering why I didn't look so Polish? is it because I didn't have light hair colour? high forehead? I don't know :))

I take it after my father who look like a Greek or Italian guy (with dark curly/wavy hair, & 'butt chin') mom all Polish, blonde, the nose..everything :)) (my brother takes after her).
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
2 May 2008   #254
they're poofy

[surely some mistake, ed]

szarlotka  8 | 2205
2 May 2008   #255
surely some mistake, ed

Indeed. Maybe she meant puffy?
Kasia84  8 | 40
2 May 2008   #256
sh$t I just realized what I typed in =P hahaha! yeah puffy it is :)) you're right
southern  73 | 7059
2 May 2008   #257
How many polish girls have plastic surgery on their noses?I predict there are very,very few.Polish girls do not need cosmetic surgery.(nor nose,nor breast augmentation).They are gifted by nature.
LAGirl  9 | 496
2 May 2008   #258
my ex husband is Polish he has a big nose.and I have friends in Poland they have big noses i guess its a Polish feture
4 May 2008   #259
Nie bój się
i have been told i have a larger nose (not long) before..
Im 50% Polish, and people on my grandma's side of the family have larger noses while my grandpa's side has relatively small noses... its just genetic

I think its another sexy feature of Slavic beauty :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270
4 May 2008   #260
well i'm actually going to break my rules here a bit, what i say about nationality not being a factor and all, i must say that a lot of the polish people i have met have had a larger than average nose. I'm not trying to have a swipe at the Polish in any way here just writting what i have seen.
10 Jun 2008   #261
I have never heard of this before. I am a Polish girl and all the polish women in my family have large hips and booties. I have girl friends who are also Polish and they too have big hips. That is the only trait I know of.
27 Jul 2008   #262
amerikan man with 1/16th polish genes, trying to cling on to whatever heritage he has. whilst writing here, porbably writing on an irish forum how he has irish hair"# or on a swedish forum how he has blonde hair.

polish people don't have as big as noeses as any other nations.

stop looking for attention, and groow up a little
20 Aug 2008   #263
I like big noses on women there sexy and also there nose rubs your shaft when they go down on you
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
20 Aug 2008   #264
there nose rubs your shaft when they go down on you

Does it? You're built strange...... do you have 2?

Calicoe  2 | 133
20 Aug 2008   #265
I don't know, but I've been reading up on Polish history, and there seems to be an explanation for big noses as a genetic trait. I have also been reading up on Hungarian history, because I am part Polish and Hungarian.

Apparently, Poland had a Samaritian connection. Samartia was one of the ancient tribes during the time of the Scythians, with origins from the Caucasus and Iran. Their history mixed with that of the Slavics and Tartars who became part of the early settlement and kingdom of Poland. In fact, there was a belief that the Polish nobility descended from Samaritians, which is why they wore Samaritian clothing. I found a link yesterday which I can no longer find today, which is very frustrating.

Anyway, I have been researching my ethnic roots via Poland and Hungary, and it has led me on a never-ending expedition through Central Asia and Indigenous Siberia, on both sides, including Poland! Who are the Slavs, who are the Samaritians, who are the Tatars, the Huns and Magyars,with whom Poland, the Slavic nation, had a natural and unbreakable bond that exists to this day despite the surrounding hatred that other Slav nations have for Hungary? Yes, I know about the history of shared nobility and friendship, but think about that for a second. Is it possible that there was a history of tribal friendship or alliance even before the task of building a kingdom, that reached back to Central Asia? Anyway, it's interesting. Researching the history of Eastern Europe will be a life-long pursuit, because there are no easy or readily-available answers.

One thing for sure, though, that area of the world was the fault line between East and West, and no amount of denial is going to change it. It seems as if multi-ethnic tribes and mixing existed since time began in Eurasia, which is essentially what we are talking about when we discuss Eastern Europe and the ancient tribes who are still visible on the faces of the present population.

I am proud to be part Polish and Hungarian, and of the mixed ethic roots of the region from time immemorial. In terms of the Hungarian and Baltic connection, it seems impossible to figure out when precisely the first tribes in the Urals became mixed, as if they just sprang up that way. I don't know enough about the varied history of the Slavs yet, except to know that they lived side-by-side of these early tribes, and in turn subjugated and were subjugated by them.

I have been told that I have a small "polish" nose - whatever that means, but I do have a nice, s-curve round derriere, and now I know why, lol. Didn't get the heart-shaped face unfortunately. I think I have the cheekbones and small, wider face of the Urals, via the Magyars.
Warsaw8  4 | 126
20 Aug 2008   #266
I wouldint say we have Big noses, but sharp/pointy ones. Jews have big/beak noses. We carry a trait that is distinctive, germans/polish/bohemians are similar.

I have a warsaw nose, because it takes after my great buscha from warsawa:)
But it also has some Berlin in it aswell from my mom.

Women with pointy noses are hot!!!

And you dont get it from anywhere else so when you see it, you know where its from forsure...
20 Aug 2008   #267
Women with pointy noses are hot!!! don't wanna know what my nose is pointing right now....hehe
Warsaw8  4 | 126
20 Aug 2008   #268
What do you mean? haha
David_18  65 | 966
24 Aug 2008   #269
A big nose is not typical for "real" poles. It is very rare to find anyone in Poland to be 100% Polish. After WW2 Stalin ( Former leader of soviet) decided to move russian and ukrainian people into Poland, especially in the former german lands like Silesia/Pommern/Preussen and other places around Poland aswell.

The east slavic tribes were well known to have a large nose, and later on when the mongolian so called "Golden horde" invaded Russia they became assimilated and becuse of that russians also gained an mongolian shaped head

The west slavic tribes were mixed with the German tribes and later on Scandinavian becuse they settled down in the north part of Poland and were assimilated with the slavs after a while. So before ww2 it was not a big difference betwen german and polish people.

When i say "Polish" i mean people who lived in the polish core provinces like Cracow/Mazovia/Lublin/Gdansk etc etc etc... And not the old polish provinces like Minsk/Kiev/Vilnius/Smolensk etc etc etc...
JaeTheProducer  3 | 33
24 Aug 2008   #270
Polish don't have "big" noses - But they certainly have the eastern european nose - pointy and arched. Doesn't make them bad looking but they do.

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