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Do Polish people have big noses?

Hueg  - | 319
16 Nov 2007   #211
put a ruler to their snout

Ah the ancient and mystical art of Brown nosing. The passport to Cabinet. Drinks not included.
16 Nov 2007   #212
Using the technique recommended by Bolo

60mm nose

200mm... er... something else, LOL
Wroclaw Boy
16 Nov 2007   #213
I remember being in Milan a few years sog and just waiting for a bus, i took a back seat view as in backk to the wall. I had a side on view of all who walked past me and 80% HAD BIOG OLD CONKS ON THEM. Never seen nothing like it and i dont know the reason why, Italians have big noses!!
16 Nov 2007   #214
u people are weird measuring ur noses
Mufasa  19 | 357
16 Nov 2007   #215
you donkeys too!

Hey you lot - one can see that I was away - you're all bored to death ;) lol

I mean bored to nose measuring
16 Nov 2007   #216
I mean bored to nose measuring

no not bored just took up osiol on his dare :)
Mufasa  19 | 357
16 Nov 2007   #217
Forgive me - didn't read the whole thread.

Too lazy, can you bring me up to speed in one sentence?
16 Nov 2007   #218
can you bring me up to speed in one sentence?

i can indeed this is what donkey wrote Will anyone else dare to put a ruler to their snout?

i took up that dare lmao
osiol  55 | 3921
16 Nov 2007   #219
Not the most daring dare, I know.
23 Nov 2007   #220
I haven't read all the comments, but in doing a search for "Polish people" I found you. I am amused and flattered all at once. I am stopped on the street about every 3 months and asked if I am Polish. I alwasy though is was my blond hair and round-ish face... But this big nose thing does intrigue me. I am in fact a Hienz 57, my genealogy is broad, German, Dutch, English, Scittish, Irish, French, and Native American... but I do have a distinct nose, it is nice but certainly not small... some say it is Roman... who knows, anyway... thanks fro the entertainment... I would post a picture of myself but don't know how to do so. :o)
celinski  31 | 1258
24 Nov 2007   #221
been told nosey never big nose. lol
28 Nov 2007   #222
Yes some Polish people have large noses. I am 100% Polish American. My father had a nose just like Danny Kaye the actor. Always thought Danny was Polish but turns out he is Jewish. Seen a few Polish women with noses like my father to. Someone once commented to me that they couldn't believe that I was Polish because I have a small nose.
lonely  2 | 97
28 Nov 2007   #223
lol now for me this i comedy at it's best :0) oops my smilie has a big nose!!!!
14 Dec 2007   #224
I would say that the majority of the Slavic people have big noses. Not long noses, but big.

Most Germanic people have thinner noses. No question about that.

I don't see anything wrong with having a big nose though. I like my big thick nose.
20 Dec 2007   #225
Polish people are one of the first and the original people of Europe and were there for at least 40,000 years. They have adapted to the cold climate and to at least one Ice Age. Polish nose is big and meaty one with enough of blood weasels to warm air before it heats lungs. It is very different from a Semitic (Arab, Jewish) nose that is narrow, long and straight, with the only very end bend, to prevent desert dust entry to the lungs. Has anyone seen Neanderthal nose or Cro-Magnon nose, they are huge! Polish nose is nothing in comparison.

Just to cheer you up Polish guys with big noses - Polish nose has a very well defined bridge and is identical to Roman noses, it gives you prominence and character. Look at Cicero!!!!!!!!
southern  73 | 7059
20 Dec 2007   #226
Slavic nose is a very complicated issue.There are so many variations on a basic formula that it is almost impossible to analyze everyone.It is not simply a big or a small nose.A lot of parameters as its relationship to forehead size,the relationship of its width to height,its distance from lips and a lot more that matter as well.Anyway slavic nose is generally attractive and adds to the general sweetness of slavic beauties.

I find it kind of self assuring that people are occupied with polish baldness and polish noses etc instead of recognizing the generally superior appearance of slavic people.
Jooma  1 | 23
20 Dec 2007   #227
Couldn’t agree more.
szmata  - | 23
21 Dec 2007   #228
big nose for free air
krakowska24  - | 9
21 Dec 2007   #229
they do usually have large noses??

if it helps, ive kinda noticed that poles have different shaped noses to the english, but i think it rocks, everyone looks nice in their own way evern if they have a bigger nose than others. sorry if i insult anyone!
nogardthegreat  - | 22
24 Dec 2007   #230

Just to cheer you up Polish guys with big noses

Ok, first off, this has to be the silliest thread I've run across in a long time. ;-)

Second off, nothing for us to be cheered up about. Now how do I say this without being offensive? There is a certain position in sex that is named after a number between 68 and 70. In this position, a male with a "Polish nose" beats every other male on the planet, since he can do two things "down there" at once. Just ask my wife, she loves my "Polish nose". So I don't need to be cheered up, I wouldn't trade this nose for anything in the world :-)
24 Dec 2007   #231
I'm Polish and don't have a big nose......But I know some people who say this as a quote:

What did GOD say to Moses? and one would say something about the ten commandments.....Well NO!!

What did GOD say to Moses? "That all Jews should have big noses. Polish Jews have big noses".
When I told someone at a party I was Polish.....That ignorant person said......"OH!! so your Jewish".........Why is it people get off thinking all Polish people are jewish. Same as all Polish people have big noses. Well I certainly don't have a large nose or my ancestors.

Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Dec 2007   #232
Something comical to lighten things up. Kichol (pronouned keyhole) is the Polish for big nose. I had to teach the word keyhole in class and all my students found it hilarious.
Mali  - | 300
2 Apr 2008   #233
Yes, noses are a very complicated issue....

I think most Euro nations are known for having big noses (ie French, Italian etc.).

A few of my dad's friends have huge noses, but I don't know too many Polish people with really big noses.
*I have a small nose* :)
Rinny  1 | 4
2 Apr 2008   #234
Polish people have noses associated with the genes that run in the family ,not the nation they were born, hold your head high and be proud that you are part of a very hard working people who have fought hard to be free!!!!!!!!!!~rinny
szarlotka  8 | 2205
2 Apr 2008   #235
"It's a debate Jim, but not as we know it"
27 Apr 2008   #236
Actually, most Polish people tend to have thin noses from my experience. sometimes they're long.

I disagree that Germans have thinner noses. A lot of them are towards the bulbous end, and they often start lower on the face with a larger angle. Looks like a shoe or a slipper.
Noses 2 U 2
27 Apr 2008   #238
most Polish people tend to have thin noses from my experience. sometimes they're long.

Most Polish people like most Human Beings have all sorts of noses, big ones, small ones, wide ones, thin is this thread about. Polish people are Europeans. Get a grip folks, you see a few Polish people and suddenly you're experts on Polish people's what do we think of British people's noses then ????????????

Polish people have noses associated with the genes that run in the family ,not the nation they were born,


hold your head high and be proud that you are part of a very hard working people who have fought hard to be free!!!!!!!!!!~rinny

Very well said rinny !
southern  73 | 7059
28 Apr 2008   #239
I think most Euro nations are known for having big noses (ie French, Italian etc.).

Actually slavic and aryan nose tends to be small.(There are exceptions but there are causes for that).
What is definitely longer are the semitic noses.They are common in Jews,Armenians and have influenced the shape of noses of mediteranean people.Nazis in Germany used with accurate results the method of measuring the nose index to spot the persons of semitic origin(Jews) who tried to pass out as Germans.The method proved simple and almost flawless.

There is no method to spot the slavic nose by measuring only nose index.You need more parameters to define it.Also nose on some Poles may look longer due to certain slavic features of splachnic cranium.Had they different facial characteristics,the same nose would look symmetric or even small.

In mediteranean countries slavic nose is interpreted as small nose and used as a rouch sign to identify possible slavic origin(in contrast to native bigger meditaranean nose due to semitic(aka arabic) local influence.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
28 Apr 2008   #240
Polish people have noses associated with the genes that run in the family ,not the nation they were born

absolutely brilliant - with such logic you have got to be polish!

are you the proud owner of an over sized nose per chance?

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