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Ebi, Ozzie Dan and Telefonitika! Giggling a bit! Wish I had the L O N G Polish legs of the females in the videos clips. I agree, that the rest of me is Germanic. As for the But I always wanted to be a singer in a band! Enjoyed looking at all the other pix posted by Summer. Lots of fun!
Wish I had the L O N G Polish legs of the females in the videos clips
lol .. im the eldest of 6 and yet i am the shortest in height ... how!!! Obviously the height is expected of my brothers to be honest but i am shorter than my sisters ..
Softsong's features are in part germanic and in part slavic.Germanic is the mouth and jaw.Slavic are the eyes,the cheekbones.The nose is mixed,slavic-germanic.
Long legs are a common feature among slavic girls.Let's see some serbian girls. We see here the combination of slavic(long legs,round bottom,big breast) with mediteranean characteristics(typical face like italian).Very inspiring.
On reflection, very accurate, Southern. My looks favor my Dad's side of the family for mouth and jaw, and they are the ones of German descent. My eyes and cheekbones favor my Mom's side of the family and they are Polish.
Just had my DNA matriarchal test done last month, so I will learn more of my Polish ancestry. I am pretty excited. -)
Slavic girls have fat lips.Especially russian girls have a fat low lip in general.It is like having used collagen or done plastic surgery.I see in TV many american actresses,singers etc trying to get the same,fat lips through plastic surgery as well.
The mouth,cheeks,jaw and lower nose looks polish but the rest is not.You look mixed.Even the cheeks are not total polish,it seems that they would be under different conditions.You look about 30-40% polish but the other features have dominated.The basic motive is not polish,polish is added to create some more exotic characteristics.
This thread is ridiculous. I can understand what you mean about distinctive features but I don't think looks are defined by nationality. Sometimes I see someone and find out their nationality afterwards and it makes sense because of some of their facial features but as for bodies, everybody's is different there is no distinct body type for any nationality and I don't think it is possible to guess every single nationality correct in a line up of Europeans...
When you go to Chicago, you can almost always spot a Polish person, by the way they dress, look and walk. The men have high foreheads, wear leather jackets and when they walk they move their hands really fast like they're nervous, and they wobble from side to side with a cigarette in the lips.
The women have short, purple hair, some wear too much make-up and usually wear high-heals and long coats and some even wear a czapeczka on their head.
I'm half polish on my mothers side and I've been told many many times now that I look polish, but I don't understand why. I'm just curious what it is about my features that makes me look so polish. I'd post a picture, but I don't know how.
1. Host your photo e.g. or 2. Copy the direct link (ctrl + c) 3. Click on the 6th icon adobe 'Image Link' the one with geometric figures and paste the direct link there (ctrl + v) 4. press Ok, describe it & POST!! :) easy huh?? ;P