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Polish looks?

mafketis 37 | 10789
2 Jul 2021 #1381
There is definitely a Polish look.

There are several typical Polish looks... Ewslc conforms pretty closely to one of them.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
2 Jul 2021 #1382
There are several typical Polish looks


I should have made my point more clearly.
johnny reb 47 | 7285
2 Jul 2021 #1383
Well you claim to speak Polish so maybe if you said it in Polish it would be more clear.
Skype Pawian so he can verify your claim of your looks being Polish and you being able to speak Polish.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
2 Jul 2021 #1384
Well you claim to speak Polish

It's not a claim, it's the truth.
I could not speak English when I started school.
You are just envious as you will never learn to speak it.
That is what drives and motivates you.....envy.

No crickets.......
Novichok 5 | 7803
2 Jul 2021 #1385
That is what drives and motivates you.....envy.

Not knowing a language is not it. It's the quiet moments when we take inventory of our lives...and try to imagine what's ahead. That may be painful.
pawian 221 | 24284
3 Jul 2021 #1386
John Smith - Jan Kowalski

I chose that driving licence example coz I know a few Polish celebrities with those facial features

pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #1387
A Polish firefighter

pawian 221 | 24284
14 Jan 2024 #1388
Polish twin police officers

Alien 22 | 5225
14 Jan 2024 #1389
John Smith - Jan Kowalski

It must be admitted that Smith looks better than Kowalski.
pawian 221 | 24284
14 Jan 2024 #1390
Polish top politicians President and Prime Minister in brotherly hug

Poloniusz 4 | 793
14 Jan 2024 #1391
They are not hugging and their body language says it all.

Tusk is a Kashubian. He always has gone out of his way to point this out so there is nothing brotherly about Tusk when he comes into contact with anyone Polish.

Tusk is a Eurocrat who was appointed by Brussels so he isn't a top Polish politician either.

President Duda is the confident alpha male in the room.

Tusk knows that he himself is the beta male. His face is a mixture of meekness and resentment.

Tusk is in a lower status so has to physically reach out to President Duda. Because he is physically shorter than President Duda, Tusk prefers to stand sideways so he doesn't have to look up to and be gazed down upon by his superior. Tusk also maintains his distance since he is uneasy about his inadequacy and doesn't want to be there.

Tusk only shows genuine respect to someone better than himself when they hate Poland even more than he does.

jon357 73 | 22653
14 Jan 2024 #1392

As many Poles are.

so he isn't a top Polish politician

He very much is. He's the Prime Minister and has been the President.

who was appointed by Brussels

Hard to know where you pulled that gem from.

As you very well know, he was voted into office by the Polish electorate. Twice...

His face is a mixture of meekness and resentment.

No it isn't.

hate Poland even more than he does.

Pretending that someone 'hates the country they lead as Premier and was the President of is perhaps a unique take on politics.
pawian 221 | 24284
14 Jan 2024 #1393
President Duda is the confident alpha male

No, he isn`t. We all remember how he crawled and bent before Trump! hahahaha

Duda was heavily critizised for fawning to Trump. Can you imagine that he has enough of derision and eventually published a fake photo with two politicians trading places??? hahahahaha

  • Real

  • Fake
Poloniusz 4 | 793
14 Jan 2024 #1394
Duda was heavily critizised for fawning to Trump.


Tusk is giddy like a fan meeting his favorite TV celebrity! :)

My gawd! If Tusk stood any closer to Trump they would both be wearing the same suit! :)
Lyzko 42 | 9479
14 Jan 2024 #1395
Polish looks? As far as Polish male looks, I tend to think of Zygmunt Malanowicz from "Knife in the Water".
jon357 73 | 22653
14 Jan 2024 #1396
as Polish male looks

I always think that Zbigniew Ziobro couldn't really be from anywhere else.
Alien 22 | 5225
14 Jan 2024 #1397
from anywhere else

From some alien planet 🤔....but not from mine.
pawian 221 | 24284
16 Jan 2024 #1398
I always think that Zbigniew Ziobro couldn't really be from anywhere else

He is undergoing cancer treatment right now.

jon357 73 | 22653
16 Jan 2024 #1399
undergoing cancer treatment

Sad news.
Alien 22 | 5225
16 Jan 2024 #1400

"Trudne rokowania" it looks like the doctors have already written him off.
mafketis 37 | 10789
16 Jan 2024 #1401
I don't like him but I certainly wouldn't wish cancer on him and I hope he recovers.
pawian 221 | 24284
16 Jan 2024 #1402
Yes, maf, we are decent people and we don`t wish him anything bad, quite the contrary. Let him overcome the malady and be a good father for his kids and husband for his wife.

That`s what differs us from rabid rightists. E.g, I was wished death by certain rightist last night, namely by Milo. Sad but true.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
16 Jan 2024 #1403
I was wished death by certain rightist last night, namely by Milo

Joker 2 | 2229
16 Jan 2024 #1404
Nothing but crickets bc hes lying again!

. Sad but true.

Prove it, Pinocchio
pawian 221 | 24284
16 Jan 2024 #1405

That`s what rightist PiS ex Prime Minister is called. He has a peculiar facial expression - one slanted eye and skewed mouth. Disgusting looks.

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
16 Jan 2024 #1406

Pawian, Bonobo or Jerzy.......They are all lying monkeys.....
Joker 2 | 2229
16 Jan 2024 #1407
...They are all lying monkeys.....
@ Miloslaw

Just more silly deflections bc hes lying as usual.
pawian 221 | 24284
17 Jan 2024 #1408
They are all monkeys.....

Yes! Bonobo, George, Baboon, Gibbon, Magilla. They are all my fave monkey names. Is it a sin????
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
17 Jan 2024 #1409
Is it a sin???

No, but it shows that you see yourself as a crazy old ape.
pawian 221 | 24284
17 Jan 2024 #1410
crazy old ape.

Wow! At last you spoke a few words of truth. After so many years............ hahahaha

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