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Export of polish products to US

zima09 1 | -
24 Apr 2024 #1
Does anyone have experience with exporting polish products to US? What is the process/ paperwork? How would I start? Appreciate any input.
pawian 221 | 24284
24 Apr 2024 #2
Iron spent 30 years in the US so he had enough time to develop contacts and connections. Now, after returning to Poland, he makes a living off his land which is bigger than mine, according to his bragging. He definitely grows sth. I wonder if he exports it to the US.
dannytoro1 5 | 102
25 Apr 2024 #3
Exporting AG products is a paperwork/bureaucracy no matter where you ship to these days. Get in line. Fill out your paperwork. Pay your fees. Wait for your authorizations. It is just a fact of globalization.

Also why you see few small businesses shipping. It is easier to get your stuff picked up by and import/export firm who has armies of lawyers trained in navigating crap.

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