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Polish looks?

Alien 22 | 5228
2 Mar 2024 #1441
you forgot

I haven't forgotten, they also had mustaches and willingly took bribes from drivers.
jon357 73 | 22653
2 Mar 2024 #1442
they also had mustaches and willingly took bribes

That one has a face and bearing that looks a bit like an actor in a horror film set in South Dakota who's got a female hitchhiker manacled to the wall in his cellar with both legs broken.

They only join the police anyway if they're lacking in the trouser department.
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Mar 2024 #1443
They only join the police anyway if they're lacking in the trouser department.

Ok, here is another photo of a typical Polish policeman:

Alien 22 | 5228
5 Mar 2024 #1444
another photo of a typical Polish policeman:

Much better
Paulina 16 | 4323
5 Mar 2024 #1445
Ok, here is another photo of a typical Polish policeman:

That's not a policeman :))
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Mar 2024 #1446
Come on. Why are you so cruel dissipating our dreams about the Polish police force??? :):):)
Paulina 16 | 4323
5 Mar 2024 #1447
@pawian, I'm not... ;D I'm just debunking your fake :)) There are some hot Polish policemen, obviously ;) And I've personally seen ones that are better built than the guy in the photo :)))
Bobko 25 | 2077
5 Mar 2024 #1448
I've personally seen ones that are better built than the guy in the photo

That guy is gay, so he may very well be a real policeman.
Paulina 16 | 4323
5 Mar 2024 #1449
@Bobko, is this one of those abstract RuSSian jokes? Because I don't get it... ;D
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Mar 2024 #1450
I've personally seen ones that are better built

Wearing their uniforms or not???? hahaha
Paulina 16 | 4323
5 Mar 2024 #1451
@pawian ;D

They don't have to take their uniforms off for their beautiful frame to be visible ;))
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Mar 2024 #1452
typical Polish policeman:

He looks like he's on the game and has an IQ of 90.
Bobko 25 | 2077
6 Mar 2024 #1453
Bobko, is this one of those abstract RuSSian jokes?

Ehh, I'm not sure.

In Russia police are often viewed as being sympathetic to homosexuals. In fact, most policemen are by default assumed to be homosexuals. The man in the photo looks like an archetypal homosexual. This made me think, he is also probably a policeman.
Paulina 16 | 4323
6 Mar 2024 #1454
In fact, most policemen are by default assumed to be homosexuals.

Seriously? Why?
Bobko 25 | 2077
6 Mar 2024 #1455
Seriously? Why?

You should probably ask a policeman - I wouldn't be able to say exactly.

In Russia, they're usually considered to be big afficianados of gay sex, but also trash for some reason.

In America, what's more frequently remarked upon are the uncanny similarities between them and pigs.

Bottom line - I don't know Paulina why certain professions attract certain type of people. Why are almost all nurses women? Why are almost all car mechanics men? Why are almost all police homosexuals? Who knows why - I'm just stating the facts.
Paulina 16 | 4323
6 Mar 2024 #1456
Why are almost all police homosexuals? Who knows why - I'm just stating the facts.

Well, you aren't stating any facts... lol You're just stating what is the stereotype about the police in RuSSia (apparently). There's no such stereotype about the police in Poland, for example, so I don't know where RuSSians got such an idea... 🤨
Bobko 25 | 2077
6 Mar 2024 #1457
about the police in RuSSia (apparently). There's no such stereotype about the police in Poland


What are Polish policemen known for?
Alien 22 | 5228
6 Mar 2024 #1458
What are Polish policemen known for?

They catch russian car thieves.
Bobko 25 | 2077
6 Mar 2024 #1459
They catch Russian car thieves.

This could be a great show to screen in Germany and the UK.

"Honest Polish Car Thieves Attempt to Stop Russian Car Thieves from Exporting to Latvia First".
Alien 22 | 5228
6 Mar 2024 #1460
"Polish Car Thieves Attempt to Stop Russian Car Thieves

Secrets of the mafia, they don't talk about that.
Bobko 25 | 2077
6 Mar 2024 #1461
As far as I understand, it's Polish criminals that do the actual stealing. Russian criminals buy from them, for later resale in ex-USSR countries.

It's much easier for Poles to steal cars in Germany and the UK, than for Russians to do the same.

I think in the criminal world, it is as if 1991 never happened. It's still one large brotherhood for those boys.
Alien 22 | 5228
6 Mar 2024 #1462
It's still one large brotherhood for those boys.

Sometimes they also wage small wars, then the Chechens clean up.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 May 2024 #1463
A contrite civil servant who colluded with rightists in financial scams when they ruled has adopted such unusual looks while appearing before the parliamentary investigating commission.

Now a riddle - why has he chosen it??

pawian 221 | 24284
10 Jun 2024 #1464
Now a riddle - why has he chosen it??

Amasing nobody knows..... :):)

Here is another guy connected with local politics:

pawian 221 | 24284
23 Jun 2024 #1465
This guy would make a career in horror movies. E.g, about doctor Frankenstein. Pity he became a rightist politician.

jon357 73 | 22653
23 Jun 2024 #1466
he became a rightist politician.

It's a pity anyone does.

He's got a face like a well slapped arse.
Alien 22 | 5228
23 Jun 2024 #1467
got a face like a well slapped arse

A high forehead indicates exceptional intelligence or hydrocephalus. What in this case?
Przelotnyptak1 - | 329
24 Jun 2024 #1468
He's got a face like a well slapped arse.

I will be in the losing position from the start if I dare to discuss anything related to ar*es.You the man
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Jun 2024 #1469

Very much your type, I'd have thought...

pawian 221 | 24284
24 Jun 2024 #1470
PS. The riddle in 1463 is still unsolved. It is a serious one, with deep motives.

Another handsome rightist politician.

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