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I have Jewish DNA, but only know of Polish ancestry .

jon357  72 | 23361
21 May 2014   #91
She said that her daughter's DNA didn't show it.

Most likely because there's nothing to show.
21 May 2014   #92
Majewski, is a name that was used by Jewsh families who'd converted to Catholicism.

Paul is also a name used by Jews who converted to Christianity. Does that mean that everybody called Paul used to be a Jew? No. Does that mean that somebody who is called Paul probably used to be a Jew? No. Does that mean that you should assume that because an ancestor of yours was called Paul you have Jewish ancestors? Most certainly not.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
21 May 2014   #93
Majewski, is a name that was used by Jewsh families who'd converted to Catholicism.

This is partly true for the members of the Jewish religious movement, Frankism, set up by Jacob Frank (1726-1791), being in opposition to traditional Judaism. Of the Frankists who remained in Poland after 1772 (24,000 people), the majority of those who converted to Catholicism in Warsaw in 1795 adopted the surname Majewski since the act took place in May (in May of 1795 the Polish capital was already under Prussian rule); I have no idea of their exact number, however, but I'm sure it must have been established by the historians.

Otherwise, Majewski is a purely Slavic surname. It is also worth noting that the Jews who were baptized in Poland often received the surnames of the nobel men who were "adopting" those Jewish families, for example, Branicki, Baranowski.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 May 2014   #94
Worth mentioning some of the more exotic, not to say capricious surnames given by ETA Hoffman when he was doing that in Warsaw. One of the stories about him was that he had a particularly nice lunch of fish and assigned people the names of fish as their surname for the rest of the afternoon.
archiwum  12 | 122
24 May 2014   #95

I only read some of you' alls threads. My understanding of Judiasm, is it's through the mother.

As for haplogroup. Like I said before, it's not an exact science. Your appearance holds more weight.
20 Aug 2015   #96
This thread lacks in many areas, with some truths mixed in by accident

religion is not bloodline (type DNA)

There is a ton of research on this information

There is a lot of deception as well to keep people confused about this topic.
10 Oct 2015   #97
Interested in what you find out. My daughter has Polish ancestry, name Majewsky, the name meaning is "coverted in May". The ancestors also emigrated from a town in Poland which was hit early with a pogrom, before WWII and many were killed. Kleczew. Iearned that many converted to Catholicism long ago, and practiced Judaism privately for a while. DNA not yet done. Her dad was raised Catholic.
Sczur  - | 28
11 Nov 2015   #98
Jews are not the polish
Levi  11 | 433
11 Nov 2015   #99
46% of the Poles that live in my country are Jews but for me they behave like any other pole.
24 Mar 2017   #100
If you look at the timeline of Jewish-Polish history here

you will see there was an unprecedented number of Jewish converts to Catholicism in 1759. This may be a good explanation for the Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry that surprised some in their DNA. In fact, this falls within the time frame that 23andMe gave me for my own infusion of Jewish ancestry--and the lesser amount of Mongol and North African, as well. But even prior to having had my DNA tested, I could see evidence of both people in the appearances of members of my Polish family, which comes from near Krakow of the south. This family identified itself as Polish, which would have meant I should have been about 50% Polish, but it turned out that my Eastern European DNA did not enter the picture until between 1800 and 1860 and I am only 12.9 % Eastern European. That indicates to me that, prior to the year 1800, my Polish family was something else because it did not start to intermarry with Poles until then.

Other posters who have said that Jewish people have certain haplogroups as part of their yDNA [carried only by males] and their mitochondrial DNA [both sexes have that. The two main male haplogroups are J1 and J2, originating in the Middle East. About 30% of Jewish males have E--which is the "out of Egypt" haplogroup and which means these Jews are descended from Egyptians, it making sense as the Bible states the Jews lived in Egypt for centuries in remote antiquity. A lesser amount of male Jews have group G, which is from the Caucasus. The mitochondrial haplogroups of Ashkenazi Jews is complicated by the information that a number of the "founding mothers" were non-Jewish women who became converts to Judaism a long time ago but when the Jews had already reached Europe. I may be wrong, but in my case the ancestress seems to have been Mongol, or at least part Mongol. In fact, even as a child, having viewed the one photo that existed of both my Polish grandparents, I thought my grandmother looked very strange. Someone else in the family has that photograph now, but what appeared to me "strange" then was a decidedly Mongolian-type face. My father died some years ago and I do not know his yhaplogroup. I have no brothers to which he would have passed that on. Lost information, but my guess is the "North African" element of my ancestry also belonged to him, the remnant of some Jewish sojourn there. My father never returned to Poland after his service in the valiant but defeated Polish army during WWII. He became a slave in Germany after that and was asked by Germans to pull down his pants more than once due to his appearance. But, of course, his family had been Catholic for a long time and he was not circumcised. He was a tall, dark, man and there was no other way to prove anything about him. Luckily, the German farmer he was given to as a land worker was a decent person who treated him well.

There is no point, however, in saying that other men of the Middle East have the same yDNA haplogroups as the Jews. When King Casimir invited the Jews into Poland, he did not ask any Palestinians, Lebanese, or Syrians to join them.
carlos augusto
31 Jul 2017   #101
I have a lot of genetics from Poland (over 20%) plus my great-great-grandfather came from Germany.
Ms Y dna typical of Jews, it is almost conclussive whether you descend from Jewish man or not, in fact it seems conclusive, time and genealogical research will tell.
3 Nov 2017   #102
I am not a Polish, but also of Eastern European parents, and I also had dna test done by which showed i had some Jewish dna, and also 5 percent middle eastern dna. I had no knowledge of Jewish dna before the test, but always suspected there could be Jewish ancestry in my family on my mother's side.
13 Mar 2018   #103
Yitzor Book for Galicia and Ukraine. majewski is descended from the Jews. 1753-1765.
14 Mar 2018   #104
I did my genetic map late last year on 23andme. I found I had a few percent Ashkenazi genes that I got from my mom. We ran a test on my mom shortly before she passed away in 2016. The 23andme service claimed that I had a full blooded Ashkenazi grandparent in the late 18th or early 19th century. My mom came from Galicia, Rudnik nad Sanem. We never traced her roots further than her parents, who died when she was a child. The last name was Kurys which I learned harkens back to the Baltic coastal tribe called the Kuronians, after which the east Baltic region was named Curland. Anyways this non-East European gene content was dwarfed by others like Balkan, French, German and even Italian. I also have a sizable Neanderthal genetic content, greater than 57% of their data base. My sister in contrast has Neanderthal variants > 90% of their data base.
18 Jan 2022   #105
How interesting! My family name is KURYS! My sister and I are trying to find our origins via You have provided some fascinating info and for that we thank you!
KevinBrook  - | 3
6 Dec 2022   #106
As some of you know, significant numbers of Jews converted to Roman Catholicism in the 18th and 19th centuries and assimilated into Polish society and married ethnic Poles. The following are sources I found useful for the historical documentation:

Adam Kaźmierczyk's article "Converted Jews in Kraków, 1650-1763" in Gal-Ed: On the History and Culture of Polish Jewry vol. 21 (2007) on pages 17-52.

Paweł Maciejko's 2011 book The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816.

Magda Teter's article "Jewish Conversions to Catholicism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries" in Jewish History vol. 17, no. 3 (2003) on pages 257-283.

As for genetic evidence, in addition to 1% or 2% in Ashkenazi autosomal DNA components that some Catholic Poles receive when they test with companies like Family Tree DNA, in my book The Maternal Genetic Lineages of Ashkenazic Jews, I identified the following mtDNA haplogroups in Poles as being of Ashkenazic origin: H3p, K1a1b1a, K1a9, K2a2a1, and L2a1l2a.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Dec 2022   #107
As some of you know, significant numbers of Jews converted to Roman Catholicism

And to Anglicanism too, due to blatant anti-Semitism within the Roman denomination. The Anglican parish records for Bialystok and Warsaw are useful to genealogists.
Novichok  4 | 8748
6 Dec 2022   #108
I have Jewish DNA, but only know of Polish ancestry

There is no such thing as Jewish DNA. Just as there is no Catholic DNA or atheist DNA.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Dec 2022   #109
Rich, they mean "Middle Eastern Jewish background"!
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Dec 2022   #110
Jewish DNA. Catholic DNA atheist DNA.

You are mixing different notions now. Jewish refers to the race, while religious denomination to ideology.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
7 Dec 2022   #111
"Jewish" refers BOTH to historical "nationality" as well as religion!
Technically, the Jews belong to the Caucasian race, along with other Semites, Hamites, Cushites along with Hindus.
Novichok  4 | 8748
7 Dec 2022   #112
"Jewish" refers BOTH to historical "nationality" as well as religion!

Neither having its own DNA.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Dec 2022   #113
as well as religion!

And DNA too, since there are very specific DNA markers associated with Ashkenazim. And plenty of research into male Kohanim.
Novichok  4 | 8748
7 Dec 2022   #114
I have two DNA markers from Africa.
Alien  25 | 6353
7 Dec 2022   #115
We all come from Africa.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
7 Dec 2022   #116
Not so sure about that.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Dec 2022   #117
Our love of money comes from our Jewish origins. Most crimes within families are committed out of greed.
Alien  25 | 6353
8 Dec 2022   #118
The Jews did not invent money.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Dec 2022   #119
They act like they did. Or at least the so-called "Fed" - more Jewish than Knesset.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 Dec 2022   #120
@Milo, according to Dr. Leakey homo sapiens DO indeed have their origins in and around the Oldawai Gorge in Africa:-)

Home / Genealogy / I have Jewish DNA, but only know of Polish ancestry .

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