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Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #151

So Now it begs the question...Alexander the Great: Greek* or SouthSlav**

* = Macedonian Greek

** = Former Yugoslavs and Bulgarians
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 May 2011   #152

Maybe or maybe not !
gumishu  15 | 6228
22 May 2011   #153
** = Former Yugoslavs and Bulgarians

Slavs came to the Balkans only in 6th or 7th centuries AD - see Avaric wars in wiki - Alexander lived a bit earlier - so do your math
southern  73 | 7059
22 May 2011   #154
Alexander the Great was Dorian Greek.He spoke Greek his army spoke Greek all this is proven.
Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #155
My post got deleted...I posted after #156 it was there for 4 or 5 minutes and now it's gone!

Censored eh!

I agree with gumishu and southern...Alexander the Great was the Greek Hellenic King of Macedon and the ancient Macedonians were a Greek Hellenic people.
southern  73 | 7059
22 May 2011   #156
A bit tough Greeks like all Dorians(Spartans etc) but Greeks nevertheless.They were called Macedonians because they were exceptionally tall.Alexander the Great had injuries in every part of his body that is he was completely covered with scars he had almost no normal skin due to the heavy battles he participated always in first front.

That is why many find it rather irritating that some Hollywood actors with colored hair appearing like sissies play Alexander in the movies.
Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #157
Are the Greeks right in wanting to protect their history and heritage from revisionism and pseudo-history!
Crow  154 | 9525
22 May 2011   #158
Was Alexander the Great a Proto-Slav

he was Proto Slav (Sarmatian) same way as Arcturus Castuc (King Arthur Pendragon) still was Sarmatian when he served Rome. Meaning, their genetic/ethnic origin was obviously Proto Slavic, while their loyalty belonged to Hellenic world and to Rome, which basically were civilizations antagonized to the Proto Slavic natives of Europe. Still, only in future, with new scientific evidences we would be able to give our final judgment about them
southern  73 | 7059
22 May 2011   #159
I read a ridiculous theory that Alexander was Albanian who was called Leca.The Slavomacedonians say he was called Skander which is slavic name.Probably his name was Alexander nobody called him Skander or Leca(apart from the asian folks who called him Iskander-Kandahar the Afghan city was grounded by Alexanded and called Alexandria in Greek and Kandahar from name Iskander in Asian).
Crow  154 | 9525
22 May 2011   #160
Slavs came to the Balkans only in 6th or 7th centuries AD

Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #161
he was Proto Slav (Sarmatian) same way as Arcturus Castuc (King Arthur Pendragon) still was Sarmatian when he served Rome. Meaning, their genetic/ethnic origin was obviously Proto Slavic, while their loyalty belonged to Hellenic world and to Rome, which basically were civilizations antagonized to the Proto Slavic natives of Europe. Still, only in future, with new scientific evidences we would be able to give our final judgment about them

No, he was Not Proto-Slav...He was the Greek Hellenic King of Macedon.

Theories Ideas and Conjectures hypothesizing a Proto-Slavic origin for Alexander the Great and the ancient Macedonans from antiquity shall not put on Hold...or put on the Shelf...or put in the Pending Folder...or Hold Hostage the current view, the long established mainstream view which supports their Greek Hellenic Identity!



The PCT or PCP Theory postulated by Maio Alinei is still only a Theory or a Paradigm as he likes to call it!

The Mainstream historical record shall Not be held Hostage to such Theories or Paradigms!

The Mainstream View Prevails!
Crow  154 | 9525
22 May 2011   #162
Nick the Greek

Mainstream for Slavs written by Anglo-Germanics? No, no, thank you. Slavs knows their history. i know
Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #163
To the detriment of the Greek Hellenic history and heritage!

In Europe, we can Not have a situation where some Slavic countries want to script Alexander the Great as one of their own ancestors, Greeks find this offensive and disrespectful!

In Europe we must all be on the same, reading from the same history book...This is the Mainstream!

Alexander the Great and the ancient Macedonians from antiquity were Greek Hellenic people and Macedonians have always been Greeks

Todays Greeks are the Sole and Legal modern Custodians of the Byzantine Heritage which is backwards compatible to the Hellenic legacy. No other modern people on this planet are closer to them.

The International Academic Community Endorse and Support the Greek Hellenic Identity of Alexander the Great and the ancient Macedonians from antiquity...Greeks want all Slavic countries to respect this!
Crow  154 | 9525
22 May 2011   #164
In Europe, we can Not have a situation where some Slavic countries want to script Alexander the Great as one of their own ancestors, Greeks find this offensive and disrespectful!

Greeks should face fact that they themselves originate from Thracians. When they once face that fact they would, with time, have to accept truth that Thracians and Sarmatians were one and same Proto Slavic ethos.

Same way as nobody can`t deny that Hellenism as kind of cultural movement happened, nobody can`t ignore fact about Proto Slavic (Slavic) ethnic origin of Greeks or shall we say- Slavic as main element in ethnicity of Greeks.
Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #165
Where do you get all that Silliness from dude!

Todays Greeks are just as proud of their heritage as previous generations of Greeks were to theirs, you see, Greeks have been around for a very long time, four thousand years of Greek history have produced a total of four variant but distinct Greek heritages...each one of these divergent heritages has had an effect on the life of the forthcoming Greeks in the later stages of their history.

For example:

1...The Hellenic Greeks received their heritage from the Mycenaean Greeks.

2...The Byzantine Greeks received their heritage from the Hellenic Greeks.

3...The Modern Greeks have received their heritage in two backwards compatible lots,(i) from the Byzantines and (ii) from the Hellenes.

If we compare the respective effects of these variant but distict heritages with each other, we are more likely to conclude that the influence of the past is most beneficent when memory of the past is revered and respected. This was the Hellenic Greeks relation to their Mycenaean heritage, the Hellenes found in this heritage of theirs inspiration for creating great original works of art along with Homeric epic poetry, marked the beginnings of a grandoise period of Hellenic literature which was onward transmitted in the form of hereditary Inheritance to the Byzantine Greeks.

Byzantine Greeks knowledge of their Hellenic predecessors language and literature was so abundant, their veneration for it so cherished, it allowed for literary Greek to continue and to develop, it endured and was onward transmitted to modern Greeks in the form a legacy.

Modern Greeks...The natural successors, heirs and Inheritors of the Hellenic legacy and of the GrecoRoman Byzantine heritage know exactly what is expected of them, they know that future Greeks, the Greeks to come, the forthcoming Greeks shall inherit everything that was onward transmitted to them from previous generations of hereditary Greeks!
Nick the Greek
23 May 2011   #166
ex-Yugoslavs wanting to use a Greek Hellenic name [Macedonia] for their New Country should at least differentiate themselves by adding a prefix/suffix if front of the Macedonian name...something like SlavoMacakedonija!

SlavoMakedonija is where Slavic Macedonians live, they descend from the Slavic Tribes that entered the GrecoRoman World
sometime around the close of the 6th Century A.D.

1...Country Name = SlavoMakedonija
2...Nationality = SlavoMakedonijan
3...Language = Makedonski
4...Ethnicity = Makedonci

The dispute between some ex-Yugoslavs and Greeks Ends in an Instant and at a Stroke if that Formula above was adhered to!
JonnyM  11 | 2607
23 May 2011   #167
they descend from the Slavic Tribes that entered the GrecoRoman World
sometime around the close of the 6th Century A.D.

That isn't exactly last Tuesday is it?
Nick the Greek
23 May 2011   #168
No JohnnyM it isn't...Slavs have been living next to Greeks for approximately 1,400 years, long enough to get to know your neighbour, right!

Macedonia(n)...This name is ancient and archaic, it is a regional tribal Greek Hellenic name, used to describe the northernmost Greek Hellenic people,.

After 1,400 years living next to Greeks...You would think Slavs would have got to know them by name!
Natasa  1 | 572
23 May 2011   #169
Slavs have been living next to Greeks for approximately 1,400 years, long enough to get to know your neighbour, right!

Nick the Greek you are making the established homesostasis unstable on this forum. We all respect that, otherwise we would have nuclear war.
Local disputes and family quarrels are not tolerable ;)
Nick the Greek
23 May 2011   #170
Natasa...I am not here to do that, to rock the boat or to destabilize the harmony here!

I am here to gauge the opinion of the Polish dudes regarding ancient Macedonians!

There is a lot of Silliness out there regarding the ancient Macedonians Ethnic and Racial Origins...Some Slavs actually consider them to be Proto-Slavic people, much to the revulsion of the Greeks.

Alexander the Great was the Greek Hellenic King of Macedon...I want to hear Slavic people recognize that and acknowledge that in No Uncertain Terms!

Pokoju i harmonii między Greków i Słowian
Peace to all Polish dudes!
Natasa  1 | 572
23 May 2011   #171
Some Slavs actually consider them to be Proto-Slavic people, much to the revulsion of the Greeks.

We are all protozoa. Is that OK? :))

And I am Serbian, so almost a neighbor. Proto hellenic. ;)
JonnyM  11 | 2607
23 May 2011   #172
long enough to get to know your neighbour, right!

So what's the problem about how people describe themselves? The activities or identity of their ancestors is irrelevant - their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today is all that matters.
Nick the Greek
23 May 2011   #173
We are all protozoa. Is that OK? :))

And I am Serbian, so almost a neighbor. Proto hellenic. ;)

On the Net in general and Forums in particular, we can be whatever we want to be...Identity here is meaningless!

поздрав комшија

The Serbs I have met thus far are all proud Slavs...Not one of them consider themselves Proto-Hellenic!

Slavic Identity for the Serbs means something...For Greeks, Macedonians are Intrisically and Inextricably linked to the Greek Hellenic Identity and Nothing else!

Our Neighbours Must Respect that!
Koala  1 | 332
23 May 2011   #174
I think other than Crow, no one really cares here LOL
Nick the Greek
23 May 2011   #175
So what's the problem about how people describe themselves? The activities or identity of their ancestors is irrelevant - their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today is all that matters.

People can Identify how they feel and the way they wish...It is a Human right to do that but some ex-Yugoslavs took that to the extreme.

SouthSlavic people wanting to Identify as Macedonian is fine...Internal Usage = No Damage!

SouthSlavic people Identifying themselves Externally as Macedonians, in the Ethnic Racial sense and in the Nationality sense is Anathema to Greeks!

A Nation of Macedonians outside of the Greek Hellenic Core has never existed in the past or even in the ancient past...It is a Abomination for Greeks, we simply can Not accept it because Macedonians have always been Greeks!

Spartans are Greeks not different Race or seperate to Greeks!
Macedonians are Greeks, not different Race or Seperate Greeks!

I can not stand Idley by and watch some ex-YugoSlavs usurp the Macedonian name and everything else associated with it...I can not do that!

You Understand, right!

Alexander the Great was the Greek Hellenic King of Macedon.

The Former Yugoslavs have always been recorded as Slavs...In every Census, in every Population Statistics, in every Demographic report and in every Ethnological study, they were always recorded as Slavs, either Serbian Slav or Bulgarian Slav.

Former Yugoslavs are not Macedonian, I mean they are not Macedonian in the Greek sense of that word, they can't be because they are SouthSlavs!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
25 May 2011   #176
Former Yugoslavs are not Macedonian, I mean they are not Macedonian in the Greek sense of that word, they can't be because they are SouthSlavs!

Why does their calling themselves Macedonians bother you so Greco? Here in the USA many of our states have Native American names but no one gets upset when a non-Native American from say Kansas calls himself a Kansan. Places often keep their old names despite having newer residents.
Crow  154 | 9525
25 May 2011   #177
Nick the Greek

don`t get me wrong man. i respect Greeks and Hellenic culture. i just wanted to remind you that we share our antic history. Greeks don`t have reason to deny that. Whenever Greeks supported Serbian stance, they profited. Now, Serbians expect (among else) from Greeks that they give some more space to Macedonia and Macedonians. They are bridge between Greek and Slavic antiquity. Let us all support them

BDW, what was name of that Polish King who said those brave words when Germany threatens completely to annihilate Greece: `Greece is too small country to be able to commit such a great treachery and betray Serbians!`
boletus  30 | 1356
25 May 2011   #178
Alexander the Great was the Greek Hellenic King of Macedon.

For when Alexandros(*) chose to compete in the games and entered the list to do so, his Greek competitors tried to exclude him by claiming that the contest was for Greek contestants only, and barbarians were not allowed to participate. But when Alexandros proved that his was of Argive ancestry, he was judged to be a Hellene, and proceed to compete in a footrace, in which he tied in the first place.

(5.22, The Landamark Herodotus, The Histories, edited by Robert R. Strassler)

But it only suggests the Greek's ancestry of the Alexandros line. Macedonians as a whole were considered barbarians by Greeks. Additionally they "medized" with Persians, an later intermarried with them. Alexandros I played both sides in the Greek-Persian wars.

(**) Alexandros the Great:

In an attempt to craft a lasting harmony between his Macedonian and Persian subjects, he held a mass marriage of his senior officers to Persian and other noblewomen at Susa, but few of those marriages seem to have lasted much beyond a year.

(* )Alexandros son of Amyntas (Alexander I of Macedonia c. 498-454 BC)
(**)Alexandros son of Philip II (Alexander III the Great c. 356-323 BC)
Nick the Greek
25 May 2011   #179
Why does their calling themselves Macedonians bother you so Greco? Here in the USA many of our states have Native American names but no one gets upset when a non-Native American from say Kansas calls himself a Kansan. Places often keep their old names despite having newer residents.

Because...In addition to Inappropriately naming themselves "Macedonian" they consider it legitimate to claim the history and heritage of the ancient Macedonians!

Alexander the Great and the ancient Macedonians from antiquity were a Greek Hellenic people...right Slavko!

For Greeks to Cherish and behold...Not for SouthSlavs to Ridicule and Humiliate!

southern  73 | 7059
25 May 2011   #180
Macedonians as a whole were considered barbarians by Greeks.

Not exactly.They were considered Greeks a bit mixed with barbarians.This rumour stems from the speeches of Demosthenes who was fanatic defendant of Athenian independancy and tried to persuade his compatriots to reject the Phillipos' proposals for a common war against Perses on the grounds that Macedonians were barbarians.Demosthenes clearly exaggerated.His main opponent Isokrates tried to persuade Athenians for the opposite that Phillipos had great intentions.At the end Demosthenes prevailed Athenians fought against Macedonians and lost by Alexander the Great in the battle of Chaeronia the most difficult battle Phillipos and Alexander ever won.

Home / Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

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