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Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

southern  73 | 7059
5 Nov 2010   #121
He couldn't distinguish between German and Slavs. Some sciencetists think that

A man who cannot differentiate between Slavic and Germanic women must be either blind or have no taste at all.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Nov 2010   #122
BB Germanic doesn't equal German !

Well, since the upcoming of nation states and borders not anymore, but it did for millennia and the stem is still the same.

The rest is all politics...
Crow  154 | 9531
5 Nov 2010   #123
Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

sure, you know why?

because Poles are Thracians (RAS/RACI/RASHKI people) in origin, as well as Greeks (just RAS people of what is today`s Greece was Hellenized) and Macedonians. But, not only them. All Slavs, more or less, especially Danubian (Balkan) branch

Greeks (Slavs) were Hellenized
Hungarians (Slavs) were Hungarized
Romanians (Slavs) were Romanized
Germans/Austrians (Slavs) were Germanized
etc, etc, etc... all the way to the terms Europe and Europezation.


Swabia = Serbia, meaning Sarmatia
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Nov 2010   #124
Swabia = Serbia, meaning Sarmatia

Yeah... Serbia = Swabia! We should reoccupy our Swabia in the Balkans....
Crow  154 | 9531
5 Nov 2010   #125
that what is called Swabia today, back in time, was heartland of Northern Danubian Proto Slavic branch

Missed you Crowie....

then take it
Ironside  50 | 12941
5 Nov 2010   #126
the stem is still the same.

so with a many Slavic nations but they all differ big time, do not copy nationalistic propaganda here please :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Nov 2010   #127
that what is called Swabia today, back in time, was heartland of Northern Danubian Proto Slavic branch

Wishful thinking! You are a dreamer Crowie...I can't blame you for wanting to belong to the titanic germanic tribes family...who wouldn't...

...but it looks abit pathetic for someone who is allegedly "proud to be a Slav", ya know....

so with a many Slavic nations but they all differ big time, do not copy nationalistic propaganda here please :)

Which would be?
5 Nov 2010   #128
Bratwurst Boy
The Suebi or Suevi (from Proto-Germanic *swēbaz based on the Proto-Germanic root *swē- meaning "one's own" people

Why going back so deep.
Say "sve ludje" today and most Slavs will undestand you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Nov 2010   #129
Say "sve ludje" today and most Slavs will undestand you.

But no Suebi/Swabian would!
ender  5 | 394
5 Nov 2010   #130
So you agreed. That was easy.
George8600  10 | 630
6 Nov 2010   #132
We should reoccupy our Swabia in the Balkans....heh:)

I concur, the Balkans have become an ultranationalistic shithole...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Nov 2010   #133
Must be pretty common in Poland because almost anyone I've met there was partly a German too.

It is very common
There are a lot of Polonized Germans living in Poland and feeling themselves as Poles (I as an example, just that I live in Norway at the moment -.-)

and is widely seen as an ideology of Russian imperialism."


But no Suebi/Swabian would!

Swabians?! You mean the people/place which is the origin of the Polish swear/bad word for germans? Szwab?
I agree with BB their not Slavic and have no connection with Poles what so ever!

(My Grandmother told me how her cousin moved during the end of WW2 to Germany and was often in Schwabia she said "I now know why Poles call Germans "Ty Szwabie" when they get angry" their very provincial/nationalistic and don't like anyone else and are kind of rude to outsiders)

I concur, the Balkans have become an ultranationalistic shithole...

Join us in
You will be able to take over Serbia and the Balkans if you wish for it! ;)
Softsong  5 | 492
6 Nov 2010   #134
Yes, I heard the same thing. That Swabians gave all Germans a bad reputation in Poland. It is commonly said that they were rude to the Germanic "natives" when they moved into the area. They felt they were better, smarter than the Poles and the German/Dutch who had lived there for hundreds of years. In the end, as colonists, they had to be helped to survive by both the Poles and the German-Poles as they themselves had few practical skills. Of course that is a generalization and probably not true for all. But enough of them were like this that the word remains today in Poland as a derogatory name for Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Nov 2010   #135
Yes, I heard the same thing. That Swabians gave all Germans a bad reputation in Poland.

Hmmmm....they have a different rep in Germany....they are the german scots, being frugal to a fault.
Keeping the books like a Swabian is an compliment in Germany! ;)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Nov 2010   #136
Keeping the books like a Swabian is an compliment in Germany! ;)

Travel once to Schwabia! Maybe you will experience something else? (My grandmothers cousin was almost full blood German and spoke Polish poorly I got hard time thinking she was lying or making it up)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Nov 2010   #137
I still don't see the connection between Swabia and the Germans in Poland and how they could give the Germans IN POLAND such a bad rep...I mean just look at the map.

Swabia is far away in the south west of Germany..*scratches head*

Swabia in Germany
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Nov 2010   #138
Swabia is far away in the south west of Germany..*scratches head*

Well in the old old old days they were probably much closer and later on when Polish merchants (I guess) met German merchants they noticed something special about those from Schwabia, and when they asked where they came from it stayed! ;)
Softsong  5 | 492
6 Nov 2010   #139
Because at one time, they were invited to colonize the areas around the Vistula. They were living among Polish farmers and Low Germans who could drain the swamps and farm. They may have been great book keepers, but lacked the skills necessary to survive. They made fun of the local Germans and Poles. They looked down on them as though those Germans from north Germany were unsophisticated and they were more like true Germans from the south of Germany.

See Swabian settlement areas pre WWII:
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Nov 2010   #140
Because at one time, they were invited to colonize the areas around the Vistula.

Damn why can't I ever have good working ideas?
Merchents?! Damn it Poles weren't much of an middle class until 18th century damn it!
Softsong  5 | 492
6 Nov 2010   #141
That was a very good hunch, Mr. Grunwald. I just happen to know about this because my ancestors were both ethnic Polish and ethnic Low Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Nov 2010   #142
Well...yeah...that explains it....northern Germans against southern Germans...ja ja..
Softsong  5 | 492
6 Nov 2010   #143
Or new comers to the area....who liked it better home. Kind of like those annoying Yankees who move down South in the USA and make all the locals annoyed. (Me being one of those at one time who has learned to fit in.) :-)
31 Dec 2010   #144
"estimated" being the key word!

Not sure if this is too far off topic... but here are the interesting facts that may shed some light who was first where...

Remember Corded Ware Culture? it's 3200 - 1800 BCE...atributed to R1a...
(sorry I needed to remove h-t-t-p:// and w-w-w from links below... guest rules)

here comes something really interesting..."the earliest family reported" - see Eulau ... tests show R1a...
It confirms the presense of R1a in the central of Germany at 2600 BCE ... this really must be embarassing to some Germans...

And here is another one...

Among others there were two R1a and one R1b...

To me it sounds like 4:1 for R1a ... at least in that area.

One may say - well it's the fact R1a was there because it was the part of Corded Ware expansion! So what's the big deal? But I thing it is a big deal cause those ARE the eldest artifacts that come from the "hard core" German theritory and they clearly point to R1a (proto Slavic?) genome. Not too many R1b's reported from that time... and it had been a couple of thousands years while they were there...
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
31 Dec 2010   #145
Well...yeah...that explains it....northern Germans against southern Germans...ja ja..

Trust me BB, I am now convinced that the next time you visit Swabia, and some Swabian happens to be rude to you, deep down there will be a little thought in your head saying 'damn Swabians'(:
21 May 2011   #146
Merged thread:
Alexander the Great: Greek or SouthSlav

Is it true...Slavonic people consider Alexander the Great to be of Slavic origin ???

Macedonians have always been a Greek Hellenic far as I am aware,!

On what basis is Alexander the Great considered Slavic!

Just asking!
Crow  154 | 9531
22 May 2011   #147
Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

some aspects of modern day Polish genetics for sure keep prof for Polish Thracian ancestry. Population of Poland coming from the so called `Balkan Ice age refugium`. People was slowly dispersed along the Danube river after ice age was finished. Plus, much later, in what is today`s Poland, two branches of Proto Slavs combined- one from Balkan (SRB/Sarmatians) and other from Ukraine (ROS/Scythians)- another ice age refugium. Danubian group populated what is today`s Poland approximately 4000-6000 years BC and other group from Ukraine started to arriving there in around 3000 BC. People then changed direction of migration and started to go eastward so, genetics says that modern day Russia was actually populated from Poland.

But please, keep in mind that Thracians were Proto Slavs, same ethos as Sarmatians/Scythians. Scythians themselves were branch of Sarmatians. Dacians, too. So, Poles are Sarmats and also Thracians in the same time. Those were two designations of same Proto Slavic people.
pawian  226 | 27453
22 May 2011   #148
Poles have the most genes in a group that incldues Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

Primarily Russians and Ukrainians. I don`t mind, quite a nice result, but don`t tell other native and alien Poles about it, they will be mad. :):):)
Nick the Greek
22 May 2011   #149
Was Alexander the Great a Proto-Slav
gumishu  15 | 6228
22 May 2011   #150
Proto-Slavs in the times of Alexander the great (or the short ;) lived happily in the marshes of Pinsk on the Belarus Ukraine border ;) or sorry they were not that happy after all - the humidity must have been an issue ;)

Home / Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

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