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Poles have a more loving attitude to food than here in the UK

Ironside 50 | 12345
28 Jun 2017 #31
Probably not

Definitely not. Even in some village 99% of the populace would get along with it there would be always one or two ***** who would just spoil it for everyone.
Roger5 1 | 1432
28 Jun 2017 #32
I've seen honesty boxes in England from the Fens to Cumbria. Good to know everyone is honest in Wales.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3856
28 Jun 2017 #33
Yes I have seen one in Sussex now I think of it.

Sometimes some arse comes round and steals the money but not that often. One October we got some amazing pumpkins from a roadside table.
Polonius3 980 | 12277
28 Jun 2017 #34
Would that work in Poland?

In small villages it would where everyone knows everybody else and people would be ashamed to steal. But in towns and cities...urban concentrations provide the anonymity which fosters crime.
Olga Slaginkski
2 Jan 2024 #35
[Moved from]: food with VAVAVOOM

when in Texas last year i found some Pickles just like my Babunia used to make .On my return look but could not find VAVEL CANARY TRICH . we have delicatessens in my town in uk but they cannot import since Brexit .Is this true ?
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #36
Brits don't really have the same kind of passion

Of course. Polesses and Poles love consuming good food, both Polish and foreign.

Here is a series of photos from a certain official event. Brits don`t have such a choice.

jon357 73 | 22653
30 Mar 2024 #37

Everyone does.

Brits don`t have such a choice.

No, we have more choice. And four countries within Britain to contribute.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #38
we have more choice

Of course, aristocratic elites or royals do. But I meant common people. In Britain commons are happy when they can gobble down fish and chips. Ha!!!

While in Poland.....

Atch 21 | 4159
30 Mar 2024 #39
The photos are great - remind me of 1970s dinner party/buffet food :)
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #40
remind me of 1970s

Exactly. :)::):) Poland keeps up the old traditions which have been long forgotten in Western Europe. :):):)
Assorted cold cuts and cheeses - both my fave snacks between hot meals. And a plate of fruit for second dessert.

jon357 73 | 22653
30 Mar 2024 #41
long forgotten in Western Europe

No they haven't.

1970s dinner party/buffet food

Especially the pineapple.

It looks nice, however a buffet's a buffet.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #42
No they haven't.

Prove it! Show us photos you took at a contemporary event attended by commons so that we can compare Polish and British attitudes. :):):)

Of course, your dishes will vary from ours.

Here are some Polish fave dishes. Chicken soup is a must. As well as some fried piece of meat.

Novichok 5 | 7804
30 Mar 2024 #43
Eating is the same as refueling. Nobody sane would add sugar because it would harm the engine.
Yet, we are stupid enough to gobble this cancer-causing poison, get fatter, and smile like suicidal idiots when even looking at this crap.
I said "we" to be nice. I don't eat this stuff.
Atch 21 | 4159
30 Mar 2024 #44
Show us photos you took at a contemporary event attended by commons

Here's a typical staff room lunch in the UK ...........

pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #45
I don't eat .

Good. You don`t eat, so you must drink a lot. Here is sth you will enjoy:
Unfortunately, to cut down on costs, the organisers ordered cheaper Swedish or Finnish vodka instead of true Polish stuff. Plus some cheap Italian wine. No beer this time.

Atch 21 | 4159
30 Mar 2024 #46
Pawian, why do you photograph food all the time?? You don't just do it at events but at home too. Dlaczego?
Novichok 5 | 7804
30 Mar 2024 #47
Pawian, why do you photograph food all the time?

Only poor people think of food all the time and they never count calories.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #48
Pawian, why do you photograph food all the time??

Because I am obsessed with eating delicious things aka my comfort food as it dissipates my depressive moods. Its colours and arrangement influence me very positively and that is why I have held for so many decades in a good shape without taking any meds. hahahaha buhahahaha

You don't just do it at events but at home too.

Also outside.
In fact, I take photos of any food I see anywhere. Such a hobby. Other males in my age relish in fornication as a hobby and chase younger females while I do the gardening and take photos of food. hahahaha

Only poor people think of food all the time

Well, compared to a British king, I am poor, indeed. hahahaha

they never count calories.

Exactly. It isn`t my problem whatsoever. :):):)
Novichok 5 | 7804
30 Mar 2024 #49
Going #2 is a lot more fun than eating, feeling bloated, and swearing to never do it again...
We should post pictures of exceptional results.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #50
Going #2 is a lot more fun

To each their own. :):):) Now I know why some posters here comment on you as c.......... - due to Easter time, I will keep silent on it but you know what I mean. :):):)

The finale of the party above was celebrated with the most traditional Polish food - my delicacy too - hot red borsch with a French addition of a crispy meat croquette.

Lyzko 42 | 9479
30 Mar 2024 #51
Some people eat to live while others live to eat. Probably, the Poles, as
with the Italians and the Spaniards, fit into the latter category!
Novichok 5 | 7804
30 Mar 2024 #52
Easter is a time to think about Jesus, not how to stuff your gut that is already under an inch of fat.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #53
Easter is a time to think about Jesus

Exactly! That is why I am not calling you bad names this time! You are my human brother! hahaha
Lyzko 42 | 9479
30 Mar 2024 #54
Feasting holidays do draw the crowds to church, Rich and Pawian!
Drinking as well. Was it not St. Thomas who said, "A glass of wine for
thy stomach's sake."
Novichok 5 | 7804
30 Mar 2024 #55
"A glass of wine for thy stomach's sake."

A glass, not a bottle or two. A very wise man.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #56
A glass, not a bottle or two

Exactly!!! That`s how Poles drink - by glasses!
Na pohybel Ruskim Imperialistom! hahahaha

jon357 73 | 22653
30 Mar 2024 #57
Show us photos you took at a contemporary event attended by commons so that

Hard to know what you mean by "commons" and like most people who've seen buffets before, I don't tend to take photos to marvel at the food.

If that's you in post #55, I'd think about seeing a dermatologist...
Ironside 50 | 12345
30 Mar 2024 #58
I'd think about seeing a dermatologist...

and stop stuffing himself.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #59

Firstly, I never drink at non-home events coz I always drive.
Secondly, how can it be me if I was the one taking the photos???
Jon, try to apply more logic in your posts, please. :):):):)

stop stuffing himself.

I never stuff myself coz I have a small stomache - I eat small quantities of food but often due to my quick digestion.
jon357 73 | 22653
30 Mar 2024 #60
how can it be me if I was the one taking the photos

The person next to you could have taken them and you could have got a cab home.

Paw, try to apply some logic.

stop stuffing himself.

Quite. The guy in the photo is unlikely ever to be mistaken for a ballet dancer.

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