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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 May 2019   #661
Didn`t you read the directions on the box about flipping the meat?

Obviously not.

the bad eating habits of modern people in the west.

Why do the people in the West have a longer life expectancy then ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 May 2019   #662
Because many of us live in Europe and not The USA.
We eat much more healthily in Europe than you Americans.
So we bring the average up.
Despite the American diet.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 May 2019   #663
Reading directions on box about how to cook food tells me all I need to know about bad eating habits of modern people in west.

Do you suggest that Johhny who reads such instructions is a bad boy?

Yes, it is so wrong. People from other civilisations don`t have such problems. E.g, the Chinese put all ingredients into the wok, stir fry for a few minutes and serve. How simple. And Westerners still need to read sth. That`s really humiliating.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 May 2019   #664
Do you suggest that Johhny who reads such instructions is a bad boy?

It suggests that he doesn't know how to cook without following instuctions.
Instructions on a packet food I might add.
Most of us learnt to cook by either being shown or from written recipes.
Sometimes it worked, sometimes it failed.
But in the end we learnt how to cook.
I only use timings as a rough guideline and NEVER measure ingredients.
I go with the flow, check on how my dish is cooking and taste at intervals (though that sometimes kills my appetite. .... :-( )
Cooking is an art.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 May 2019   #665
Yes, it is a reasonable approach.

But you said cooking is an art. Are all those amateur cooks and professional chefs artists? After all, a true artist is someone who invents sth new, while most people who cook just follow tradition.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 May 2019   #666
It suggests that he doesn't know how to cook without following instuctions.

But I am not the one that has my meat turning out to be soggy and nasty on the bottom side because I didn't have the common sense to flip it half way thru cooking it when using this product because I thought I knew it all.

Even a cooks helper would have the brains to do that. geesh !

... the breading on the bottom side is moist and nasty..

Better stick to flipping burgers to keep yourself safe.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 May 2019   #667
Cooking is an art.

Food should be cooked to be safe, not yummy. Have you seen a 170-pound chef? I mean a guy.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 May 2019   #668
Food should be cooked to be safe, not yummy

Both are important, but yummy is top of the list.
Otherwise, why bother?
Life is too short Rich.... make the most of it whilst you still wake up in the morning.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #669
A few years ago sb mentioned fava beans in this thread and asked if I had ever taken a photo of the dish. I answered I wasn`t as crazy. Times and people change, though. I took a lot pics of fava beans which I have grown in my field.

I like fava beans but they must be young - then they are al dente. Old ones are soft and floury.

19 May 2019   #670
I like fava beans

But hopefully not with liver and a nice chianti ;)
We call them broad beans in the UK.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #671
No, broad beans don`t suit liver. :) What you see in the pic above isn`t liver but some roast pork.
19 May 2019   #672
Yes I can see that :) I think the liver reference might have been lost on you though.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #673
Well, if you meant some pun or a play of words, yes, I missed it. Sorry. :) Hmm, fava beans, broad beans, liver, Chianti - nothing comes to my mind.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 May 2019   #674
No, broad beans don`t suit liver.

They don't suit some people either and are poisonous to a small percentage of humans.
19 May 2019   #675
You've obviously not seen Silence of the Lambs........
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #676
Well, I have seen the film and read the book in the original. What is there about.... aaaah... LIVER! When one of the guards is seen hanged on the cage bars, his abdomen is ripped open. But I didn`t see any fava beans in the vicinity. :):) So , I still don`t get it.
19 May 2019   #677
Famous Hannibal Lecter quote " A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti "
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #678
Aaah, now I remember it! yes, but I read and saw the Hannibal story in 1990s and that was the time I didn`t know the names of all those beans in English. Beans were just beans, that`s all. I only started to differentiate them after getting interested in Dr Amato`s theory about eating right for your blood group. And beans are the best for me. Do you know which is my group?
19 May 2019   #679
Type A, but I had to look up about Dr Amato's theory. Can't say it sounds too scientific to be honest.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #680
Yes, A. The group that originated when people settled down and started agriculture. All produce is good for me. Yes, his theory wasn`t corroborated by serious scientists but I do corroborate it on my example - fave beans and other greens rule! :)
19 May 2019   #681
I was never that keen on broad beans, but I love butter beans. I think they are the ones used in Fasolka Po Bretońsku.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #682
Butter beans - also good. Called Johnny in Polish. The biggest variety is called Handsome Johnny and is a protected product in the EU.

They write it is even used to make vodka but most Poles associate Johnny with red borsch.

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kaprys  3 | 2076
19 May 2019   #683
I prefer it in my fasolka po bretonsku - have some in the freezer; )
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 May 2019   #684
Unhealthy food continued. Meat pierogis without large chunks of fried lard are useless.

Aaah, skwarki - my precious! You are as good health;
How much one should prize you, he only can tell, Who has lost you...

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jun 2019   #685
Before we purchased the farm, we had had to purchase our veg and fruit, too. Sometimes in the open air market.

Big supplies for green and other coloured stuff lovers. Diversity rulez!

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Joker  2 | 2447
17 Jun 2019   #686
Sometimes in the open air market.

Fresh air helps!

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jul 2019   #687
Oops, long time no read?

In another thread we are dealing with one of Chicago`s streets. A Polish bar there offered an incredible combination of dishes - 6 in one. Amazing. Never seen anything like that. American Polonia rulez!

I see a pierogi, some chicken, a gołąbek, bigos, sausage (two kinds), white bread. The author claims he was pleasantly stuffed. :):)

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jul 2019   #689
Cucumbers straight from a fish tank.

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Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Jul 2019   #690
Oh my. Yummy yummy :) can you send some my way?

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