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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

Nathan  18 | 1349
21 Apr 2011   #31
ah, how i miss bób... :)

Me too :) Do you eat them with skins or without? When they are hot or cold?
I like them cold and I eat their skins and the "intesines" like crazy. Almost like a cannibal. It is such a delicious bean family. Damn, I haven't had them for ages. Once I bought dried ones in a store, but it is nothing in comparison with garden-fresh (true for everything).
pgtx  29 | 3094
21 Apr 2011   #32
Do you eat them with skins or without? When they are hot or cold?

hot with salt only... cooked in skins but i eat that by squeezing the insides out.... delicioso! :)
Nathan  18 | 1349
21 Apr 2011   #33
i eat the by squeezing the insides out.... delicioso! :)

Please, stop torturing me! ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27561
22 Apr 2011   #34
Beans a la Bretogne - my fav. Another borsch with beans
Eurola  4 | 1898
22 Apr 2011   #35
Did somebody say 'bób'? I am ready to go on a killing spree as long as I find a victim in front of a plate of bób. It's been decades since I had a some real, fresh, boiled bób. Some Mexican produce centers have something similar in season but that's not exactly it...

Bób is packed withnutritionn. Step aside red meat.

  • bob.png

  • salatka_z_bobu.jpg

  • bob2.jpg
z_darius  14 | 3960
22 Apr 2011   #36
Same here. Far to long without freshly picked and cooked bób. The canned stuff they sell here is not realy the same.

Oh, fish ... disgusting an smells like fish.
Why would I eat cat food anyway?
beckski  12 | 1609
22 Apr 2011   #37
i wish i knew where to buy it in Tejas

For substitution there's zillions of pintos in Tejas!
Nathan  18 | 1349
22 Apr 2011   #39
Beans a la Bretogne - my fav

Pawian, you cooked it? It looks delicious and I bet tastes even better.
What do you think about eating.............. ??
I will have cooked potatoes with mayonnaise with red marinated beets sprinkled with tofu and freshly ground black pepper and sip on my favourite tomato juice.
internaldialog  4 | 144
22 Apr 2011   #40
in general Food surprisely ... no seriously ... anything i feel like rustling up in this heat :)
but at present its mainly snack food (just eaten 4 slices of toast with banana and toffee spread on beats nutella i guess)whilst tackling copious amounts of revision ahead of exams in just over a weeks time - feel like my head will implode from all the information intake but joys of having an exam a day over a 5 day period.
OP pawian  226 | 27561
23 Apr 2011   #41
Pawian, you cooked it? It looks delicious and I bet tastes even better.

Nope, it is home-made cooking product available on summer package holiday in the mountains.

I will have cooked potatoes with mayonnaise with red marinated beets sprinkled with tofu and freshly ground black pepper and sip on my favourite tomato juice.

What about this?

Soft, melting on your tongue, delicious.
Nathan  18 | 1349
23 Apr 2011   #42
Soft, melting on your tongue, delicious.

So, is this a tongue melting on a tongue? ;) It should be definitely an aphrodisiac :)
I like them a lot.
OP pawian  226 | 27561
23 Apr 2011   #43
So, is this a tongue melting on a tongue? ;) It should be definitely an aphrodisiac :)


Here what you can do with it: the most delicate stuffing or cold meats:
southern  73 | 7059
23 Apr 2011   #44
What do you think about eating.............. ??

I agree with eating.
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #45
Hey, it wasn`t intended to be so simple. Come on, you can do better than that. :):):)

What about this?
guesswho  4 | 1272
25 Apr 2011   #46
What do you think about eating.............. ??

I'm trying not to think about it (lol)
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #47
Why??? Are you on a diet?
guesswho  4 | 1272
25 Apr 2011   #48
no, I'm pretty slim right now but I don't even want to get to the point when I'll have to go on diet :-)
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #49
Dear Moderator who changed the title of this thread,

Can you remove the Poles from it? It doesn`t concern Poles exclusively. Even worse, this thread is designed for non-Poles mostly.

PS. It is OK, I don`t mind, everybody makes mistakes from time to time.
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Apr 2011   #50
Can you remove the Poles from it?

it will be off topic then...

Dear Moderator who changed the title of this thread,

any ideas? the previous one wasn'r clear enough...
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #51
it will be off topic then...

Wrong. The question might be addressed to non-Poles, but concerns Polish food eaten by Poles like me.


any ideas? the previous one wasn'r clear enough...

It was clear enough for a person not necessarily endowed with outstanding intelligence. Those with really little intelligence should learn and try to improve it, by reading and interpreting such titles, among others.

PS. Remove the Poles and change food into Polish foods then
Vincent  8 | 800
25 Apr 2011   #52
I trust this will satisfy you now sir. To be honest with you, with the original title it could easy have gone to off topic.
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #53
Thank you very much, Vincent and PGTX. Intelligent people are always able to reach a compromise. I like it! :):):)
Nathan  18 | 1349
25 Apr 2011   #54
Here what you can do with it: the most delicate stuffing or cold meats

It looks tasty. I had a ham yesterday. It is something I wasn't really exposed to in my childhood and frankly didn't like it a lot, but it was something unbelievable. So nicely made. With cloves.
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #55
Ham with cloves? Nice combination.... Were they stuck into the peel or inside ham?
Barney  19 | 1785
25 Apr 2011   #56
Did somebody say 'bób'? I am ready to go on a killing spree as long as I find a victim in front of a plate of bób. It's been decades since I had a some real, fresh, boiled bób.

God I've got loads growing right now. They are best picked young and then steamed just like early spuds, a bit of salt and a wee knob of butter is all you need.
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Apr 2011   #57
Barney! you should send some my way! haha...
Barney  19 | 1785
25 Apr 2011   #58
you should send some my way

I'll take some photos to make you green.

Any way I do owe you one for the Brie and fig jam combo last year. I had to make my own fig jam but it was worth it:)
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Apr 2011   #59
I'll take some photos to make you green.

please do :)

I had to make my own fig jam but it was worth it:)

wow, good job... glad you liked it!
OP pawian  226 | 27561
25 Apr 2011   #60
They are best picked young and then steamed just like early spuds, a bit of salt and a wee knob of butter is all you need.

Yes, it should be eaten young, when it is tender crisp. Mature bób is too soft and mealy.

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
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