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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

polishmama  3 | 279
8 Aug 2012   #271
No, fuzzy, throwing salt over your shoulder drives the ghosts away who are looking over it to count each grain of salt and might possibly bring you death. Lol I read that once on origins of folk superstitions. Also, why you are supposed to cover your mouth while yawning so ghosts counting your teeth don't fall in, and some others.

I have to say, I will have to try the kidney recipe. I tried it once. Oh my good lord was the experience... Memorable ;) If you want, I can share link tomorrow since I blogged about it. I might have scarred my kids with the kidneys debacle. Good times. Lol

There you go, my kidney experience ;) Hope you enjoy.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Aug 2012   #272
how about this?

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16 Aug 2012   #273
You chopped up and ate that big mushroom you found didn't you Pawian.
I would have no problem eating it,i love mushrooms!
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
16 Aug 2012   #274
Sometimes I don't feel at all Polish, because I can't pick wild mushrooms safely. It's like being a tone-deaf Welshman who can't play rugby, lol.
boletus  30 | 1356
16 Aug 2012   #275
You chopped up and ate that big mushroom you found didn't you Pawian.

This particular mushroom, Lactarius deliciosus, commonly known as the Saffron milk cap, Red pine mushroom, or rydz in Polish is fantastic when consumed in two basic forms: just fried (as shown in preparation in Pawian picture) and "the whole caps dipped in batter, then fried". Both are excellent. However, "rydz" is not that good for marination, or for stews.
rankalee  2 | 56
16 Aug 2012   #276
I am Polish .. or Upper Silesian .. or I dont know .. some ancestors are from Ukraina, Russia, France, Germany and Catalonia(?? we dont know sure) ... and the brother of my great-grandmother married a French woman and they adopted an African child, so I am somehow connected with Africa. But I was born in Germany and live here, so I will answer about Polish food.

I only like barszcz czerwony and pierogi .. ptasie mleczko and karp at Christmas .. and these all stuff is only tasty in winter!

I am more into Italian food!! Best food ever!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Aug 2012   #277
yes guys we devoured those milk caps in a few rounds and had other forest produce for dessert

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2012   #278
when on holidays in the mountains, we order only traditional Polish foods.
Breakfasts are abundant to give you energy for the day:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2012   #279

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Wroclaw Boy
19 Aug 2012   #280
The mans on holiday and yet cant stop posting here, enjoy your holiday Pawian or is your family that boring for you?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2012   #281
i am enjoying it and playing with my phone at the same time.

but i see you cant stop reading me.

is your polish family that boring for you? hahaha

see our suppers which are scanty as we eat them late:

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teflcat  5 | 1024
19 Aug 2012   #282
see our suppers which are scanty as we eat them late:

Looks a bit boring, to be frank. I've just come back from Tykocin. At the newly rebuilt castle I ate rack of lamb, boiled potatoes and rocket salad with halumi and balsamic vinegar. 50PLN. Highly recommended. We were actually staying at Kiermusy, but the food there does not deserve its reputation. To be fair the accommodation was fine, but I've had better food in milk bars.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2012   #283
Looks a bit boring, to be frank.

Come on, if you expected some cosmic food, you were wrong. :):):):)

We were in the countryside which, traditionally in that area, has had modest culinary customs for centuries, due to various reasons. We go there every year to get this food because I am tired of fancy stuff I have in Krakow.

I've just come back from Tykocin. At the newly rebuilt castle I ate rack of lamb, boiled potatoes and rocket salad with halumi and balsamic vinegar. 50PLN.

To be honest, in our village we paid 50 zlotys per person/day for accomodation and three meals.

Rybnik, today I set 6 big jars of beets. To quicken the fermentation, I used butter milk instead of rye bread. And I put less beet into jars to avoid the syrup-like liquid which is not my taste after all. Mineral water adds healthy minerals.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2012   #284
Being shopping today, I again wasn`t able to resist the overwhelming temptation:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2012   #285
When I see smoked fish, I get crazy.

That`s my today`s supermarket bounty.

What can you see?

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2012   #287
Yes, sprats! I love them. I rip off the head, bite of the belly (soft intestines, yuk) and then shred the whole fish with my teeth, millimeter after millimiter, leaving the tail.

I especially like those big ones, sardine size.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Sep 2012   #288
ick. I used to buy fresh ones for my cat as a rare treat. The Polish ones are nice with bread, gherkins and vodka.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2012   #289
The Polish ones are nice with bread, gherkins and vodka.

I prefer tinned sardines with vodka. Old Soviet secret services` advice for agents who participate in drinking parties - eat two tins of sardines and you can go, drink without limitations and still stay sober.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Sep 2012   #290
Anchovies are a bit the same - something to do with the salt and minerals.

What are pilchards called in Poland? I don't remember ever seeing them, but they would fit well with the cuisine.
26 Sep 2012   #291
I had some of this in the pub recently:

Cod jerky (much nicer than you might imagine).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2012   #292
I had some of this in the pub recently:

I would have to google to know what it is.
26 Sep 2012   #293
Basically, dried cod. Just cod that's been salted, cut into long thin strips and dried.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
26 Sep 2012   #294
I do great callaloo and saltfish. And I'm not even black! lol
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186
26 Sep 2012   #296
All I know is, I don't eat anything pickled or anything that swims. Almost anything else I would eat.
Wroclaw Boy
26 Sep 2012   #297
Try flaki, that some vile stuff.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2012   #298
No. The closest comparison is with calamari/squid. Almost the same type of meat structure - rubbery, resistant to teeth.
Wroclaw Boy
26 Sep 2012   #299
The closest comparison is with calamari/squid. Almost the same type of meat structure.

Except that one is sea food and the other - vile pig intestines.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2012   #300
Of course, sources differ.

But I wouldn`t call it vile - after all, recall what your Scottish/British compatriots eat with/in their beloved dish on great Scottish celebrations- do you ever call it vile in their presence?


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