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What is your favorite Polish Vodka?

charlespe  - | 4
24 Jul 2014   #601
you have gotta try Stawski Zytnia. I love it
25 Mar 2015   #602
Absolwent is my favorite Polish vodka.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Mar 2015   #603
I'm not much into vodka, but is Belvedere and Chopin really so much nicer than that old standby Wyborowa? Does it go down more smoothly, have a distinctive flavour or what?
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47
27 Mar 2015   #604

Snow Queen is the smoothest best tasting vodka I ever had, hands down.

Snow Queen is by far the best vodka I've ever had too, so smooth it's ridiculous. However, seeing as it is a Kazakh vodka I don't think it counts as a Polish vodka ;)

Zubrowka is easily my favourite Polish vodka if I'm having it with apple juice.

If I'm just shotting vodka then I'd probably go for Pan Tadeusz.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
27 Mar 2015   #605
Pan Tadeusz.

It is not too bad. Personally i prefer Ukrainian or Russian vodka but if i had to choose Polish vodka i would probably go for "Sobieski" or "Żubrówka".

On new years eve i was served "Skittles Vodka" which was somewhat of an unusual, creative and quite tasty experience.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Mar 2015   #606
Is it true that Żubrówka now makes a clear vodka as does Krupnik?
29 Mar 2015   #607
They do, and it immediatly became the best selling vodka in Poland because it was so good.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Feb 2023   #608
Reading Pan Tadeusz by Mickiewicz to my kids we ran into a passage about Polish gentry of 1811 drinking famous vodka from Gdańsk. It is called GoldWasser - Gold Water - and indeed contains little flakes of gold.

Watch it poured into glasses

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Alien  26 | 6559
1 Feb 2023   #609
famous vodka from Gdańsk. It

Unfortunately, today's Goldwasser has nothing to do with Gdańsk. A German distillery has trademark rights.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Feb 2023   #610
A German distillery has trademark rights.

And where do they produce it? Do they still use Polish gold?
Alien  26 | 6559
1 Feb 2023   #611
where do they produce it?

In Germany.

Do they still use Polish gold?

No, they use leaf gold.😁🏅
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Feb 2023   #612
I use to sell something like that called Goldschlager,a swiss cinnamon schnapps.I tried goldwasser cpl times nothing special about it.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Feb 2023   #613
No, they use leaf gold

You mean leaves from Polish Golden Autumn???
Alien  26 | 6559
1 Feb 2023   #614
Polish Golden

More likely dental gold. In every bottle in worth of 1,38$.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Feb 2023   #615
I just picked up an interesting Polish vodka made here in Michigan by Detroit City Distillery in the Polish district of Hamtramck's Detroit for Fat Tuesday.

It's being sold throughout the State of Michigan.
Paczki Vodka with a price tag of $30.
Made from raspberries and Polish and Michigan potatoes.
Haven't tried it yet but will keep you posted.
Alien  26 | 6559
1 Feb 2023   #616
Paczki Vodka

Actually Pączki Day vodka
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Feb 2023   #617
Paczki Vodka with a price tag of $30.

I think I saw that in NJ too but 1.75L was for 49.99 so I chose Grey goose for 39.99.
Do tell how is it.
The label/btl presentation didnt look very good to me.
Lenka  5 | 3549
1 Feb 2023   #618
Actually Pączki Day vodka

Well, shame they got the day wrong...
Alien  26 | 6559
1 Feb 2023   #619
got the day wrong

Yes, it should be the Fat Thursday.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231
1 Feb 2023   #620
I am not a great fan of spirits.
My daughter bought me a bottle of Jack Daniels for Christmas and though I like it, half the bottle is still in my cupboard.
When it comes to wodka, I have to say that I am not a great fan of this high alcohol, low flavour spirit.
But if forced to chose I would go for Zubrowka every time!
Joker  2 | 2458
3 Feb 2023   #621
Jack Daniels for Christmas and though I like it, half the bottle is still in my cupboard.

JD is actually considered cheap whiskey. Its mostly Rednecks that drink it, has a weird taste to me. Stay away from Southern Comfort as well.

But if forced to chose I would go for Zubrowka every time!

Chopin is good:)
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Feb 2023   #622
JD is actually considered cheap whiskey. Its mostly Rednecks that drink it

Thanks! Having read it, I started looking through my collection of whiskey which I got last year from grateful parents of students at the language school where I work. I didn`t find JD but one Jim Beam and sth unusual - Craft Whisky which is Scottish, Polish and American in origin.

The serial number on it is A 0885.

It seems the Polish producer buys crude distillate from Scotland and ages it in American oak barrels. Amasing.

The original, craft whiskey was created from the best combination of Scottish distillates and grain whiskeys, aged for three years in American oak. The secret of its recipe lies in the combination of the experience and talent of Polish artists and the tradition of Scottish masters, dating back to 1814.

I don`t like whisky so it is waiting for a visit from my wife`s relatives who are into boozing.

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Joker  2 | 2458
3 Feb 2023   #623
Craft Whisky which is Scottish, Polish and American in origin.

Scotch is good whiskey. I know a lot of Irish ppl and love shots of Jameson. I have to be careful when I see them or Im taking a taxi home. Haha

I like Kentucky bourbon... Makers Mark. I don't know if you can get it, but if can you should enjoy it.

Try Knob Creek as well....


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Miloslaw  22 | 5231
3 Feb 2023   #624
Stay away from Southern Comfort as well.

That is disgusting and I haven't tasted it in over 40 years!
But JD Is OK.
Maybe I'm a redneck......
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Feb 2023   #625
Maybe I'm a redneck.

It is OK, Nobody`s perfect so don`t bother.

I remember whisky was even produced in communist times in Poland. A few kinds.


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Miloslaw  22 | 5231
3 Feb 2023   #626
I remember whisky was even produced in communist times in Poland.

Yeah, it probably made you go blind LOL!!!!!!
amiga500  5 | 1547
4 Feb 2023   #627
why are you whiskey bastards taking a perfectly good thread off topic? you are not captain haddock in tintin.
Joker  2 | 2458
4 Feb 2023   #628
why are you whiskey bastards taking a perfectly good thread off topic?

Perhaps, the vodka topic has already been discussed and there is nothing more to add.

Unless you have some more information about Vodka?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #629
there is nothing more to add.

Of course not. Vodka is the so called river topic in Poland.

Vodka which used to be produced before the WW2 comes back to Poland . E.g, Baczewski vodka - when I saw those labels a few years ago I had no idea where they were from. While Baczewski was the biggest producer of vodka in Poland in late 19th century and later on too.

After 1945, the descendants of Józef Adam Baczewski reactivated the company in Vienna and spirits are still produced there today under the JA Baczewski brand . The JA Baczewski brand returned to the Polish alcohol market, first in the 1990s as a product of Polmos Starogard Gdański under an Austrian license, and again in 2011 with specially designed original bottles (Polish designs differ from others released on European markets) in the shape of decanters and labels.

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Feb 2023   #630
Well, shame they got the day wrong...

Very observant Lenka, however......
In Poland, pączki are eaten especially on Fat Thursday (Tłusty Czwartek), the last Thursday prior to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

In North America, particularly the large Polish communities of Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, and other large cities across the Midwest and Northeast, Paczki Day is celebrated annually by immigrants and locals alike.

The date of this observance merges with that of pre-Lenten traditions of other immigrants on Fat Tuesday.
With its sizable Polish population, Chicago celebrates the festival on both Fat Thursday and Fat Tuesday.

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