I've just recently returned from my second trip to poland and have decided i would like to make an effort to learn the language.
so i'm looking for someone who can teach me polish. or alternatively if there is anyone that can advise if there is a language school in the area that teaches the polish language.
I've searched the net and can't find any adult polish language schools in Melb- may need to ask polish friends if they know of someone who is somewhat qualified enough to teach us all!!!
Hi Dan, yes i did! Just taking a look at it now. I think its going to be very helpful. I have a good understanding of the language, can read well and write OK - but talking daunts me!! The best thing about it i think is that its spoken by native speakers - no funny accents. Another good bit is that as you go a translation happens below if you need it. When i get a chance to use it fully I'll let you know - but it seems worth the $. I got it from travelgear.com.au for $99. Its called Learn Polish Now! This version comes with a cd to download onto your ipod too.
I too would like to learn Polish as a beginner. I called Language Champs and they said they require 3 adults to enrol for a class to commence. Anyone interested???