Subject |
Texas Holdem - impact in Poland?
Internet problems from Poland
"Letter from Poland" - very important movie to watch 2
Car wash full on March 1st. Does it mean something here or is it just coincidence?
Searching a 'street pharmacist' in Warsaw
Are Poles Dis-Loyal 2
Where to get electrical parts in Warsaw?
Polish nonfiction literature: Moczarski, Borowski, Grudziński etc.
Young Poles' manners?
How is Sienkiewicz's Trilogy perceived in today's Poland?
Mobile phones for Expats in Poland - without any pesel number
Animal Rights Movements in Poland 2
Anybody from Sanok? Good, bads, uglies?
Walentynki and March 8th?
Pictures of Poles [Everyday Life in Poland] 2 3 4
Doda's spiritual change
Do Poland take care about their Culture ? 2
what is GG chat please?
2 months to go - I will be a Polish citizen and try to find a better place to raise my kid. 2 3
What can citizens do to make Poland a better place to live? 2 3 4 5
Anyone else suffering from mosquito bites in Poland? 2
Hollywood Lyrics, why a Polish girl? ('A Polish girl in America') 2
How many English native speakers in Poland?
Polish spy or action films?
walk on the 1st january? ( City of Glogow)
Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland 2 3 4 5
Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? 2 3 4 5 6 7
Imitating old peasant-type Polish dialects - polite?
A frozen then burst pipe in Poland - what to do.
Woman on Wigilia spells bad luck in Poland
Poles lead Dutch in e-nonsense (social websites)
Santa Must be Polish - by Bobby Vinton
Polish clergy or lawyers: who's better?
Buying cell phones from those small Poland shops under the train station. Are they Legit?
Is Poland a place of high culture? 2
What's up with the trains in Poland (the whole system in complete chaos?)
During winter in Poland, does petrol in the car freezes 2
Jarmark in Wroclaw - Christmas display get negative attention
Polish Pay As You Go Phone SIMs - do all have compulsory recharging / top up?
In Poland for a few months, where to buy digital balances?
INVISIBLE MAN in shops and offices in Poland? 2 3
Dzień Świra. ''Day of the madman'' (Polish Cult movie.)
Expats in Poland - would you fight for your new country? 2 3 4
Need help for title of a movie about a Polish family who comes to America
Polish history questions on the streets; Poles are not doing great. 2
Is there special event or food as Polish tradition for X-mas party?
Foreigners commenting on Poland - a minefield?
Please read this blog about our Poland and post your opinions
MAC GAMES in Warsaw?
Zaduszki Jazzowe - I would love to bring this to my home town in the USA
Poland's Next Top Model (TV show) 2 3
Car's confrontation with a Wild Boar in Poland 2
Mikołaj - 6.XII versus 24/25.XII in Poland
Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Heart attack/stroke - money please! This is public service healthcare in Radom!
Any there treatment centers for unmarried in Poland? 2
From UK, finding my feet in Warsaw, Poland.
Polish gimnazjums - memoirs of a teacher 2
The best of Polish stories, drama and art
Poems of love with a Polish Essence