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Do Poland take care about their Culture ?

NorthPolish  1 | 16  
1 Feb 2011 /  #1
What about the Arab hordes there ? how the people react ? do they hit them, i have north Polish blood, and some of Austrian. And i really care about poland and its population. I love the clean and white Poland.

My greatfather was Polish Army Officer, the other was normal.
A great greatfather fought in the Battle of Britain on the great 303.
I had many officers in my family, all whites and proud of Poland. So im really Polish, and i feel it in my veins, no like the immingrants. (DP: im southamerican)
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Feb 2011 /  #2
What about the Arab hordes there ? how the people react ? do they hit them, i have north Polish blood, and some of Austrian. And i really care about poland and its population. I love the clean and white Poland.

It's kind of hard to get any whiter than Poland...
1 Feb 2011 /  #3
What about the Arab hordes there ?

The Arab Hordes in Poland amount to one or two falafel stalls off Krakowskie Przedmiescie. Get real.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Feb 2011 /  #4
What about the Arab hordes there ?

No Arab hordes here, i've seen about 10 pakis in the past six years in Wrocław.

how the people react ?

Not at all given that minorities here are about one foreigner per 10.000 Poles.

I love the clean and white Poland.

Good news for you, its probably the whitest country on the face of the earth.

The Arab Hordes in Poland amount to one or two falafel stalls off Krakowskie Przedmiescie. Get real.

They can hide more of them under the counters! Them pakis are shifty bastards.
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Feb 2011 /  #5
The Arab Hordes in Poland amount to one or two falafel stalls off Krakowskie Przedmiescie. Get real.

Sleeper cells Alex, sleeper cells. One minute you're enjoying a tasty chickpeas, next thing you're under the yolk of Sharia law...
1 Feb 2011 /  #6
One minute you're enjoying a tasty chickpeas, next thing you're under the yolk of Sharia law...

Ouch. That hurt :)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Feb 2011 /  #7
I had many officers in my family, all whites and proud of Poland.

You're crazy - comes from a white Pole.

Whats so proud to be white? ... Lets be proud of being human!

My greatfather was Polish Army Officer, the other was normal.

He should've known that being a human is priceless enough ... being a white is just coincidence. When we are born, we don't choose our color or where we get birth to.

What about the Arab hordes there ? how the people react ? do they hit them

There are creeps all over the globe (are you one of them?) ... No good man would act like a wild dog.

Rather ... there are some good Egyptian Arabs ... some are crazy. The good ones are received good, the crazy ones will be crazy anywhere they go (just like crazy Poles or Brits...).

There are people of many other color in Poland :) ... from many other places :) ... and they are quite happy. Poles be friends with them, trade with them ... discuss issues ... study ... and even have relationships ... depends on people to people ... the important part is the aspect of "goodness" in someone. Beauty is everywhere, and true beauty is eternal. While the initial attraction can happen between any two couples ... and the more diverse the more curious it looks, the more better for many :)

Them pakis are shifty bastards.

I dunno which pakistan guy was a bastard to you ... but you sure talk like one :) ... Mr. Brown Greek. (again, I've got no problem ... but you guyz sure do :D)

(DP: im southamerican)

:D ... :D ... eh!...
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Feb 2011 /  #8
Ouch. That hurt :)

yea, "chick" association, the mind was wondering. I can't even correctly express outrage at the coming oppression.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Feb 2011 /  #9
Rather ... there are some good Egyptian Arabs

The only good paki is a dead paki, also i want a banjo, a shotgun and a house in the swamps of Louisiana, and possibly a hot cousin to make loads of inbreds with.

and true beauty is eternal.

Are you really a bloody hippy or are you enjoying some long joke at the expense of everyone else?

the important part is the aspect of "goodness" in someone

White people are good, colored people are evil.

Simple no?

Whats so proud to be white? ... Lets be proud of being human!

Being white = being human.

Black people are a mutation of burmese gorillas, asians are just a different type of Panda and Jews evolved from soap.

I dunno which pakistan guy was a bastard to you ...

All of 'em, they're brown, talk funny, are muslim and wear toilet paper on their heads.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2011 /  #10
i have north Polish blood, and some of Austrian

So im really Polish

No, you're actually a Slavic-Germanic mongrel.

Only those with 100% Polish blood can call themselves Polish.
OP NorthPolish  1 | 16  
1 Feb 2011 /  #11
Lodz, maybee you are brainwashed :S
Ok, now if you are white take care and love that coincidence, and do not support race mix.
No thanks to my parents im not one of them, and place this in your brain, there are not good arabs, look at France.
Ok Lodz, you are a liberal dude, thats wrong, for sure you have family that fought and died for Poland and you think like that, god.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Feb 2011 /  #12
Ok Lodz, you are a liberal dude, thats wrong,

Absolutey, we need to beat him up using his elderly mother.

for sure you have family that fought and died for Poland and you think like that, god.

He's a jew probably, you know how it is with them, using christian newborns blood and all...
Ironside  50 | 12884  
2 Feb 2011 /  #13
What about the Arab hordes there ?

What the heck you are talking about you ass-troll !?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 Feb 2011 /  #14
i have north Polish blood, and some of Austrian

Dont you mean Prussian and Austrian?

im southamerican

Hows uncle Adolf und Tante Eva?
OP NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #15
Dont you mean Prussian and Austrian?

No, im Polish. Maybee my blood isnt 100% but im.

Hows uncle Adolf und Tante Eva?

Driking a beer with Cukurs and Eichmann.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Feb 2011 /  #16
No, im Polish. Maybee my blood isnt 100% but im.

So, can you speak Polish?
Ironside  50 | 12884  
2 Feb 2011 /  #17
there we go again :(
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Feb 2011 /  #18
Can't speak Polish, can't be Polish.
OP NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #19
So, can you speak Polish?

Tak ja mowie troje Popolsku.

Im studying in a Polish community here. Its slow but is something at least, thats why i want to go to Poland.
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Feb 2011 /  #20
Im studying in a Polish community here. Its slow but is something at least, thats why i want to go to Poland.

Is there a large Polish community where you live?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 Feb 2011 /  #21
Driking a beer with Cukurs and Eichmann.

;) Those boys in Brazil eh...

Bringing up Polish Officers in a rant about Arabs is a bit silly really. The only immigrents the Polish Officer corps worried about back then were Germans and Russians.

Some of those same Officers probably fought (figurativly anyway) shoulder to shoulder with Arabs and Indians at Monte Cassino.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Feb 2011 /  #22
Im studying in a Polish community here. Its slow but is something at least, thats why i want to go to Poland.

So - you don't speak Polish fluently, you are of mongrel origin - really, you're about as Polish as me.

Must be tough when the other kids bully you, huh?
OP NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #23
;) Those boys in Brazil eh...

more to the south hehe.

Some of those same Officers probably fought (figurativly anyway) shoulder to shoulder with Arabs and Indians at Monte Cassino.

No, one was aviator, so only fought shoulder to shoulder with high ranked soldiers, and arabs werent high ranked.
And no again, he fought but no in the front. I have his medals.
well is a long story to tell, but never shoulder to shoulder with arabs, only with Polish or British commrades.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 Feb 2011 /  #24
Must be tough when the other kids bully you, huh?

Are you speaking from experience there then?
Why the big issue for you if this guy cant speak the language of his fore fathers?
I speak about 6 words of gaelic,doesnt make me any less Scots .....
He's doing more than most to get intouch with his roots,I cant imagine there are that many Polish Festivals in his neck of the rainforest.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Feb 2011 /  #25
Are you speaking from experience there then?

Usually, such morons turn to racism when no-one likes them because they're the geeky little scrawny kid. Doesn't surprise me that he's running his mouth online - after all, he'd never dare to say anything about arabs to their faces.

Look at a lot of the racist BNP types - tough in a group, but cowardly when alone.

Why the big issue for you if this guy cant speak the language of his fore fathers?

Don't speak Polish, can't be Polish. It's pretty simple really.

I speak about 6 words of gaelic,doesnt make me any less Scots .....

Gaelic was never spoken throughout the country - take Aberdeen for instance, the Pictish language was replaced by Scots, never by Gaelic.

He's doing more than most to get intouch with his roots

Such rednecks aren't welcome here.
OP NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #26
Usually, such morons turn to racism when no-one likes them because they're the geeky little scrawny kid. Doesn't surprise me that he's running his mouth online - after all, he'd never dare to say anything about arabs to their faces.

Look at a lot of the racist BNP types - tough in a group, but cowardly when alone.

I cant because there arent arabs where i live till now.

Don't speak Polish, can't be Polish. It's pretty simple really.

I have my passport, dont worry.

Such rednecks aren't welcome here.

Im not redneck, im conservative. Polska dla Polakow.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Feb 2011 /  #27
I cant because there arent arabs where i live till now.

So, you know nothing about Arabs whatsoever. What a surprise, sunshine.

I have my passport, dont worry.

That's okay, you can come to Poland and work for some nice Arabs because no Pole will employ you.

Im not redneck, im conservative. Polska dla Polakami.

Exactly as I said - internet redneck toughguy.

Tell you what though - if you want to claim your Polishness, I know some guys who don't like foreigners, especially ones with Germanic blood.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 Feb 2011 /  #28
No, one was aviator, so only fought shoulder to shoulder with high ranked soldiers

My great uncle was still only a Sergeant Pilot when he flew alongside Poles in the Battle of Britain.
A few of the RAFs Allies in 1940.


well is a long story to tell, but never shoulder to shoulder with arabs, only with Polish or British commrades.

I obviously dont know about your particular relative but,a quick look at the allied nations who fought at Cassino will show in that case the Poles and British were certainly not alone.


On the right, the Moroccan-French troops made good initial progress against the German 5th Mountain Division, commanded by General Julius Ringel, gaining positions on the slopes of their key objective, Monte Cifalco. Forward units of the 3rd Algerian Division had also by-passed Monte Cifalco to capture Monte Belvedere and Colle Abate. General Juin was convinced that Cassino could be bypassed and the German defenses unhinged by this northerly route but his request for reserves to maintain the momentum of his advance was refused ............The two Moroccan-French divisions sustained 2,500 casualties in their struggles around Monte Belvedere.[19]

Be proud of your own roots but dont discredit others :)
OP NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #29
Tell you what though - if you want to claim your Polishness, I know some guys who don't like foreigners, especially ones with Germanic blood.

You see, you are racist too, whats wrong with Germanics ? I hate Hitler and Nazism. Do you hate Lithuanians too ? and what about Ukranians ? just see, you know how my feelings are.

And for you to know, my Germanic side fought for Poland in 2ww against their own blood.
and i have Polish name and surname.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Feb 2011 /  #30
You see, you are racist too, whats wrong with Germanics ?

Not me - these guys are Poles. Anyone with Germanic blood is worthy of a beating in their eyes due to the oppression in the past.

Do you hate Lithuanians too ? and what about Ukranians ? just see, you know how my feelings are.

If you were really Polish, you'd hate Ukrainians too.

And for you to know, my Germanic side fought for Poland in 2ww against their own blood.

Wow, so they betrayed their own people too? Are you really sure you want to be proud of being from such a family?

For what it's worth, Arabs in Poland tend to beat up racists.

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