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Abortion - how is the Polish government going to deal with this issue?

gumishu  15 | 6227  
28 Apr 2009 /  #181
I am no catholic for that matter. Nor even christian.
PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
28 Apr 2009 /  #183
and the militant atheist pulls in to the clutch!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
28 Apr 2009 /  #184
I just stay amazed about how many people still fall for this *****
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
28 Apr 2009 /  #185
The only women that I don't like (not "hate" - mind
you) are those who kill their babies and think that it's OK.

I'd rather hear you dont like their choices, rather than you dont like them as people. We never understand the experiences of others unless we live it ourselves. Lets have some compassion. Nobody I met whom has had an abortion felt it was "OK"

What I meant to say is that those who conciously kill unborn babies (or help to do it)
without regretting it, will have their "reward" and I stick to it.

I dont think there are many people who "unconsciously" do this without "regretting" it.. .You see things as black and white.
28 Apr 2009 /  #186
I'd rather hear you dont like their choices, rather than you dont like them as people. We never understand the experiences of others unless we live it ourselves.

That's true. I should have said that I don't like their deeds, not themselves as people.
"Hate the sin, not the sinner" - thanks for reminding me about that :-)

I dont think there are many people who "unconsciously" do this without "regretting" it..

Terrifying as it is - there ARE people who do it conciously and without any regret.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
28 Apr 2009 /  #187
The only women that I don't like (not "hate" - mind
you) are those who kill their babies and think that it's OK.

and the only men I dont like are those who deny their children and refuse to support them and their mothers, and think its "OK""..oh and rapists of course...:)...oh and fathers who make their daughters pregnant...and..and,,,
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
28 Apr 2009 /  #188
Terrifying as it is - there ARE people who do it conciously and without any regret.

Thanks for your reply! I am sure you are correct, there are those out there with no emotion/regret whatsoever, but I think you would find in the majority that is not the case. I am a psychologist and I have seen alot of internal conflict and emotional pain over these types of decisions. Its a sad situation all across the board.

and the only men I dont like are those who deny their children and refuse to support them and their mothers, and think its "OK""..oh and rapists of course...:)...oh and fathers who make their daughters pregnant...and..and,,,

Wonderful point! I think it takes two to tango, so to speak..
moonlight  6 | 103  
28 Apr 2009 /  #189
A woman is raped....she must carry this child?
Children having children...thats ok?
A woman suffering with a mental illness...who cannot cope with being pregnant...who will probabaly take her own life before her child is born - killing both - she must continue with the pregnancy??

The point is abortion is a choice....a choice a woman CAN and has the RIGHT to make.
If you dont like it.... dont do it....
but you can not judge a person who decides to have an abortion. You do not know the circumstances..

When that "collection of cells" is about 3 weeks old and the size of half a centimeter,
it already has a small beating heart

a heartbeat can be found between 5-6 weeks
grethomory  1 | 155  
28 Apr 2009 /  #190
All I see is men constantly banging on about abortion and the rights and wrongs, it's simply too much for a man to understand the complexities of the state of a woman’s mind when she finds out she's pregnant, some women are over joyed some are full of dread, some women have a loving man by their side to help them through any doubts and some have an irresponsible pig who couldn't care less.

Why would a woman who has been abandoned by a man ruin her life and burden herself by bringing a child into this world when a man can not even be bothered to stick around? For men who are so against abortion, remember to be very careful when banging that girl you have no intention of spending the rest of your life with! ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, Shelley....most times a woman would never think about an abortion if a no good man stayed in her life like he should have after getting her pregnant. If he even offered some type of support...

Good call.
lesser  4 | 1311  
28 Apr 2009 /  #191
This thread is sickening, thank you people for confirming myself that my sympathy for elitism is absolutely justified!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Apr 2009 /  #192
Sorry, we don't all see the issue as cut and dry as you do, lesser. May I suggest you watch Michael Jackson's Black and White video?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
29 Apr 2009 /  #193
I just stay amazed about how many people still fall for this *****

me too :)(
freebird  3 | 532  
29 Apr 2009 /  #194
Well, Shelley - if you really want to see the devil then, believe me,
eventually you will...

why? Are you offering her a date or so? lol
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
29 Apr 2009 /  #195
you would you want to be chooped up.

Depends, being chooped may be fun :P

Well, Shelley - if you really want to see the devil then, believe me,
eventually you will...
why? Are you offering her a date or so? lol

I had to laugh at that! I dont know why anyone is even discussing this, nobody will change anyone elses mind... *shrugs*
freebird  3 | 532  
29 Apr 2009 /  #196
I dont know why anyone is even discussing this, nobody will change anyone elses mind... *shrugs*

absolutely right. Why not just accept other people point of view instead to fight all the time.
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
29 Apr 2009 /  #197
We need more peace and love, not issues which are practically undebatable because nobody will see the other side regardless of the validity (or lack thereof) of the argument.
freebird  3 | 532  
29 Apr 2009 /  #198
you're a very smart girl and yes we need LOVE :-)
lesser  4 | 1311  
29 Apr 2009 /  #199
May I suggest you watch Michael Jackson's Black and White video?

Yes Seanus, some issues are either black or white, unless you are a relativist?

absolutely right. Why not just accept other people point of view instead to fight all the time.

Normally I ignore ignorant comments after I already exposed weakness of somebody's logic. I accept that some simply cannot be helped. However this is very specific issue when some people either ruled by moral relativism or ignorance target life of innocent human being. There is no space for tolerance here, extremely anti-liberal opinions should be countered. So perhaps instead complaining you should improve your knowledge? I guess this would be the best solution.
freebird  3 | 532  
29 Apr 2009 /  #200
Actually it's not a bad idea to ignore an ignorant lesser, I will ignore you from now on
grethomory  1 | 155  
29 Apr 2009 /  #201
It's okay my friend had an audience with the bishop and he absolved her, her sins...so you see that's the benefit of being religious, you can kill babies and still go to heaven ;0)

lolol, yes...I'm totally in favor of choice. It's a woman's choice to do that. I truly don't see it being a men's issue. A man doesn't have to carry a child for 9 months and then take care of it. He dumps his sperm and goes out to continue to flower the world with his seed. Meanwhile, a person who is unable to take care of a child has a child who grows up without the simple basic things they need. It's not good for anyone around.

Also, pro-choice is not about killing babies...pro-choice is having the right to choose. Many pro-choice individuals could never perform an abortion, but they do not want the right taken from themselves or someone else who might feel they are in the situation where they must abort the pregnancy.

Now, when it comes to being pro-life...I have problems with people who say they are...they are usually the first ones to send someone to the electric chair or gas chamber. If you are pro-life...don't pick and choose...you stance should be life period. I cannot stand holier than thou people getting up telling someone else what to do with their own lives. Make sure your have your own lives in order...don't worry about mine.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Apr 2009 /  #202
Lesser, there are hard cases in abortion. Are you denying that? If so, you are black and white. Let's keep it simple.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
29 Apr 2009 /  #203
Lesser, there are hard cases in abortion.

Hell no, rape is just a special kind of blessing a woman with offspring.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Apr 2009 /  #204
A relativist, that's a good one. I'll have to write that one down. I must be one of those then :)
LAGirl  9 | 496  
30 Apr 2009 /  #205
Pani Polska that is the most dumbest thing you can say what the **** is wrong with you what drug are you one. thats disgusting Abortion is ****en evil. Hello people one alternative its called adoption some of you women make me sick.
Kapusta  2 | 66  
30 Apr 2009 /  #206
Abortion is ****en evil

I see. So you won't even accept this solution if you are newly pregnant yet this threatens yours own life. No abortion for you, you don't accept it so you'll die. Do you realise that abortion can be more than just someone getting rid of an unwanted child?

Hello people one alternative its called adoption some of you women make me sick.

It's only an alternative in some cases. If only everything was as blonde cut and blow dry as you see it.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Apr 2009 /  #207
it's amazing that men have most to say here...
i'm not saying that men don't have their voice on that issue...
but it's woman's mind and body... and the sad true is that usually it's a woman alone who is left with "the problem" to solve...

so stop bulshiting, and stop giving us your pseudo moralistic crap...
freebird  3 | 532  
30 Apr 2009 /  #208
Pani Polska that is the most dumbest thing you can say what the **** is wrong with you what drug are you one. thats disgusting Abortion is ****en evil.

She's a very smart woman and the one on drugs is you and I'm telling you, the worst kind of drugs too.
grethomory  1 | 155  
30 Apr 2009 /  #209
so stop bulshiting, and stop giving us your pseudo moralistic crap...

I agree with you pgtx. I'm a guy and I agree with you. Believe you me...if men had to carry babies...abortion would have been legal a long time ago.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
1 May 2009 /  #210
some of you people make me sick.yeah I am smart but not on drugs I smoke weed which is legal. a women shouldnt get pregnant if she is going to die. yeah she would have to have the baby its all up to God he puts life here its not our job to play God and Kill.

to the women that had abortions I hope it haunts you till the day you die and on your last breath feel ashamed and sorry for what you did because you will pay for it.

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