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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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30 Apr 2007
Life / "Poles love to bowl" - another Polish stereotype? (& other sports) [44]

I was talking to people at work about Krysia's wedding and showing them the video (which they were very impressed with btw, Mrs. G.). My boss asked what Krysia's husband does for a living and he made a comment that he probably bowls a lot. I was somewhat confused by that....I asked about it, and my boss said it's a stereotype that Poles love to bowl.....I had never heard that, but I was speaking with a friend of mine who's dating a Polish guy and they literally go bowling every week. Has anyone else on here ever heard of such a stereotype and if so, from where did it originate?
20 Apr 2007
Love / Polish Attitude Towards Tantric Sex (& Family Planning) [46]

I even read somewhere that they actually have the most fun in the bedroom. Hmmm.

Must be that Catholic guilt (I wouldn't know anything about that...sarcasm:) ) It's always more exciting to do things when you are told you can't do them....rebellion can be bliss!:)
16 Apr 2007
Feedback / OT but where's the OT [9]

You aren't completely losing it, H.....earlier today or last night (don't remember which) it had disappeared for a short time....thought I was losing it....then again, maybe we both have lost it, and this whole forum is just a figment of our imagination.:)
15 Apr 2007
Love / What makes Polish girls tick - or is it just women in general....:-) [64]

Jackson....you are giving this man and that woman too much power over your feelings and your life. Don't give him or her the satisfaction. Do as Amathyst says and concentrate on yourself...surround yourself with friends......i totally believe in karmic retribution (what goes around comes around). Your husband will get what is coming to him without you having to have a hand in it, and risking your own karmic retribution...be a better person than he is....I know you are hurting now, and your feelings are valid....just don't act on your feelings.....decisions are better made when you have a clear head. Good luck to you.:)
15 Apr 2007
Love / What makes Polish girls tick - or is it just women in general....:-) [64]

maybe you should email their personnel department and let them know what she has done and what she is planning to do - mail: biuro@vegex.pl .

I don't think that's a good idea....did he tell her he was married before they had the affair? I doubt it. I think by doing such a thing would lower you to his level.

Just my opinion.
15 Apr 2007
Love / Why me? (made an idiot of myself at the club - the tall Polish man was married:) [90]

Look for a good human....not just a Polish human...

LS is right in the fact you shouldn't limit yourself...probably best not to "look" for someone....just be aware and open when meeting new people....you'd be surprised at who may cross your path.....also, don't base your search on looks....get to know someone first....as for your Polish guy kissing on you on New Years and being married, would you truly want to be with someone who cheats on his partner? You deserve better than that, Lisa, you just need to believe that. As for your height...I would kill to have long legs....Im only 5'4" and I know plenty of men who love taller women....like I said, stop looking and he will show up one day.:) (BTW, my roommate in college was 5'11" in flat feet....she hardly ever wore heels unless she was dating someone 6'6 or more....so be happy with your height....)
13 Apr 2007
Life / Is it legal in Poland to force a girl to sleep in your bed? [10]

Kevrlet, I am very confused? First of all, yes, I would think confinement and rape were illegal in Poland. My question is, you were looking for her in another thread and she finally shows up....are you sure she wasn't where she wanted to be (with her ex). Somethings just don't add up if you ask me.
12 Apr 2007
Love / Are all Polish girls skinny? [85]

Drinking lot's of water can definitely help you lose weight. It's proven to speed up metabolism.

Drinking water before vigorous activity will hydrate the body and give it more endurance which in return will allow a person to exercise longer, thus raising the metabolism.

no-one has EVER done a scientific study on this

Do your own study, Frank. Drink a liter of water before walking on a treadmill for 1/2 hour. The next time, don't drink anything and then walk for 1/2 hour. I guarantee you will notice a huge difference in your stamina. Excercise performed while hydrated will increase your endurance and I will stake my life on that!!!!
12 Apr 2007
Love / she is so beautiful......polish girl [52]

Well my missus has hospitalized someone before using an electric guitar (don't ask).

Giles, for some reason, even before seeing who posted this, I knew it was going to be you:)
11 Apr 2007
Language / Polish letters Alt-codes... Anyone? [60]

my guess is they are using a Polish keyboard or they are using the same annoying inserts you are using.:)
10 Apr 2007
Life / The School Year in Polish Schools [21]

Today, 10:25 - Attached on merging:
The Polish School Year?

Thought I would add something outside of the Off Topic Thread, and this is what came to mind. Right now, schools here have students coming back from Spring Break Vacation/Holiday......My question is "What is the Polish School year like?" In the U.S. most school years begin in the Fall and end in the Spring (Sept. to May) with summers off. There are some that continue year round (Classes for 9 weeks, off for 3 weeks). Just wondered what the average school year is like in Poland?
10 Apr 2007
Life / Polish Driving Licence. [314]

Since we are on the subject of driver's licenses, what are the restrictions in Poland and UK when it comes to international driver's license? I live in USA, but would I be able to drive in these countries with an international d.l. or would I need to have something more (especially in UK since they drive on opposite side of road that I am use to driving on)?
9 Apr 2007
Life / Is English taught in schools in Poland? [14]

I think you will find a lot of European countries offer foreign languages for younger students (America is certainly lagging behind in that aspect.) I was not offered foreign language until I was in 8th or 9th grade.
9 Apr 2007
News / Poland's Contribution to the E.U. [56]

Daffy...don't be so hard on bart....remember you used to be a newbie too......lol

But Bart has been here for a longtime----he's no newbie.
9 Apr 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

To remain on topic, I have to say I enjoyed looking at the pictures but it made me cold thinking about getting wet outside.....glad it's not a tradition here on a day like today.

is that a trick question...?

No, I'm just giving you a hard time!:)